Saturday, September 17, 2011

It began with marble cake

Are you reading this? These are the words of a girl who has the power to break the heart of a nineteen year old man who has basically lived his whole life in his years of youth. These are also the words of a girl trying to get over the guilt of breaking a nineteen year old's heart over facebook without realizing it.
Hello, yes, I might have been avoiding you for two weeks but that's ok because I will make up for it with stories from other dimensions.
My date with Pocket went well, he spent forty dollars on me for a movie and a T-shirt from hot topic. It was rather nice, because I didn't mind the fact that he was trying to suffocate me in the back row of the movie theatre. Well, that was partly because the movie was SO DAMN FREAKY!!! and i had my hands over my face the whole time. I was smart though, I kept the arm rest between us the whole time. I hope he was thoroughly annoyed.
Pocket and i hang out a lot now, we spend lunch together in the PAC listening to Secondhand Serenade while I try to break his fingers as he tries to tickle my wrist. I hate that. It's like when my mother tries to be cute in the car and reaches over to jab her menacing talons into my soft flesh, causing me to cry out in agony as warm, sticky blood drips down my arm.
Ok, so maybe it doesn't happen like that, because, you know, it doesn't.
Clubs have started up in Big School, and though I signed up for six I only know the days of three of them and so those are the ones I will keep. On wednesday I join "Jane" for GSA and on Friday I politically debate with "marcus". Be proud of me, I had the will power to not join his parkour club which meets on tuesdays. Instead I joined the flash mob club which meets on that day as well so I won't be tempted to devour him with my eyes.
Funny story, I accidentally dressed like him one day. I didn't realize it until i was leaving my house though so there was no time to change. I had on a tie and my brothers old shirt with the vest on it. I'm sure i didn't look as pathetic as it all seemed.
"Marcus" and I had a conversation last night. I asked him random questions and he would answer them and they would form a story about Magnus and Alec who were in love and got married in germany, had two sons Ronald and Donald and drank from the fountain of youth Indiana Jones style so that they would be together forever. I stayed up all night pondering the question of what would happen to their children? Would they drink as well? would they become immortal? would they ever fall in love and get married? I'll definitely have to ask him that.
Tonight I will sleep over my little buddy Rach's house with the dragon boat team for there is an extremely important race tomorrow morning which my brother will not attend because he's a bit of a donkey-trench.
I am in love, and once my friends get a squirt bottle, I will be wet every time i say that. But it's true, I'm so in love with "Marcus" and soon, I will go after "Jane" as well. Terrell is now the boyfriend of Ruby. I know, right? It's positively my lucky day, because now I can comfort her and she will fall in love with me. Except, now Pocket is in the way.
I love "Marcus" because he brought my sister and I together. Talking about him made us become closer and now everyday during third period I grab her attentions and say, "Zoe, you're the best!" I also love him because he's just so magnificent and funny that I want to crawl under the covers and hug myself while I laugh maniacally without ever blinking my eyes. I love him so much that even if he went out with Zoe, I'd still be ok with it because he'd still be in my life and that is all I need to be happy. That and Ice cream, no one is happy without ice cream.
I'm not obsessed, I'm passionate. Frighteningly passionate. well, I'm craving amuffin now so until next time my little physicists :-*

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