Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Here we are again.

I know my father's footsteps. When he walks he drags his feet, slightly. Most likely due to his hurt knee. And he walks down the stairs like a normal person, and he leans on the rail with his hand. The children don't walk down the stairs like normal people. They hop in a rhythm. 1,2--1,2--1,2.
I need a motivation. An Inspiration. It is what I wish for at 11:11 in the evening. That and that D and "Marcus" and "Jane" could all fall madly in love with me. Any one of them would do, for if it were all at the same time I pray that they don't mind sharing a bed. I need to be motivated and inspired to become a professional oboist. Or at least enough to continuously practice on a daily basis. That, as well as piano, french, roller-skating, singing lessons start in January, and of course, Blogging.
I actually made a video log the other day when I was home alone for three hours. It was concluded at one hour, forty minutes and has been edited down to maybe sixteen at the most (I'm not sure, I'm not exactly done with it). I have trouble with editing videos. Always reluctant to delete moments of me.
I won't give you any details of what happened in the magical land of Izzania while I was away galavanting in it, all I'll say is that my christmas was wonderful and that I can now sit in the middle of my room wearing a top hat and rummage through an old, vintage trunk to find that fascinator that I locked in there. The key is on my key ring along with a picture of Grell. Anyone who caught that reference can scream "Yahtzee!"
My soon-to-come topics of posting may include more obsessions, celebrity crushes, and the problems that I create in my head daily, because hidden deep in the conscious is the desire to spark conflict. Look forward to it, because I know you all are religiously checking up on my blog every hour.
Until next time my turtledoves :-*

Monday, October 10, 2011

My own big bang theory

Sometimes I feel like I'm going to explode. Not the good kind of explosion that I get from something that I like and receiving a small, pleasant joy from it. This is a much bigger explosion that has many contributors.
Fuel is added when a hear someone my age complaining about or publicizing their hate for their family or life. When someone comes to me for help and I lie to them saying that I understand when I don't, because none of this has ever happened to me before. When someone (someone who has it rough) says that my life is perfect and I don't have the right to tell them it's not because it would just lead to a who-has-the-worst-life contest which I never win. When Ben willingly joins the herd of dragons that he is usually fighting when he isn't around. When I sit in my room and try not to suffocate from all the disappointment and annoyance and irritation and sadness that forms in a black cloud of smoke above an argument my parents are having with my brother that has me pacing around the room muttering "shut up, just shut up!" under my breath as if they can hear me.
When suddenly a B isn't good enough anymore. When I find myself sitting in sixth period concert band, staring at a boy playing the clarinet and am almost brought to tears as I think about how unreal our present time is, how we all developed such things on such a tiny planet, and if I think beyond that planet I am scared.
When my friends would rather I have straight hair then curly. When the world's problems come into view and my own mind becomes small and petty because there is nothing in those arguments that I can understand, and someone's rebuttal is always going to be better than my points as I try to make sense of what I believe. When I figure out that things take time. When one of my talents is understanding death without tears and the other is making people uncomfortable for my own amusement. When I am thrust into the middle of a clashing war not knowing what side to take or if I should take a side at all, and all I want to do is roll all the coins I have collected and save up enough money to buy my brother a house so that he can get as far away from our mother as he can because I know that's what he wants right now, he just needs someone to do it for him. And I know that mother thinks it's best he live on his own too no matter how much she doubts he'll be able to survive, but it's better then shooting him that's for sure.
When Zoe watches a tv show without me. When she lives for justice to be served for her when the dishes have to be done and the dining room cleaned, and she has already done her part so someone else should do the rest to keep it fair. When I say something brutally honest to her and she repeats the gesture though she doesn't mean it, just to make things equal. When she talks back to the parents because she'd rather have a voice in the matter then be left in the corner to watch this family collapse on top of us like the houses in San Francisco during the 1906 earthquake.
I fear for the future so that gives me the excuse to exaggerate it, because god damnit! The sky is freaking falling on top of me and all I can do is hope someone will catch it before I'm stuck beneath it, refusing to be crushed but not willing to do anything.
And when I look at my explosion inside of me I am not ashamed to think about leaving this life in this town and going off to live as someone else.
When I was little I would lie in bed at night and remember the things that embarrassed me most in the past. My reaction back then was to squirm in my covers until I thought of something else. That soon evolved into me grabbing at the air as if to strangle the invisible beast who brought on these thoughts. Then came the gun I made with my fingers, because threatening must work better then strangling which didn't work at all. Then the words, "I killed a man, I killed him, and he died," would pass over my lips as if I was back In school playing the who-has-the-worst-life game, except this time it's with myself and everyone knows that killing someone is a bigger thing to think about than a stupid moment that embarrassed you. But not even that works. I'm starting to mutter during the day, not just at night, but when I want to keep silent I snap my fingers In an anxious and fidgeting manner.
I wouldn't be surprised if I was going insane, in fact I'd be a bit glad, because according to Alice all the best people are. and one day I'll graduate big school and be able to leave this life in this town, and after I've learned all I've wanted to learn I'll move into a big house and house boarders who are as equally insane so that I am never alone at the tea table when Halloween comes around and the rabbit with the eggs suddenly realizes how late he actually is, but he won't mind, he'll be just as lazy as the rest of the people I know and spare the task for next year.
we'll postpone all our big events because our cousins have birthdays and ohana means family and family means no one gets left behind which is exactly the reason why mother fights with Ben.
Sense is in the making my little wild flowers until next time :-*
-posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Finding leaders for Dragonboat: a text

Rach: Will u support me if I was team manager for dfy?


Rach: gr8! can u nominate me on fb?

Izzy: ok

Rach: thx!!!! when can u do it?

Izzy: L8er

Rach: k thz soo much!

Izzy: Of course

Rach: u wanna me to nominate u 4 head captain?? eheh

Izzy: O.o . . . No

Rach: Aww r u sure

Izzy: Do I look like a head captain to you?

Rach: psst u can be if u believe!

Izzy: Rachel, I'm going to stop replying

Rach: y? do u hate me?

Izzy: bye Rachel

Rach: Ur sooo mean!

Rach: Im gonna spam u now

Rach: im gonna spam u now (x20)

Friday, September 23, 2011

It began with marble cake (Because i didn't explain it the first tiim)

Are you reading this? these are the words of a girl who can break the heart of a fourteen-year-old boy who jumps before the sharks have left the ocean waters clear. I told Pocket I didn't want something with him and it sort of wrecked him up, or so I heard. I made him smile though, when I asked my geography teacher if President Polk invented the Polka.
I have found that I am rather good at kissing up to teachers. Polo, the boy who used to sit in front of me in second period but was replaced by a rather annoying idiotic boy, told me so himself during a beginner scavenger hunt at the start of the year. (Though he used a more cruder word.) Even a girl in drama mentioned it after I answered Jeremy's question about what a coup was. Maybe that's because I call him jeremy and he used to be a teacher, but he told me and the rest of the kids in little school advanced drama that we could call him that so we do.
Another example is when My English teacher, who's really nice and totally mistreated by our class, asked if anyone wanted to pull down the projector screen one day. I totally wanted to do it and was really enthusiastic, but I couldn't get through the small maze of desks in time to do it so the boys did it instead. She gave me a piece of marble cake for wanting to do it though, so, score!
I don't like disappointing my teachers so I nearly died these last couple weeks when I forgot to do an assignment in English and when I disrupted the class. My teacher never sends anyone to OCS though, but I guess there's a first for everything. She chose the six or so students who were misbehaving to pick a number between one and ten to decide who to send. I was one of them. The number was two and my friend got sent away with a pass that hadn't been used since it was given to the teacher four years ago.
I spontaneously joined glee club!!! so that means I have a club every other tuesday, one on wednesday, one on thursday, and one on friday. I also joined mock Trial which I find more than a little frightening, and Vampire Diaries was SO DRAMATIC this week.
I saw Shrek the musical the other day, it was just so delightful. I might sing one of those songs for the audition for west side story.
Today in drama "Marcus" was turned around in his seat having an argument with my friends about how seniors aren't supposed to be nice. Every time he turned around to face us I would tell him, "You're amazing,"
By the third time he quickly retorted, "F*** you,"
I apologized and looked down. He called me by my last name, and I looked up. "I was kidding," He said, apologetically, with that laughing smile that said I was the most pathetic thing in the world.
I thought my face would explode. A smile couldn't compare to what I was feeling. I think I almost cried. Don't worry, I didn't. IlovehimIlovehimIlovehimIlovehimeIlovehimIlovehim!
I sort of blew my chances with "jane". She's dating another boy again. A bit soon, I think. It was right after she found out that Terrell got with Ruby which I called Delicious in my best sarcastic, loathing voice. I have a bad habit of treating her boyfriends horribly and during PE one period I didn't like how close they were standing. Before he could get closer I walked up to them and pulled him away, stepping between them and saying "Hey, no PDA!"
"Izzy, stop getting in the way!" "Jane" scolded me.
"But, 'Jane'," I protested.
She pointed with her finger. "Go." And I left.
Later I told her that I loved her and that nothing could change that, and that I was just looking out for her and I didn't want to see her get hurt. It got kind of awkward after that since it was in the middle of Drama class and there were three people sitting between us in our row of chairs.
Well, there are doughnuts on monday in Drama, I have a performance at an elementary school on Tuesday, some mock trial junk, some clubs, My senior older sister sent me a letter this week and I might have a meeting or something on Sunday but I don't know since I missed a club meeting, Dragon boat practice starts up again tomorrow. We had a little break after we won second place silver at Treasure Island. BOOYAH!!
Super boy who sits next to me in conceptual physics hasn't been coming to class in the last couple days. I wonder if he's fighting crime.
I've been exchanging secret letters with my senior sister, some of my friends know who she is but I don't want to know. She told me that she likes disneyland, hello Kitty, unicorns, elephants, peacocks, and mermaids. So i drew her a picture of Ariel riding on the back of Charlie the Unicorn fighting Hello Kitty who was in a chariot drawn by and elephant and a peacock in front of the disneyland castle. Apparently she loved it and wouldn't stop talkng about it in Spanish.
My buddy is being pessimistic about my knack for crushing on those who never like me back, but little does she know I have a back up plan with the braces boy who sits diagonally behind me in english. Its fool proof.
I've got to go learn how to play the flute now, until next time my wild berry preservatives. :-*

Saturday, September 17, 2011

It began with marble cake

Are you reading this? These are the words of a girl who has the power to break the heart of a nineteen year old man who has basically lived his whole life in his years of youth. These are also the words of a girl trying to get over the guilt of breaking a nineteen year old's heart over facebook without realizing it.
Hello, yes, I might have been avoiding you for two weeks but that's ok because I will make up for it with stories from other dimensions.
My date with Pocket went well, he spent forty dollars on me for a movie and a T-shirt from hot topic. It was rather nice, because I didn't mind the fact that he was trying to suffocate me in the back row of the movie theatre. Well, that was partly because the movie was SO DAMN FREAKY!!! and i had my hands over my face the whole time. I was smart though, I kept the arm rest between us the whole time. I hope he was thoroughly annoyed.
Pocket and i hang out a lot now, we spend lunch together in the PAC listening to Secondhand Serenade while I try to break his fingers as he tries to tickle my wrist. I hate that. It's like when my mother tries to be cute in the car and reaches over to jab her menacing talons into my soft flesh, causing me to cry out in agony as warm, sticky blood drips down my arm.
Ok, so maybe it doesn't happen like that, because, you know, it doesn't.
Clubs have started up in Big School, and though I signed up for six I only know the days of three of them and so those are the ones I will keep. On wednesday I join "Jane" for GSA and on Friday I politically debate with "marcus". Be proud of me, I had the will power to not join his parkour club which meets on tuesdays. Instead I joined the flash mob club which meets on that day as well so I won't be tempted to devour him with my eyes.
Funny story, I accidentally dressed like him one day. I didn't realize it until i was leaving my house though so there was no time to change. I had on a tie and my brothers old shirt with the vest on it. I'm sure i didn't look as pathetic as it all seemed.
"Marcus" and I had a conversation last night. I asked him random questions and he would answer them and they would form a story about Magnus and Alec who were in love and got married in germany, had two sons Ronald and Donald and drank from the fountain of youth Indiana Jones style so that they would be together forever. I stayed up all night pondering the question of what would happen to their children? Would they drink as well? would they become immortal? would they ever fall in love and get married? I'll definitely have to ask him that.
Tonight I will sleep over my little buddy Rach's house with the dragon boat team for there is an extremely important race tomorrow morning which my brother will not attend because he's a bit of a donkey-trench.
I am in love, and once my friends get a squirt bottle, I will be wet every time i say that. But it's true, I'm so in love with "Marcus" and soon, I will go after "Jane" as well. Terrell is now the boyfriend of Ruby. I know, right? It's positively my lucky day, because now I can comfort her and she will fall in love with me. Except, now Pocket is in the way.
I love "Marcus" because he brought my sister and I together. Talking about him made us become closer and now everyday during third period I grab her attentions and say, "Zoe, you're the best!" I also love him because he's just so magnificent and funny that I want to crawl under the covers and hug myself while I laugh maniacally without ever blinking my eyes. I love him so much that even if he went out with Zoe, I'd still be ok with it because he'd still be in my life and that is all I need to be happy. That and Ice cream, no one is happy without ice cream.
I'm not obsessed, I'm passionate. Frighteningly passionate. well, I'm craving amuffin now so until next time my little physicists :-*

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Pickles are to be eaten, not to be in

I have found myself in a very pickled situation, and no, it's not because "marcus" hasn't accepted one of my cookies all week, or that my buddy Cassie chased him around the PAC/Drama room demanding a hug, forcing him to hide behind the stage and when he came out he had a broom to defend himself. And it's not because I lied to my mother and went to starbucks instead of studying during the free period on Monday.
There's this boy, and we'll call him , er, I don't know, Pocket! So, Pocket is in my second period class, and during the free period, after returning to campus, My friend and i saw him hanging out with our buddy MoJo, and out of lack of seat on the bench I hopped onto his lap and started playing with his iPod. Of course then a campus supervisor came over and I had to hop off, but by that time Mojo and my friend had gone to the bathroom. The couple sitting on the bench across from us were holding hands, they were friends and acquaintances of ours, and the girl pointed to their hands and then to Pocket's. He held out his hand to me, and I took it, not giving it much thought. Then Mojo and friend 1 came back and friend 1 gaped at me.
"It's not what you think!" I exclaimed. She pulled me over to the side and informed me that Mojo and Pocket were going on a date on Sunday.
Mojo was uncertain, though, and told my to come along because she wasn't sure if she liked him at all. At first I said yes, then I said no, and at the football game on Friday while walking across the bleachers Pocket would always reach out his hand and I would take it until i was out of reach. That night he friended me on Facebook and we exchanged numbers.
Then, on Saturday, after a horrible dragonboat practice, I attended a party with my parents and was invited again on the date by Pocket himself.
He is such a guy, trying to be charming in texts. I remember on the drive up to the party he asked me, "You know what I love?"
"What?" was the inevitable response.
"Your hair," He replied. And that night there was a similar conversation: "You know what I love besides your hair?"
"What?" the usual response.
"Your lips, and your smile," He texted back.
I then made a bunch of funny faces in the mirror involving my lips. Experimenting with different smiles. lips closed or open? should I open wide with my teeth as if I'm laughing? or keep them closed? Experimenting with different lipsticks that stained my teeth.

So as Sunday came about, I tagged along on the date, bringing Zoe so I wouldn't be alone. Pocket was a half an hour late.
We saw a fabulous chick flick at the mall and had ice cream and pretzels. Now, Mojo was saying how she didn't like him at all. It was then that I started wondering if I had feelings for him? If so, what would happen with "marcus" and Jane" ? I quickly remembered a scene from my dream that i had that last night. How I was at someone's house and "marcus" was beckoning me into a pool. We jumped in with our clothes on and started dancing and I kissed a lot of boys in space.
I couldn't think much more on my dream because Pocket was feeding me a yellow skittle that tasted like bad bananas.
Lord of the Rings was the movie being played when Zoe and I got back home. Mojo had told Pocket she didn't like him and that I did and he was texting me about how much money he spent that day.
"Yeah," He was saying. "I was hoping to ask this girl, Izzy, if she wanted to go out Saturday night,"
"Oh no, she would have loved to go," I sent back to him. And so it was settled, and now I've got this butterfly, sick feeling in my stomach that I usually get before I'm about to do something stupid or unfamiliar. I've never been out on a real date before, and I don't dare ponder the thought. If I over think it, I'll flake like a bad case of dandruff. Maybe that's what I should do? It probably isn't very fair that I go out with him the weekend after Mojo did. Was she being truthful when she said she didn't like him? Was I being truthful when I implied that I did? I was having fun in the moment, I'm not sure how I feel about anything. Heck, I don't even know how I feel about my extracurricular activities!
and what if "Jane" ends up liking me, and I'm already starting to go out with Pocket? What then?
And what if "marcus" realizes that I am the most amazing human being on the face of the planet and starts interacting with me with more than a "stfu" look that he usually gives me.
Well, of course, that might never happen, but a girl can dream can't she?
What if I fall out of love with my fantasy future?
What if I become serious with Pocket and it lasts more than two weeks?
What if he tries to kiss me on our first date?
What if a zombie disease broke out and Pocket and I were the only ones left alive on the planet and we had to restart the whole human race, combining our DNA with dragonflies to create human hybrids that take over the world and murder us both, enslaving the little offspring we have come to produce through the years?!?

I DON'T WANT TO GO ON A DATE!! I've only just started Big school! I'm too young to be tied down!!
Piano lessons start back up thursday, until next time my little chicken tenders :-*

Saturday, August 27, 2011

The Girl Who Gives Cookies

Another week of school blown away into the past. Now, since I was so rudely interrupted last Friday by The Lord of the rings, I'll continue from there.. That night Lilly took me to see One Day which is the most HORRIBLe movie I have ever seen. Of course, We didn't stay for the ending, but still. It was so depressing, I mean, before we left my mouth was on the sticky theatre floor and my eyes read WTF?! as we waited for her mother to pick us up I watched , absently, as a neat car drove by, a handsome couple inside it. It was dark, but I'm sure the lady in the front seat shot me with a finger gun. Which makes two in one day.
Dragon boat practice was easier than usual for me, and I decided that i shouldn't loathe going to practices so much. For dinner, the team got some ramen in down town san mateo and for dessert we went to this japanese fish place. Imagine a pancake filled with vanilla, or chocolate, or coconut, or nutella. And it's about and inch or two long and shaped like a fish! Sweet breams! I WANT TO GO BACK! I actually had a dream two days ago where my mother took Lily, Zoe, and I to Downtown San Mateo and I couldn't find sweet Breams then Lilly and I went into this witch shop and she had this epic battle with . . . . people.
I had a sleepover with Rachel on Saturday night.

On monday I spent the lunch period trying to get Amber to eat one of my cookies. I stood next to her and whispered, "Amber! Amber! amber!" She didn't notice but "marcus" did.
He joined in and shouted. "Amber! Amber! Amber!"
"Marcus" kept rejecting my cookies and on tuesday when i offered he said he wanted a brownie. The next day I brought in a cookie brownie and During lunch in the PAC/drama room I sat next to Amber. "Marcus" came by and glared at me. I ducked down to keep from smiling and he laugh.
"She ducks like I'm going to hit her," He remarked, reaching for something in his bag. "But i don't hit girls," He then smacked Amber on the back of the head.
I looked up at him and said. "Do you still want a brownie?" He looked confused so i held up the cookie brownie and declared, "I brought a cookie brownie!" He chuckled silently as if I has the most pathetic thing in the world and he found it amusing.
He became serious then and held out his hand like a claw. "Yes," He said. "I'm starving,"

Have you ever had one of those days when everything works out with frighteningly good luck. That afternoon I was going to give "Jane" a ride when she got a text from Ruby saying that Terrell was breaking up with her. I know I've been hostile towards Terrell when he's with "jane" and when he came to see her after school on monday I did ask if he would make coming around again a normal thing, and I can't help but think that I had something to do with this.

Today I snapped Sean, the boy who sits next to me in second period and who plays pencil ninja with me, in the arm with a ruler. He asked me where i got it and when i said my house he snapped it in half over his knee. . . . I can only blame myself for that, but it was so totally worth it!

The kid I sit next to in first period, I went to elementary school with him, and I swear that he's some sort of super hero or has super powers or something. I mean, he says that listening to music helps him concentrate, and I've seen enough super power shows to know that people with super hearing always listen to music to drown out other sounds. And he always comes to class late, what else could he be doing except fighting off bad guys? I have got him all figured out.

The boy who sits in front of me plays water polo, and Sir Polo is just like M, if you remember who that is. He doesn't attend my big school and it saddens me.

Last night I brought "Jane" and Lilly to a Ruby Tent, it was so amazing. well, i have to go, I've training to be a caller for dragon boat races in like twenty minutes and then practice after that and then after that I'm going to the Red Tent to make masks. Hopefully "Jane" and Lilly can come!! TTFN my Shetland ponies :-*

Friday, August 19, 2011

big school

I had a poem describing Big school, but i turned it in as a homework assignment and as i sit here, tapping my large, purple Dr. marten clad foot, I can't, for the life of me, remember more than the fist stanza.

BIG SCHOOL, BOOYAH!!!!!! schedule is amazing!! first week, is out of the way and I must say that i am happily surprised that the school like feel has not yet set in. I have so much to tell you! Like how on the first day during advanced Drama (third period) my friend Trinity walked up to "marcus" just to chat. (he wore a red long sleeve shirt, a black vest, a white tie, and a gold pocket watch) He then said she had balls for talking to an upperclassmen like himself. I bit my lip and during lunch, walked straight up to him, looked him in the eye and shouted, "I HAVE BALLS TOO!"
His expression never changed, but the two people he was talking to were a bit freaked out. He looked at me for a moment, sort of smiling and said, "Hey, how's it going?"
I sighed, tired from my outburst, and shifted the textbook in my arm. "It's going good, how are you?"
"I am great," He said, turning away.
"well, it was nice talking to you, sir." I replied, panicking.
And then I ran.

On the second day I placed a small cookie on his bag before class started. (He wore a light blue shirt with the sleeves rolled up and a red bow tie) He picked it up and said something that sounded like, "What is this? I'm full. It's not lunch!" Then he looked at me and blinked.
Panic. I reached out towards him. "Are you going to eat that? Cause if you don't I will!" He handed me the cookie and I popped it in my mouth without breaking eye contact. "marcus" then continued to stare at me and wipe the crumbs off his bag at the same time.

On the third day, while rehearsing a song for our little traveling musical for the elementary schools, "Marcus" was making "Jane" laugh with his funny dance moves. (He wore a blue sweater vest and a black tie, or did he wear that on the second day?) I glared at him. He noticed me glaring. I looked at "Jane" and then back to him. He knows I like "jane" so he knew what I meant. He then made a face at me and did his funny dance just to bother me about it. Trying not to smile, i turned away and glared at the wall.

On the fourth day, during rehearsal, he and "Simba" were dancing like silly people. "Simba" has amusingly short legs which are absolutely adorable, so when he dances it makes me giggle. "Marcus" is just funny in general, so i laugh all the time when i watch him. (Oh goodness, i forgot what he wore that day)

I asked my good friend Maura why she didn't like him the way I like him. She had reasons. ONE: his sideburns. Personally, I like his sideburns, it's very nineteenth century. all you need to do is give him some coattails and a violin. TWO: He acts like a nine year old. I think it's refreshing and funny. THREE: She already has a boyfriend. . . . . Well who cares what she thinks anyway.

After school that day I had to walk a little ways because my mother was late. "Jane" walked with me. I told her that i was saving up for a house and she told me that there was no point because you could live in a nice box. and then she told me all about her box house that was held together with hot glue and had magic electricity. We then judged the grass on how crispy it was. Was it Raw? Well done? medium rare? And then i gave her a ride home.

Then today, ("Marcus" wore a white shirt and the most hideous tie in the world) He kept the door open as people arrived to class. I was the last one and he commented on how my shoes were two different colors. I gasped 9I was a bit out of breath from running so it didn't sound like a gasp) "Why didn't anyone tell me?!" I exclaimed. Then i walked by him and said. "Thank you, sir,"
During lunch, while consoling my friend Cassie who was upset he caught me staring at him as he walked into the drama room. He then shot me with a finger gun. Once he was out of sight i jumped around in circles.

After school you would not believe who was there to see "Jane"! FROGGING TERRELL! and she nearly tackled him to the floor. And that killed my day, pushed it off a cliff and killed it. Poisoned it in it's sleep and sliced it's throat. And killed it.

I also got a new phone this week! it's for the elderly and seeing impaired. it has big numbers and a pill reminder, and it has three speed dial numbers just in case i need to call someone when i fall down.

Goodness, my writing is interrupted by the lord of the rings. More chat later. Until next time my pride of lions :-*

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Sort of like a secret

IM HOME! I returned last Saturday and let me say that I do not want to fly in a plane ever again. But I love bein up so high, especially above the clouds. I love the way they can stretch across the sky for miles like a landscape, you almost expect to see angels. The shapes were really cool, there were some clouds that looked like water currents crashing into each other, frozen in motion. Others like little beds over looking the land far below.
I was so relieved when I saw my hills again. My brown, glorious hills with the green trees that looked like mold on loaves of bread. It was positively magnificent.
I don't know if it's just me or what, but i'm finding my cat is seemingly more human-like. He's been staying in my room and I think one of his eyes is more squinty than the other. When I look at him I think of Magnus Bane.
There is one thing that I don't like, besides the fact that i blink every time there is a loud
noise. I don't like the feeling of having to be somewhere. Like Dragon boat for example. I
always dread the wait before a practice and not because it isn't my most favorite thing in the
world. It isn't my most favorite thing in the world. If there is an afternoon practice I will spend
the whole day glaring at the clock until it is time to go. Which was what i did on Thursday,
except I went to Big school in between glares.
Orientation was on Tuesday, they messed up my schedule. They didn't give me Adv. Drama, even though I was accepted, and i didn't get seventh period PE. My mother took me to Big School to see if my schedule change request had been looked into. As it turns out the seventh period PE was completely full, so if it comes to the worst I'll have to drop adv. drama and continue with band. That means saying goodbye to "marcus" and "jane". Of course, I would never let that happen, it shall be drama through and through. All i have to do is work up the courage to pick up my schedule tomorrow and look at it. Tomorrow is the first day of school. Of Big School. Big school with a capitol "WE HAVE POISONED YOUR CASSEROLE!"
At least, that's what "Marcus" has told me.
We talk a lot, you see. Or, I talk to him and he talks just to get me to shut up. I think he's taking a liking to me.
Yesterday my father and i were in the mall. As we were looking at one of the directory things that stand annoyingly in your way as you try to walk around he said, "You know, Izzy, one day you will come up to one of these nd it will say to you, 'Hello, Izzy, how is that new shirt you bought at the GAP last week?'
I laughed and said, "Oh, that's never going to happen. I don't shop at the GAP,"
While out with my Father yesterday I came to the conclusion that yes i was going to get a new phone to replace my old one that i received on my birthday in sixth grade, and that i would own a pair of dr. martins. SCORE!

Alright, i really need to finish this post or I might forget about it and procrastinate longer than i already have. There are just some things that I can't type, though my mother might not find out since she doesn't actually know i post things unless i tell her to her face. But hey, maybe she won't mind the fact that I drove a car, or almost died my hair without asking her. I did ask though. And she said yes. You can't tell, that i did though. So, it's all good.

Well, i think that covers everything. Until next time my little old men :-*

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Multiplying like the bunnies do episode 2

Downtown Gloucester. The perfect place for having tea parties out on the sidewalk with stuffed bears as large as nine-year-olds, searching for Dr. Martens and finding none, and begging your mother to buy a fifteen dollar suitcase from a second hand shop. Yesterday, my sister and I browsed in a Jewlery store when a handsome young man behind the counter struck up quite the conversation with us. It started out with where we were from and he mentioned visiting and such, Zoe and I left and returned, then we started talking about natural disasters, fears (his in order: Sharks, leeches, Zombies), and dreams. He described a dream of his where he saw a mushroom cloud on the horizon and how everything turned extremly bright as the united states spontaneously combusted. I then planned to move to Europe before that prediction could come true.

One of things I love most to do is climb around big rock formations. What I love more than that is climbing around big rock formations without using my hands. What I love more than that is when my hands are occupied with holding the skirt of a long dress Which I am wearing while climbing on these big rock formations.

I, in my new, long, pink dress that laced up the back, Bright pink lipstick, glitter and dark lashes. Black boots and shades holding back my frizzy curls. I felt close to Godliness as I pranced about the rocks, standing before the ocean that faced North. My family and I, along with my Gramz and two of my cousins (Minus my mother and my aunt who didn't follow us down the trail) Went for a nice stroll around a cool Quarry, which I can't remember the name of at the moment. We were trying to find our way back to the car when I noticed movement among the bushes and trees. What do you know? It was a rabbit, and he froze and stared at me. I stared back. The rabbit continued to stare. finally I put my hand on my hip and said, "You're late," And contiunued to walk on.

I do believe that the bunny, in fact, was trying to tell me that I was going the wrong way. Which I notced as we passed a rock with the number 8 painted on it along with a "to 9"
"Dad, we're going the wrong way. We passed a five on the way up here," I stated simply before turning around and walking past the group. I liked walking ahead of them. I liked being the first that other walkers encountered, and it made me feel confident. While waiting for them I made the realization that the bunny was warning me. I folded my arms and muttered an "Oh, right,"

When we arrived home there was another rabbit in the yard. I imagined that it was there to see that I got home and didn't get lost. Such caring bunnies, at least that is how I like to portray them. It would probably make more sense if I was born in the year of the Rabbit as Gramz had asked me. Nope, I'm an Ox.

Earlier today I went to Rockport With my mother, zoe, my mother's cousin, and my second cousin. Walking down the street they entered that beautiful theatre place that I refused to go into for the last time I did I got yelled at for sneaking down a hall and walking across the stage.

While waiting someone came by in a car to ask for directions, I answered that I wouldn't know how to get to any place, because I wasn't from here. They then asked a boy who was much older than me, who happened to be passing by, the same question. He gave the same answer. It made me smile.

We stopped in a cafe for lunch. I had nothing. In leaving, my mother had to use the little girls room and her cousin, Debbie, asked her daughter, maddie, if she wanted Icecream now or if she'd like to wait to have it. I whirled around in the seat I had taken by the window and exclaimed, "You can't wait to have icecream!" Debbie then did a beautiful spit take. What do you know? I happen to be funny.

In the Country Store, Zoe purchased some Enchanted Unicorn bandaids and two books: The Art of Kissing, and How To Get Along with Boys, which the boy at the cash register reccomended.

I have to go put a sticker in my french journal now. Until next time, I do enjoy our little chats :-*

Sunday, July 31, 2011


wonderful! positively wonderful! I must say, i was beginning to worry that i was finished with surprising myself and yet i have done it once again!

I haven't seen a single bunny since we dropped one off in Manchester, but they have returned. One across the street last night, two on the lawn when we came home from Boston this evening. We could barely see them, it was so dark. Their little, white, bunny tails told us that they were running away though.

I now believe that i no longer enjoy water, well, besides the fact that i hesitate before entering the shower, and that i never put my legs verticle in water which i can't see the bottom of. I want you to listen to this story as i make it seem more dramatic than it actually was. I was at the little rocky beach by our rental house with my sister and our little cousin (Ben was there but he bailed so he isn't very important). I was a bit freaked since i didn't have boat shoes with me and the way out into the water was rocky until it hit the sandy bottom, and the rocks were usually slimy and covered in plants and dead crabs.

My sister and I started walking out towards a small floating dock, the water never quite reaching above our waists. Feet from the dock, Sissy turned back to collect our cousin who wanted to join us. I, not wanting to walk all the way back, hurried to the dock and climbed on and sat down, waiting for them. They never made it all the way out to me, instead they decided to walk all the way back to the house to pick up some floaty things. I've never liked being alone, please note this, so when i saw the spider crawling along my leg I flicked it off. I didn't want to sit down anymore, spiders and all, so i stood and waited for Zoe to come back. I held onto myself and tried to keep my balance while the wake from several boats slapped agasinst the dock, all the while avoiding the flying bug trying to land on me and the spider that kept appearing and following me in circles before disappearing again. At this point I really wanted Zoe to come back. I pondered the idea of walking back to the shore, but I really, really didn't want to get back into that water again. I wondered if there were fish swimming around, or crabs. So walking wasn't an option i'd pick, and with swimming, i'd have to touch the bottom one way or another.

I think it was around the time that Zoe came back, but the folks who were lounging on the rocky beach when we arrived ran away, possibly because i looked so ridiculous flailing about on the dock. Zoe, carrying our little cousin, brought me a noodle after i screamed at her in distress. The water was too shallow and i was too heavy for the noddle to protect me from the floor, so, spazzing out just a tad, I gabbed Zoe's arm and started shreiking my head off. My sister, a bit baffled that i was frightened of, well, nothing, tried to console me and help as best as she could. All I wanted was to teleport to the shore and not have to touch anything. I envied my cousin who was safe in Zoe's arms. Why didn't i have someone to hold me? After going through such a traumatic experience that was really just my brain making fun of me, I broke down, which made my cousin break down, which made Zoe extremly annoyed with me. So annoyed, in fact, that she walked all the way to the shore, came back with an inner tube and had me sit in it while she pushed me to the shore. She loves me so much.

Cake time, until next time my sting rays :-*

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Multiplying, like the rabbits do

Zoe is seemingly ill, the other day a convinced a little girl that there are monsters living in my house, Ben clogged the toilet on the third floor, and i'm being stalked by rabbits.

Maybe it is because I've been reading a lot of manga, one consisting of a story about Alice in Wonderland with a twist, or I'm going mentally insane. Oh, wait, I believe I've already done that. Bunnies are appearing everywhere. There were two on the grass outside my rental house yesterday afternoon. One sprinted into the bushes and the other across the street, my father and I then drove to Manchester and found an even smaller bunny running through the parking lot. Maybe we're running a cab service? They should pay us next time.

Well, I hung out with my buddy Sam that night and, equipped with her mother's credit card, we proceded to use an ATM for the first time. Very impressive it was, so we treated ourselves to some icecream. I kept the reciept from when we failed on the first try. on the second we used a different ATM which was broken. Not that we could tell of course, it wasn't like the screen was completely blank or anything, or maybe it was. I wasn't exactly paying much attention, I was too focused on looking at myself in the tiny mirrors they have. Very convenient indeed.

"Jane" was in my dream last night, just thought I'd tell you.
On this alien desktop, I have yet to figure out how to use spell check so not everything will be spelled correctly. I don't even think there is a spelling corrector on this.

I have to go sit in a chair now, until next time, my elliots and peters

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Pardon Me - He Is We Lyrics

coincidence? I think not!

While visiting the isght of my parents' wedding, auto museum FTW, I came across something rather frightening.

Is-A-bel (just to make it clear) Anderson, born March 29, 1876. Married to whats-his-face who was something or other. I didn't pay attention to that. Anyway, she wrote books. Someone, somewhere, must be sending me a message!!

Threre was a bunny in my lawn when we came home tonight! just thought you should know. Until next time :-*

Saturday, July 23, 2011

What are you doing?

Hey! If you answered this title with a "What, what, what are you doing?" Then you have obviously been watching too much sassy gay friend, so have I. Ben's screamo music reminded me that i had written a little entry, long hand, yesterday morning.

Ok, so i talked about the word bed and skin. I was in the airport when i was pondering that. It mentions me avoiding my french lessons, which i am, sadly, because sometimes you can't understand the audio track when the people speakiong speak like actual french people. I am a terrible student. Apparently i was also hungry at the time. Yes, i remember being hungry, i'm rather hungry now, actually. That was also the day that i decided to play with the makeup that I bought myself the day before. My eyes were almost completely black. Don't worry, sleeping in it made it fade a bit : ).
The written entry also tells why I haven't posted recently, a better one than the one i gave you. I didn't want to. How perfect is that? Pretty darn. it also recaps on the things i did in the meantime. Like, touring San Fran with my friend Lily, going to the beach with Lilly and amber, buying a lot of rubber duckies because there was one that was a detective and it reminded me of the time when I was talking to "Marcus" And he mentioned how he watched a lot of Sherlock Holmes as a kid. (Probably a lie but i bought it anyway just to have him) i brought the little duckies on the trip as well. I also read the book Hush Hush, whiuch was . . . . interesting. Saw the new harry Potter movie twice, including dressup, I did some oboe, even less piano, a decent amount of french, and then it just talks about how wonderful I think "Marcus" is. yup.

Ooh, fun fact about little miss Izzy! She is no longer afriad of the thought snatchers when it comes to "jane" and "marcus". Everyone aplaud!

then i wrote "brainfart" on the page multiple times and that ended the entry. So, yeah, bye. Awkward endings :-*
I've never liked my nose much, I've always thought it was too big. During my little school's promotion dance, though, the boy I danced with, Jack was his name i think. He said that my nose was just fine, and that it wasn't what he was referring to when he said i looked familiar since we actually didn't hang out much. He could have also been decieved since i had straight hair that night.

In other news my body has decided to perfect itself before i start bigschool, that or my face is having a mental breakdown. You see, I have had over seven sores since the summer break started and have only had one terrible rash. I do believe i got rid of those last year during all those P.E. classes, but you never know.

New obsession. Well, besides my fictional hero, Magnus Bane, of course. "Marcus," I've talked to him a few times, and im pretty sure I don't completely annoy him to death,so that's good. Though Ben found out I liked him and said he wasn't the best guy to go after, but I don't care! This is going to happen!

Oh! I almost forgot to mention this! I'm out of my usual state of living. Or, er, not in my state anymore. I'm across the country visiting family like i do every year. I would have posted something about it sooner, but it isn't the same when i use my ipod. I like desktops better. Right now im on a lousy pc at our little home that my family is renting for the couple weeks we're staying. There was some struggle with choosing rooms, but i think it has all worked out nicely.

I accidentally forgot to unload some shopping bags from the rented car and melted some chocolate. Oops!
I've gotten seven bugbites (maybe more) when we stayed at my mother's friend's motel. I liked staying there, I got the chance to hula-hoop!

The house i'm in now is just like the one I want when i grow up. The one that I'll call "The funhouse" and I'll rent out all the many rooms to people and I'll live with "Marcus" and "jane" and we'll be one big happy family!!

Have you ever noticed how soft the word bed is? It's a nive solid, soft word. unlike pillow, which is solid until you get past the P then it just fades away. Skin is a soft word too, though it sounds like you're slicing through it. like SK-in.

Zoe's hair is tamed now, though i'm a bit sad. I liked her curly hair. Now that its just a bit wavy, she straightens it every morning. Not my most favorite change this summer.

The deal I made with Ben, I'll talk about that. The one where i had to read three selections of his choice and he'd read one of mine and take me out where ever i wanted to go and buy me anything i want. selection #1 Harry Potter and the Deathly hallows: COMPLETED! selection #2 All of Naruto: CHALLENGE ACCEPTED. Bring it on!!

Well, I've just about brainfarted on everything. I'll post later when i remember what i needed to post about. Until next time my little lint balls :-*

Friday, July 1, 2011

Trip to Mariposa

Home alone!

Shh, keep you voice down! I'm hiding from dragon boat at the moment and if they find me I'll be forced to go through an awkward debate with myself. You see, I'm not sure if I want to go to practice tomorrow and I was just asked by the team captain to RSVP for the practice. She put a "thanks," at the end which means I have to do it. I was also asked if my father could help carpool kids up to the BIAC where we practice, but he wants to talk to my mother about what we're doing tomorrow because he'd rather not sit up there for two hours doing nothing and waiting for us kids to finish practice. Also, he can't exactly discuss it with my mother for she is in Las vegas, but she's coming back this afternoon. Let's hope Ben doesn't forget to pick her up. So out of procrastination instinct, I'm hiding.
I am currently home alone, Zoe decided to go to the mall with Amber to look for costumes. They're going with a big group of friends to see part 2 of the seventh Harry Potter movie and are going to dress up. I'm going with my dragon boat team a couple days after them and we're going play quidditch. BEAT THAT! So when my sister was out of the house I picked up the seventh Harry Potter book and read for an hour and a half. I got to chapter 8 and started to crave cookies. After my delicious snack I played some piano without looking at the keys because I like to believe that I have super boss skills and can play really fast and blindly. After some of that I sang "Still Alive" from the first portal game like three times in a row to get the lyrics right. (I was singing that in the shower and couldn't remember most of them).
My lawn needs to be mowed.
Father told me that I need to practice my oboe, and I told myself that I should do some french lessons or start BYU classes, but sometimes french Sent Mauvais!! and so do les Chaussettes!
Le pain bon gout!
Le fleurs sentent bon!
Le pomme de terre bon gout!
Today is the third day of my stress cold sore which was given so pleasantly to me by "Jane" and Terrell, or myself. Once I destroy it with my super awesome and amazingly boss powers peace will once again return to Izzania. Until next time my ninjas of the night :-*

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Snippets and tidbits

I've been getting some writer's brain farts lately and haven't been able to finish a blog post correctly so I'll just post all the unfinished paragraphs here just to, you know, get 'em out there.

Written 6/20/11
"The sun seems to flicker in my bathroom when you turn off all the lights. When I close my eyes my thoughts do the same. I am the Champion of musical chairs, and Ruby's pretty cool. She likes the songs Miserable at Best and Sleepyhead. I get to carpool with "Jane" tomorrow. Tomorrow's the summer solstice, I should have a musical chairs party. Mr. Smells Good was at my house last night, and my sister made peanut butter cookies for father's day and snicker doodles for Ben who stole them away. I got my dance shoes on Friday along with the coolest heels you will ever see. They have yellow ribbed bottoms and are made of patten leather with strings and stuff. I must be at least six feet tall in them. On saturday my friend flew me over to Mariposa to have lunch with her and her dad. We ate tater tots and danced to music playing from a jukebox and played shuffle bored. Then I went to Roller skating with Lilly where I learned how to skate backwards and jump. Then we had a sleepover. We watched Ghost Adventures until midnight, mad up songs, and she read stories of greek mythology rewritten into modern day situations. For Father's Day my family and I went to San Francisco. Magnus Alexander was left at Lily's house. I need to get him back. Ooh, I had my first Twinkie on Sunday. It was horrible. Thus, my version of Zombie land: "Twinkies, twinkies?! Where is all the frogging Ice cream!!!??"
(I'm listening to The Garden by Mirah, it's stuck in my head since we did warmups to it in dance class during school today)
I was texting "Jane" earlier and I told her about becoming the musical chair champion and she said I was very fantastic in Spanish, and I replied in french "Thank you, my friend, so are you"
Apparently "Marcus" doesn't carve pumpkins. The other day during acting camp/school, we were playing Disney trivia. My team (the Blubber Nuggets of course) was given the question: "What is a dingle hopper?" I answered with: "You comb your hair with it!" I got it wrong. And I was sad. On Friday my mother dragged me along after camp to go to one of her client's house, i lounged in the car and read MLIA. I then got bored of lounging and took my phone, a stuffed bunny that i had in my bag, and Magnus Alexander and crawled into the trunk of my car and started listening to tangled while reading MLIA. It was quite a while after my mother started driving that she realized that I was there."

Written 6/27/11
"Good evening and welcome to the izzy show, where everything is fabulous, and I do mean everything. Here are tonight's top stories:
On Thursday I attended acting camp dressed as joby Ryan from Oregon. I got five girlfriends and a boyfriend, and let me tell you, that is how it's done. ("Jane" was one of them teehee)
The saturday before that I took a trip to mariposa with my friend, kaylin, to have tater tots and dance to old songs from a juke box. Yes I did say mariposa, we made an eight hour trip two hours and I'm not totally sure i was conscious for most of it. I'll post some pictures later, or when I find out how.
I got two books to read over the summer which brings our total to three plus naruto and bleach, but I can't promise anything with those in particular. Having Ben read my book and take me out doesn't sound as worth it as it did on June second.
I saw "Marcus" on sunday and while playing the iPod shuffle game I asked if we were ever going to be friends and the song "don't you want me" or whatever it's called by glee cast started to play. I have hope. He was apart of the opposing army during the war that was held that day. Before the battle began though he buried my sister's friend amber's feet In the sand and then told me to get out of the way before he pushed her over. I probably shouldn't have moved, but I mean what would you do if someone you were possibly attracted to leaned down by your ear and whispered "please move away!" ? Ask them to repeat what they said of course! Nope, I just moved, and amber fell, and I wasn't exactly paying attention to her.
"Marcus" pretended to hit me with a giant hammer :D. Wanting to make it look realistic I fell backwards and landed on my tail (yes, I wAs wearing a tail :) ) and now my butt hurts. Amber yelled at him and I laughed. I hope he was impressed.
I had an oboe lesson today and for practice for a song I'm learning to play I had to sing random lyrics to the melody. I came up with "mars has a big nose, I like potatoes, monkeys" and also, to make sure not to flake on the last note of the song my tutor and I came up with "banana" which is what she used as an example to show me the difference of ending smoothly and ending on a random sound. She spoke a sentence then said banana at the end like nothing happened and it was normal. I did the same: "for dragon boat im going to practices for a race I am not going to attend orange." "

Written 6/28/11
"Terrell, She's dating Terrell! I think I might die! Literally. I mean, what the frog, when did that happen? "Jane" is supposed to be with me and we're supposed to have "Marcus"'s freaking baby!! I can no longer enjoy Acting Camp's/school's Nerd Day. Oh goodness what if he carpools with us like he did yesterday? I'll have to die for, like, the second time, gosh!
I like "jane", Ruby likes Terrell, "Jane's" adorable dog likes Terrell, Magnus Alexander likes Terrell! DARN FROG LAMB BLAH GARSH PLOT-TOOTY!!!!"

Ooh, and look what I found!!

Written 4/20/11
"The soldiers dozed as Mr. Mac reported the happenings in the war. I listened intently, absorbing every detail so I could write to my family back home about it. "Pay attention!" He shouted. The troops snapped awake. "There is a spy in our midst." My eyes widened. A spy? Here? "Someone who has sympathized with the South, causing her comrades to fail." All eyes turned to the small soldier sitting amongst a group, she had barely turned anything into Mr. Mac since the war started back in '61. "Would you like to stand?" He asked. She stood and we stared in horror. "Do not be alarmed, she was working under my orders." Mr. Mac continued. "A reluctant spy she was and did a terrible job too. I told her before the war started what she had to do, the uniforms, the points removed, the letters forgotten, were all part of the plan." The puzzled troops murmured in confusion, and I grinned in admiration. "I am so blogging about this.""

So, there you have it, all the orphaned posts that I can now set free. Until next time my we little bow ties :-*
- Posted using BlogPress from my ipod

Thursday, June 16, 2011


This summer I've discovered the urban dictionary. I have no questions for anything ever again.
I started attending an acting camp on Tuesday, it's more like an acting school, really, we go to six classes and have lunch and everything. Six whole hours of it. I wake up at seven In the morning and return home by about three thirty or so. It's pretty amazing. Also, on the first day when I walked into recital, which is kinda like home room I guess, you wouldn't believe who was sitting down with all the other kids! "Jane"! She had just come home from Reno last Sunday and was there and I was so excited to see her!! Apparently she's a CMT girl along with *cough* every other theatre child I meet *cough*. well it's really no surprise as this is a CMT acting camp. "Jane" usually hangs out with ruby, who is just darn good at almost everything. Except piques! I doubt she could prick much of anything! I mean, you aren't supposed to turn when you lift your knee, but she does, and I notice. Not so good at everything now, huh ruby! Well, not that I'm good at piques either, but still. At least I can carpool with "Jane" since she lives really close to my house. Not tomorrow though, she'll be in michigan for a graduation until Tuesday. That means two whole acting school days without her!

I had my first frozen yogurt of the summer for desert tonight, can you believe that? Only one all summer!

I am wearing the most prettiest lady helper in the whole world tonight. It has hearts and stars on it and a bunch of different colors. I just feels so dainty wearing it though it won't look so dainty In the morning. I believe if a girl wants to feel pretty she should feel pretty in all parts of the world and buy lady helpers for Tweens because teenagers just aren't cool enough to have stars and hearts on their lay helpers!

A couple weeks ago I was talking to "Marcus" on facebook and it was so exciting because he actually responded this time! Maybe I'll post our conversation, but not now, it's too late at night now.

Let's see, I need to practice my French and oboe and piano tomorrow and buy actual dance shoes this weekend so I'm not frolicking around In My purple sneakers all day. Well, until next time my main stagers :-*

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Monday, June 6, 2011

Stop Procrastinating

When I found out that I had the ultimate super power to do this, I like, died in my seat. Not really, though that would have been rather amusing to watch. I just hope I don't get attacked by ninja's for doing this. Oh gosh, did I just jinx myself? Oh, well.
I have been inspired by this here little man person, but sadly my Imovie is quite upset with me and won't let me create an unprofessional, spontaneous, and more than a little pointless video that I would then post onto youtube and then remove it out of embarrassment, and that is why I do this. I do this a lot, and when I'm not doing this I'm thinking about doing this. This as in blogging right? Right. So, while I'm here and not distracted, I shall tell you how my summer is going. Summer morning schedule? Not followed. I get up around eight or later, and do nothing. I think about doing something, but, I don't. It makes me feel almost sad, but that is why I read MLIA. That makes me smile, and it takes up a lot of time that i could be spending doing something else, and that's ok.
I tried to Instant Message "Marcus" on Facebook. He logged off. He keeps doing that.
New favorite game? The iPod shuffle game.
Wish me luck this summer. Until next time my beverages of frozen water in melted ice :-*

Friday, June 3, 2011

I and those who smell nice

At night I'd like to imagine what it would be like to steal a kiss from "Jane" or "Marcus". I wouldn't dare think it though, I mean, what if the thought snatchers stole it and fed it into their ears and they were to find out about my obsession?
Yesterday was the last day of school and also my brother's birthday. I came to school in such high spirits, swinging about the iPod that I had received as a graduation present. I'm an even bigger grader now muahahaha! I performed with my buddy Cassie and everyone said we were amazing, maybe even the best. Well, if you forget about mr. K rapping and insulting Justin beiber and Rebecca black. Ben came to see me and all my friends complimented me on my handsome brother.
I left the last blast early to start my summer vacation. I had to return sadly for I had cassie's phone and iPod in my bag. But then I started my summer.
For ben's birthday we saw a movie at midnight with a bunch of his pals and his girlfriend and her brother and his girlfriend and her cousin.
(do note that when I am surrounded by a lot of people i tend to get hyper) I spent the whole night complimenting people on their scent. Especially that one guy who works at the scary, dark, overpriced store at the mall. He smelled reAlly really good. So did his girlfriend who helped me with my application problem on my iPod (my iPod's name is Magnus alexander :D ) after the movie my brother took his girlfriend, Ashley and her brother and his girlfriend and her cousin home which kicked my sister and I out of the car so we got a pity ride from his friends. This gave Zoe the impression that Ben cared for them more than he cared for us. But hey, the bright side was we got to jump mr. Smells good's car.
I am no longer afraid of natural disasters or the end of the world. (I mean, not that I was) as it turns out the world isn't gonna end in twenty twelve it will just switch rotation and start spinning a different way. And the reason why japan had the tsunami was because they had a high suicidal rate but many enlightened people lived there so it wasn't completely destroyed. So basically, our energy as a whole, influences the earth. Or something.

Did I mention it was summer? SUMMER PLANS!!! wake up at 7, take a shower and get dressed until 8. do French lessons until 9, play the Oboe until 10, practice piano until 11 and in The time before noon I can hula hoop and blog!!!
Big school is going to be the bomb! I'll be in advanced drama with Zoe and "Jane" and hopefully "Marcus" then all I have to do is book a band audition this summer and get into wind ensemble. (I hope)
Wish me luck! Until next time my little creepers :-*

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPod

Sunday, May 29, 2011

School. There isn't a better way to end the year. Well, technically it isn't ended. It pretty much is, there's only three days left And they aren't even school days. Tuesday is promotion rehearsal, Wednesday is promotion, Thursday I'm performing and Friday, well, there is no Friday.
Last week everyone cried, drama people cried, dance people cried, my friends cried, I cried! There was so much dust in the air I couldn't help it. I went to an awards ceremony on Wednesday. I didn't now why, I mean I never had straight A's. I didn't win the good grades award or the athletics award or the social studies award or the music award or the choir award or the drama award or even the English award. I really thought I was gonna get that one for sure. Instead I was given one of the last awards, the cornerstone leader award. This was the speech given for it:

Good Evening. My name is Ms. Hendrickson. It is my pleasure to be here tonight to present our Cornerstone award. This award goes to the (big grader) student who excels in academics and promotes our Caring School Climate here at (Littleschool). A student who does well in the classroom, has a positive attitude, is trustworthy, respects others as well as themselves, and is genuinely kind and considerate to classmates and adults alike.
As I began to think about the (Big grader) student who exemplifies all of these qualities, one name kept coming up. This student was a member of our Cornerstone/Leadership class last year. She excelled on all projects and activities in that class. When working in group situations she was a quiet leader, one that others truly looked to for guidance, and she was and still is not afraid to speak her mind. Her positive attitude is contagious and this in turn inspires others to work harder and to be nicer. But the quality that stands out the most when thinking of this student is her exceptional kindness and compassion for others.
She is also a very talented young lady. She's been in many of our choir and drama performances. She is an outstanding writer and she stars in our Last Blast Variety Show every year. She also heads up our GSA club. She tirelessly works towards the idea that everyone should be accepted and made to feel safe and comfortable here at (Littleschool).
As I continued to think about this student, it was obvious that she was deserving of his award. It is my pleasure to present the Cornerstone Award for helping to promote a Caring School Climate to: IzzyB

I almost died in my seat. I almost died as I stood to receive my certificate and present. I almost died when everyone cheered for me. I almost died when I awkwardly kept thanking Ms. Hendrickson (She is such a wonderful lady!!). I almost died as I walked off stage and signed the magical silver book. I almost died when I found a shiny plaque and a beautiful card inside the present bag. I almost died as Maddie B. Smiled at me and congratulated me. And I died at the end of the ceremony when the lights went up and i showed my parents and sister what I got. (Ben didn't come because he didn't want to see me die). I was dying When i hugged Maddie B. I was dying when I mistakenly took Mr. K continuously patting my arms and congratulating me as a hint for a hug. I was just dying in general. That was how overwhelming it was. It was overwhelming and wonderful. I didn't even mind dying. The award just meant so much to me I guess, so much that I died in front of everyone!
Hey, I even almost died that afternoon, at lunch, at the last GSA meeting ever when children kept fishing money out of their pockets just so they could donate it to the club.
This was good dying, this was happy dying.

On the Tuesday before all the big graders went to Great America (A super awesome theme park). My S.S. Teacher, Mr. Mac, saved up a whole bunch of quarters to put into the water canon machine to soak everyone on the raft ride. My friend Cassie we on when the machine wasn't working so we had to go through Snoopy's water maze to get soaked instead. It took three hours for our feet and butts to stop leaving wet marks whenever we walked or sat down.
We met up with three of our guy friends and decided to play games to win stuffed animals, I spent the rest of my money on a game which Cassie one and got a Pokemon toy. But Gabe, Nathan, and Aiden really wanted me to win so the offered to pay for the next game and me and Cassie both won stuffed animals. She got a brown teddy bear and I got a white teddy bear. They were small toys that you got from playing once but they still count. Cassie said that since I payed for the game which got her her Pokemon she gave me her brown bear. We decided to play the game again and I got a gigantic Pokemon. (I was in that awkward stage of almost dying again because I didn't know how to receive their kindness towards me. I just kept thanking them and hugging them)
I gave the white bear to Zoe and I told her to give the brown bear to Jane (from the Jane and marcus story). Zoe said that jane called him Pablo, that made me happy! It turns out that Jane is going to be in Big school's advanced drama next year, funny thing is that so am I. I auditioned on Thursday with the first paragraph from A tell-tale Heart by Edgar Allan Poe and on Saturday I got a cheerful call that I made it in! YIPPEE!! It must be fate!

The Promotion Dance was on Friday night. I got all gussied up for it, I straightened my hair and wore a pretty dress and sandals and everything. I danced and ate strawberries and grapes and six minnie Pizzas and drank water and danced with my buddies. (Teehee, I even slow danced with a guy). Rumor had it that they were going to play What's going on by the 4 non blondes which was a classic in Mr. Mac's social Studies class. It was featured in the HeMan sings video he showed on a Monday. Quite humorous indeed. And all his students were going to do the weird twitchy arm dance to it. It was never played, we never danced, and everyone was upset. Well, just for Mr. Mac, a few of his 1st period students (including me) and one of his 6th period students did a civil war picture just for him!
Afterwards I rushed to my Friend Kc's birthday party/Sleepover. Only two kids slept over (including me). It was fun, we watched the Justin Bieber movie which was, uh, interesting. And we talked to Cleverbot and tried to make him say inappropriate things. That was surprisingly hard to do.

Today, my family (minus Ben because he was fighting Dragons) Went on a really cool hike. My dad took me farther than my mom and sister. We went all the way up to maisy's peek and saw all of Silicon Valley, even across the bay to Oakland. It was soooo massive! I felt like this was my Izania, that it was my kingdom. On our way back down the trail to our car, my family sang this song:

The wheels on the bus go round and round
Round and round
Round and round
The wheels on the bus go round and round
All through the town

The wipers on the bus go Swish, swish, swish
Swish, swish, swish
Swish, swish, swish
The wiper on the bus go Swish, swish, swish
All through the town

The Driver on the bus says "Move on back,
Move on back, move one back"
The driver on the bus says, "Move on back"
All through the town

The babies on the bus go waaah, waah, waaah
Waaah, waaah, waaah
Waaah, waaah, waaah
The babies on the bus go waaah, waah, waah
All through the town.

The mommies on the bus go shh, shh, shh
shh, shh, shh
shh, shh, shh
The mommies on the bus go shh, shh, shh
All through the town

The Daddies on the bus say, "Eat a cookie,
Eat a cookie, eat a cookie"
The daddies on the bus say, "Eat a cookie,"
All through the town

The Child on the bus says, "DON'T touch me!
DON'T touch me, DON'T touch me!"
The child on the bus says, "DON'T touch me!"
All through the town.

The Blackberry dude says, "Missed my stop!,
Missed my stop, missed my stop!"
The Blackberry dude says, "Missed my stop!"
All through the town

The Teen on the bus goes text, text, text
Text, text, text
Text, text, text
The teen on the bus goes text, text, text
All through the town

The Mime on the bus goes ..., ..., ...
..., ..., ...,
..., ..., ...
The Mime on the bus goes ..., ..., ...,
All through the town

The dudes on the bus Say, "Hey, What's up!"
"Hey, what's up! Hey what's up!"
The Dudes on the bus say, "Hey what's up!"
All through the town

The chicks on the bus say, "Ooh, he's hot!"
"Ooh, he's hot! Ooh, he's hot"
The Chicks on the bus say, "Ooh, he's hot!"
All through the town

The Blackberry dude says, "Why thank you!
Why thank you! Why thank you!"
The Blackberry dude says, "Why thank you!"
All through the town

The Chicks on the bus say, "Ew, not you!"
"Ew, not you! Ew, not you!"
The Chicks on the bus say, "Ew, not you!"
All through the town

The Grandma on the bus says, "Hey there sonny,"
"Hey there sonny, hey there sonny,"
The Grandma on the bus says, "Hey there sonny,"
All through the town

The Grandpa on the bus says, "Where my teef?"
"Where my teef? where my teef?"
The grandpa on the bus says, "Where my teef?"
All through the town

The child on the bus says, "That's no cookie!"
"That's no cookie! That's no cookie!"
The child on the bus says, "That's no cookie!"
All through the town

The dog on the bus goes Bark, bark, bark
Bark, bark, bark
Bark, bark, bark
The dog on the bus goes Bark, bark, bark
all through the town

The driver on the bus says, "No dogs allowed"
"No dogs allowed, no dogs allowed"
The driver on the bus says, "No dogs allowed"
All through the town

The wheels on the bus then pop and flatten and everyone must exit the bus

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad


Behold, my father's computer term which I just learned when he accidentally posted it as the title for this post while testing something or other.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

I hear your whispers, they sing in my mind
They wake me in the night, but you are gone
Your presence is a comfort not sure why
All that is left is a ghost of someone
Beneath the covers I tremble in fear
Dark visions of you flash under my lids
My body goes still when I feel you near
I live for your touch, I starve for your kiss
My heart makes me quake for it beats so fast
I love you, hate you, need you so badly
Uncover the face hidden by a mask
Reveal the love I'm falling for madly
I am afraid nothing is as it seems
Being haunted by you inside my dreams

I apologize for the big delay, I've been meaning to post something for a while now, I just, well, didn't. It is times like these when I wish I had my own laptop, so I could post at night when I'm in my bed. That's usually when I think the most. So the picture of the day is a girl lying in some bright green grass with the sun shining on her face, her hair open like a fan.
This week has been, er, magical. Well, at least it feels that way. Though I am a bit unhinged, I've never been so booked before. There was so much going on all I wanted to do was complain, curl up with my computer, and watch Assassins Creed commentary videos. A bit pathetic, but still. It was actually quite funny because everything seemed to fall magically into place.
Did I mention that I was going to try out for the school's last day of school variety show? It was on the tenth and I sang "Mother knows best" from tangled with my buddy Cassie as my Repunzel. We practiced in front of Mr. RVW before the tryouts. He says I'm very talented. Did you know that he's vegan? Neither did I.
I must say that Tuesday was the most stressful of all, my girls were performing that morning, I had the variety show tryouts, and my band concert. There was also a rumor going around that the High school Drama auditions were being held that day as well. Thank my toenails that was false, and I went straight up to the boy who started it and put my friend Trinity through so much stress, and I shook up his room-temperature soda. Yeah, I'm not afraid to go there. The real auditions are on the 26th of this month.
Now you guys are probably confused about what I meant by my girls performing. Did I tell you about bringing in scenes for Drama? Well, mine wasn't chosen for the little kiddies to perform, but out of the few there were, I had to direct one. And I did, right into the ground. Golly, I never want to direct a scene again!! No one was cooperating right, I was being called mean, the girls were talking back, and on the day they were supposed to perform we weren't ready at all. One girl was in crutches, the rest were still uncomfortable with their lines, but one of my gals was missing that day so it was postponed to the next (aren't they lucky). I couldn't be there because I had to get a physical that morning, four shots and they made me pee in a cup :( . Well my little chickies didn't do too good and my teacher still has to yell at me for it.
In other news, I finally made plans to have a sleepover with my friend KC. I couldn't do it before because I was always so busy. It was last night at my house after Dragon boat practice which gave me a cold, an oboe lesson that had to be rescheduled to this morning, and rollerskating where I talked about my latest obsessive future plans with Lilly and failed at skating backwards. We were going to watch a ton of movies but I was about to crash so we could only fit in tangled (I've almost memorized all the songs, just got the rest of the duet and Healing Incantation to learn). I've always been a little awkward about having school friends over at my house. I like my home life and school life to be separate, know what I mean? Is that strange?
Mr. K kept scolding me on Tuesday night during the band concert because little sixth and seventh graders were talking to me and I was sort of, maybe responding to them in a conversational manner. I always find it frightening when he gets mad at someone, because he talks so casually when he is yelling at you. It might not sound like yelling, but trust me, it is.
We're swimming in school, just thought you should know. I forgot to bring spare under garments one day, it was emancipating.
On Friday I went to Great America and got a terrible sunburn. AND OMG!! I must tell you about the amazing musical I saw that night. Razia's Shadow A musical performed by my sis's big school was SHAMAZING. It was all singing and beautiful dancing and dramatic love tragedies and oh my goodness I just wanted to die in the sea of graceful girlies and boys in guyliner.
And as I was gazing up at who I thought were the two most beautiful people in the performance (I need cool code-names for them, er, Jane and Marcus) I had a spontaneous fantasy. Jane and I would fall in love and we would want to have a baby so we would use Marcus's donation (of course he would never know about it). We would have a son named Magnus and later in the future Jane, Marcus, and i would run The Funhouse, an Inn which houses the most exciting and freaky and beautiful people in the world. But one dreadful night Jane would creep into Marcus's room, waking him with her soft sobs! She would be so overwhelmed by keeping the secret of Magnus's true father father from him that she couldn't help but tell him the truth and then Marcus would get so angry since I had kept it from him that the next morning we would have a huge fight in the kitchen and we'd break plates and everything! TaDa! Then it would be like that one movie, er, Vicky Christina Barcelona? Is that what it was called?
Squiggly lines have appeared all over my skin, some are red and rashy, others are dry and white. I think the chlorine from the swimming pool is having a bad effect on me.
According to the doctor I have eczema, which I guess is a scientific word for really dray and itchy skin. Like dandruff I guess. It doesn't make me feel too comfortable. Makes me feel special though, which I always enjoy.

I am so glad that I write down all the topics I'm gonna cover, makes my job a lot easier.
And since we're whipping through this so well, how about them Sharks, those of you from San Jose? No, they stink and they should lose a whole lot so I can graduate Little School in the God Damned Pavilion!!! Smart people only graduate little school once and I'd rather not do it in the gym, because you can't drink freaking Italian cream soda in a freaking gym!

Isn't it strange how our teardrops aren't blue?
That not everyone turns the same shade of pink.
Our skin cannot be as white as our bones.
It makes me wonder, it makes me think.

If someone is dark, are their hearts truly black?
When in love does it turn a lavender shade?
When one wears white slippers, is she graceful?
When she dances, is the same magic made?

Though it may look it, hair can't be gold
And a depressed woman's wold isn't grey
She will smile and embrace her own white light
For it will all become clear someday

We had to write a color poem for language arts, that was mine. We also had to write a graduation speech and a few lucky students might get picked to compete to see who will read their's at promotion. Well, in second period while Trinity and I were engulfed in The Outsiders, my teacher called us out into the hall and told us that ours had been picked to compete. I seriously was surprised, I mean mine was extremely short and not exactly professional reading material.

I have become very frightened when I think at night. Sometimes I feel as though my thoughts aren't safe. As if someone is watching my mind. This paranoia has come to the point where not a day goes by that I don't suspect someone.

Well thank you for joining me for this sudden burst of inspiration to post something, I know I probably confused you by going through a bunch of random topics all at once. I might not be able to shower tonight, you should be feeling rather special right now because you just took up my shower time. "Yes Doctor, I concur." Until next time my little spiders :-*