Sunday, July 31, 2011


wonderful! positively wonderful! I must say, i was beginning to worry that i was finished with surprising myself and yet i have done it once again!

I haven't seen a single bunny since we dropped one off in Manchester, but they have returned. One across the street last night, two on the lawn when we came home from Boston this evening. We could barely see them, it was so dark. Their little, white, bunny tails told us that they were running away though.

I now believe that i no longer enjoy water, well, besides the fact that i hesitate before entering the shower, and that i never put my legs verticle in water which i can't see the bottom of. I want you to listen to this story as i make it seem more dramatic than it actually was. I was at the little rocky beach by our rental house with my sister and our little cousin (Ben was there but he bailed so he isn't very important). I was a bit freaked since i didn't have boat shoes with me and the way out into the water was rocky until it hit the sandy bottom, and the rocks were usually slimy and covered in plants and dead crabs.

My sister and I started walking out towards a small floating dock, the water never quite reaching above our waists. Feet from the dock, Sissy turned back to collect our cousin who wanted to join us. I, not wanting to walk all the way back, hurried to the dock and climbed on and sat down, waiting for them. They never made it all the way out to me, instead they decided to walk all the way back to the house to pick up some floaty things. I've never liked being alone, please note this, so when i saw the spider crawling along my leg I flicked it off. I didn't want to sit down anymore, spiders and all, so i stood and waited for Zoe to come back. I held onto myself and tried to keep my balance while the wake from several boats slapped agasinst the dock, all the while avoiding the flying bug trying to land on me and the spider that kept appearing and following me in circles before disappearing again. At this point I really wanted Zoe to come back. I pondered the idea of walking back to the shore, but I really, really didn't want to get back into that water again. I wondered if there were fish swimming around, or crabs. So walking wasn't an option i'd pick, and with swimming, i'd have to touch the bottom one way or another.

I think it was around the time that Zoe came back, but the folks who were lounging on the rocky beach when we arrived ran away, possibly because i looked so ridiculous flailing about on the dock. Zoe, carrying our little cousin, brought me a noodle after i screamed at her in distress. The water was too shallow and i was too heavy for the noddle to protect me from the floor, so, spazzing out just a tad, I gabbed Zoe's arm and started shreiking my head off. My sister, a bit baffled that i was frightened of, well, nothing, tried to console me and help as best as she could. All I wanted was to teleport to the shore and not have to touch anything. I envied my cousin who was safe in Zoe's arms. Why didn't i have someone to hold me? After going through such a traumatic experience that was really just my brain making fun of me, I broke down, which made my cousin break down, which made Zoe extremly annoyed with me. So annoyed, in fact, that she walked all the way to the shore, came back with an inner tube and had me sit in it while she pushed me to the shore. She loves me so much.

Cake time, until next time my sting rays :-*

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