Monday, June 6, 2011

Stop Procrastinating

When I found out that I had the ultimate super power to do this, I like, died in my seat. Not really, though that would have been rather amusing to watch. I just hope I don't get attacked by ninja's for doing this. Oh gosh, did I just jinx myself? Oh, well.
I have been inspired by this here little man person, but sadly my Imovie is quite upset with me and won't let me create an unprofessional, spontaneous, and more than a little pointless video that I would then post onto youtube and then remove it out of embarrassment, and that is why I do this. I do this a lot, and when I'm not doing this I'm thinking about doing this. This as in blogging right? Right. So, while I'm here and not distracted, I shall tell you how my summer is going. Summer morning schedule? Not followed. I get up around eight or later, and do nothing. I think about doing something, but, I don't. It makes me feel almost sad, but that is why I read MLIA. That makes me smile, and it takes up a lot of time that i could be spending doing something else, and that's ok.
I tried to Instant Message "Marcus" on Facebook. He logged off. He keeps doing that.
New favorite game? The iPod shuffle game.
Wish me luck this summer. Until next time my beverages of frozen water in melted ice :-*

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