Sunday, May 29, 2011

School. There isn't a better way to end the year. Well, technically it isn't ended. It pretty much is, there's only three days left And they aren't even school days. Tuesday is promotion rehearsal, Wednesday is promotion, Thursday I'm performing and Friday, well, there is no Friday.
Last week everyone cried, drama people cried, dance people cried, my friends cried, I cried! There was so much dust in the air I couldn't help it. I went to an awards ceremony on Wednesday. I didn't now why, I mean I never had straight A's. I didn't win the good grades award or the athletics award or the social studies award or the music award or the choir award or the drama award or even the English award. I really thought I was gonna get that one for sure. Instead I was given one of the last awards, the cornerstone leader award. This was the speech given for it:

Good Evening. My name is Ms. Hendrickson. It is my pleasure to be here tonight to present our Cornerstone award. This award goes to the (big grader) student who excels in academics and promotes our Caring School Climate here at (Littleschool). A student who does well in the classroom, has a positive attitude, is trustworthy, respects others as well as themselves, and is genuinely kind and considerate to classmates and adults alike.
As I began to think about the (Big grader) student who exemplifies all of these qualities, one name kept coming up. This student was a member of our Cornerstone/Leadership class last year. She excelled on all projects and activities in that class. When working in group situations she was a quiet leader, one that others truly looked to for guidance, and she was and still is not afraid to speak her mind. Her positive attitude is contagious and this in turn inspires others to work harder and to be nicer. But the quality that stands out the most when thinking of this student is her exceptional kindness and compassion for others.
She is also a very talented young lady. She's been in many of our choir and drama performances. She is an outstanding writer and she stars in our Last Blast Variety Show every year. She also heads up our GSA club. She tirelessly works towards the idea that everyone should be accepted and made to feel safe and comfortable here at (Littleschool).
As I continued to think about this student, it was obvious that she was deserving of his award. It is my pleasure to present the Cornerstone Award for helping to promote a Caring School Climate to: IzzyB

I almost died in my seat. I almost died as I stood to receive my certificate and present. I almost died when everyone cheered for me. I almost died when I awkwardly kept thanking Ms. Hendrickson (She is such a wonderful lady!!). I almost died as I walked off stage and signed the magical silver book. I almost died when I found a shiny plaque and a beautiful card inside the present bag. I almost died as Maddie B. Smiled at me and congratulated me. And I died at the end of the ceremony when the lights went up and i showed my parents and sister what I got. (Ben didn't come because he didn't want to see me die). I was dying When i hugged Maddie B. I was dying when I mistakenly took Mr. K continuously patting my arms and congratulating me as a hint for a hug. I was just dying in general. That was how overwhelming it was. It was overwhelming and wonderful. I didn't even mind dying. The award just meant so much to me I guess, so much that I died in front of everyone!
Hey, I even almost died that afternoon, at lunch, at the last GSA meeting ever when children kept fishing money out of their pockets just so they could donate it to the club.
This was good dying, this was happy dying.

On the Tuesday before all the big graders went to Great America (A super awesome theme park). My S.S. Teacher, Mr. Mac, saved up a whole bunch of quarters to put into the water canon machine to soak everyone on the raft ride. My friend Cassie we on when the machine wasn't working so we had to go through Snoopy's water maze to get soaked instead. It took three hours for our feet and butts to stop leaving wet marks whenever we walked or sat down.
We met up with three of our guy friends and decided to play games to win stuffed animals, I spent the rest of my money on a game which Cassie one and got a Pokemon toy. But Gabe, Nathan, and Aiden really wanted me to win so the offered to pay for the next game and me and Cassie both won stuffed animals. She got a brown teddy bear and I got a white teddy bear. They were small toys that you got from playing once but they still count. Cassie said that since I payed for the game which got her her Pokemon she gave me her brown bear. We decided to play the game again and I got a gigantic Pokemon. (I was in that awkward stage of almost dying again because I didn't know how to receive their kindness towards me. I just kept thanking them and hugging them)
I gave the white bear to Zoe and I told her to give the brown bear to Jane (from the Jane and marcus story). Zoe said that jane called him Pablo, that made me happy! It turns out that Jane is going to be in Big school's advanced drama next year, funny thing is that so am I. I auditioned on Thursday with the first paragraph from A tell-tale Heart by Edgar Allan Poe and on Saturday I got a cheerful call that I made it in! YIPPEE!! It must be fate!

The Promotion Dance was on Friday night. I got all gussied up for it, I straightened my hair and wore a pretty dress and sandals and everything. I danced and ate strawberries and grapes and six minnie Pizzas and drank water and danced with my buddies. (Teehee, I even slow danced with a guy). Rumor had it that they were going to play What's going on by the 4 non blondes which was a classic in Mr. Mac's social Studies class. It was featured in the HeMan sings video he showed on a Monday. Quite humorous indeed. And all his students were going to do the weird twitchy arm dance to it. It was never played, we never danced, and everyone was upset. Well, just for Mr. Mac, a few of his 1st period students (including me) and one of his 6th period students did a civil war picture just for him!
Afterwards I rushed to my Friend Kc's birthday party/Sleepover. Only two kids slept over (including me). It was fun, we watched the Justin Bieber movie which was, uh, interesting. And we talked to Cleverbot and tried to make him say inappropriate things. That was surprisingly hard to do.

Today, my family (minus Ben because he was fighting Dragons) Went on a really cool hike. My dad took me farther than my mom and sister. We went all the way up to maisy's peek and saw all of Silicon Valley, even across the bay to Oakland. It was soooo massive! I felt like this was my Izania, that it was my kingdom. On our way back down the trail to our car, my family sang this song:

The wheels on the bus go round and round
Round and round
Round and round
The wheels on the bus go round and round
All through the town

The wipers on the bus go Swish, swish, swish
Swish, swish, swish
Swish, swish, swish
The wiper on the bus go Swish, swish, swish
All through the town

The Driver on the bus says "Move on back,
Move on back, move one back"
The driver on the bus says, "Move on back"
All through the town

The babies on the bus go waaah, waah, waaah
Waaah, waaah, waaah
Waaah, waaah, waaah
The babies on the bus go waaah, waah, waah
All through the town.

The mommies on the bus go shh, shh, shh
shh, shh, shh
shh, shh, shh
The mommies on the bus go shh, shh, shh
All through the town

The Daddies on the bus say, "Eat a cookie,
Eat a cookie, eat a cookie"
The daddies on the bus say, "Eat a cookie,"
All through the town

The Child on the bus says, "DON'T touch me!
DON'T touch me, DON'T touch me!"
The child on the bus says, "DON'T touch me!"
All through the town.

The Blackberry dude says, "Missed my stop!,
Missed my stop, missed my stop!"
The Blackberry dude says, "Missed my stop!"
All through the town

The Teen on the bus goes text, text, text
Text, text, text
Text, text, text
The teen on the bus goes text, text, text
All through the town

The Mime on the bus goes ..., ..., ...
..., ..., ...,
..., ..., ...
The Mime on the bus goes ..., ..., ...,
All through the town

The dudes on the bus Say, "Hey, What's up!"
"Hey, what's up! Hey what's up!"
The Dudes on the bus say, "Hey what's up!"
All through the town

The chicks on the bus say, "Ooh, he's hot!"
"Ooh, he's hot! Ooh, he's hot"
The Chicks on the bus say, "Ooh, he's hot!"
All through the town

The Blackberry dude says, "Why thank you!
Why thank you! Why thank you!"
The Blackberry dude says, "Why thank you!"
All through the town

The Chicks on the bus say, "Ew, not you!"
"Ew, not you! Ew, not you!"
The Chicks on the bus say, "Ew, not you!"
All through the town

The Grandma on the bus says, "Hey there sonny,"
"Hey there sonny, hey there sonny,"
The Grandma on the bus says, "Hey there sonny,"
All through the town

The Grandpa on the bus says, "Where my teef?"
"Where my teef? where my teef?"
The grandpa on the bus says, "Where my teef?"
All through the town

The child on the bus says, "That's no cookie!"
"That's no cookie! That's no cookie!"
The child on the bus says, "That's no cookie!"
All through the town

The dog on the bus goes Bark, bark, bark
Bark, bark, bark
Bark, bark, bark
The dog on the bus goes Bark, bark, bark
all through the town

The driver on the bus says, "No dogs allowed"
"No dogs allowed, no dogs allowed"
The driver on the bus says, "No dogs allowed"
All through the town

The wheels on the bus then pop and flatten and everyone must exit the bus

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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