Friday, September 23, 2011

It began with marble cake (Because i didn't explain it the first tiim)

Are you reading this? these are the words of a girl who can break the heart of a fourteen-year-old boy who jumps before the sharks have left the ocean waters clear. I told Pocket I didn't want something with him and it sort of wrecked him up, or so I heard. I made him smile though, when I asked my geography teacher if President Polk invented the Polka.
I have found that I am rather good at kissing up to teachers. Polo, the boy who used to sit in front of me in second period but was replaced by a rather annoying idiotic boy, told me so himself during a beginner scavenger hunt at the start of the year. (Though he used a more cruder word.) Even a girl in drama mentioned it after I answered Jeremy's question about what a coup was. Maybe that's because I call him jeremy and he used to be a teacher, but he told me and the rest of the kids in little school advanced drama that we could call him that so we do.
Another example is when My English teacher, who's really nice and totally mistreated by our class, asked if anyone wanted to pull down the projector screen one day. I totally wanted to do it and was really enthusiastic, but I couldn't get through the small maze of desks in time to do it so the boys did it instead. She gave me a piece of marble cake for wanting to do it though, so, score!
I don't like disappointing my teachers so I nearly died these last couple weeks when I forgot to do an assignment in English and when I disrupted the class. My teacher never sends anyone to OCS though, but I guess there's a first for everything. She chose the six or so students who were misbehaving to pick a number between one and ten to decide who to send. I was one of them. The number was two and my friend got sent away with a pass that hadn't been used since it was given to the teacher four years ago.
I spontaneously joined glee club!!! so that means I have a club every other tuesday, one on wednesday, one on thursday, and one on friday. I also joined mock Trial which I find more than a little frightening, and Vampire Diaries was SO DRAMATIC this week.
I saw Shrek the musical the other day, it was just so delightful. I might sing one of those songs for the audition for west side story.
Today in drama "Marcus" was turned around in his seat having an argument with my friends about how seniors aren't supposed to be nice. Every time he turned around to face us I would tell him, "You're amazing,"
By the third time he quickly retorted, "F*** you,"
I apologized and looked down. He called me by my last name, and I looked up. "I was kidding," He said, apologetically, with that laughing smile that said I was the most pathetic thing in the world.
I thought my face would explode. A smile couldn't compare to what I was feeling. I think I almost cried. Don't worry, I didn't. IlovehimIlovehimIlovehimIlovehimeIlovehimIlovehim!
I sort of blew my chances with "jane". She's dating another boy again. A bit soon, I think. It was right after she found out that Terrell got with Ruby which I called Delicious in my best sarcastic, loathing voice. I have a bad habit of treating her boyfriends horribly and during PE one period I didn't like how close they were standing. Before he could get closer I walked up to them and pulled him away, stepping between them and saying "Hey, no PDA!"
"Izzy, stop getting in the way!" "Jane" scolded me.
"But, 'Jane'," I protested.
She pointed with her finger. "Go." And I left.
Later I told her that I loved her and that nothing could change that, and that I was just looking out for her and I didn't want to see her get hurt. It got kind of awkward after that since it was in the middle of Drama class and there were three people sitting between us in our row of chairs.
Well, there are doughnuts on monday in Drama, I have a performance at an elementary school on Tuesday, some mock trial junk, some clubs, My senior older sister sent me a letter this week and I might have a meeting or something on Sunday but I don't know since I missed a club meeting, Dragon boat practice starts up again tomorrow. We had a little break after we won second place silver at Treasure Island. BOOYAH!!
Super boy who sits next to me in conceptual physics hasn't been coming to class in the last couple days. I wonder if he's fighting crime.
I've been exchanging secret letters with my senior sister, some of my friends know who she is but I don't want to know. She told me that she likes disneyland, hello Kitty, unicorns, elephants, peacocks, and mermaids. So i drew her a picture of Ariel riding on the back of Charlie the Unicorn fighting Hello Kitty who was in a chariot drawn by and elephant and a peacock in front of the disneyland castle. Apparently she loved it and wouldn't stop talkng about it in Spanish.
My buddy is being pessimistic about my knack for crushing on those who never like me back, but little does she know I have a back up plan with the braces boy who sits diagonally behind me in english. Its fool proof.
I've got to go learn how to play the flute now, until next time my wild berry preservatives. :-*

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