Saturday, August 27, 2011

The Girl Who Gives Cookies

Another week of school blown away into the past. Now, since I was so rudely interrupted last Friday by The Lord of the rings, I'll continue from there.. That night Lilly took me to see One Day which is the most HORRIBLe movie I have ever seen. Of course, We didn't stay for the ending, but still. It was so depressing, I mean, before we left my mouth was on the sticky theatre floor and my eyes read WTF?! as we waited for her mother to pick us up I watched , absently, as a neat car drove by, a handsome couple inside it. It was dark, but I'm sure the lady in the front seat shot me with a finger gun. Which makes two in one day.
Dragon boat practice was easier than usual for me, and I decided that i shouldn't loathe going to practices so much. For dinner, the team got some ramen in down town san mateo and for dessert we went to this japanese fish place. Imagine a pancake filled with vanilla, or chocolate, or coconut, or nutella. And it's about and inch or two long and shaped like a fish! Sweet breams! I WANT TO GO BACK! I actually had a dream two days ago where my mother took Lily, Zoe, and I to Downtown San Mateo and I couldn't find sweet Breams then Lilly and I went into this witch shop and she had this epic battle with . . . . people.
I had a sleepover with Rachel on Saturday night.

On monday I spent the lunch period trying to get Amber to eat one of my cookies. I stood next to her and whispered, "Amber! Amber! amber!" She didn't notice but "marcus" did.
He joined in and shouted. "Amber! Amber! Amber!"
"Marcus" kept rejecting my cookies and on tuesday when i offered he said he wanted a brownie. The next day I brought in a cookie brownie and During lunch in the PAC/drama room I sat next to Amber. "Marcus" came by and glared at me. I ducked down to keep from smiling and he laugh.
"She ducks like I'm going to hit her," He remarked, reaching for something in his bag. "But i don't hit girls," He then smacked Amber on the back of the head.
I looked up at him and said. "Do you still want a brownie?" He looked confused so i held up the cookie brownie and declared, "I brought a cookie brownie!" He chuckled silently as if I has the most pathetic thing in the world and he found it amusing.
He became serious then and held out his hand like a claw. "Yes," He said. "I'm starving,"

Have you ever had one of those days when everything works out with frighteningly good luck. That afternoon I was going to give "Jane" a ride when she got a text from Ruby saying that Terrell was breaking up with her. I know I've been hostile towards Terrell when he's with "jane" and when he came to see her after school on monday I did ask if he would make coming around again a normal thing, and I can't help but think that I had something to do with this.

Today I snapped Sean, the boy who sits next to me in second period and who plays pencil ninja with me, in the arm with a ruler. He asked me where i got it and when i said my house he snapped it in half over his knee. . . . I can only blame myself for that, but it was so totally worth it!

The kid I sit next to in first period, I went to elementary school with him, and I swear that he's some sort of super hero or has super powers or something. I mean, he says that listening to music helps him concentrate, and I've seen enough super power shows to know that people with super hearing always listen to music to drown out other sounds. And he always comes to class late, what else could he be doing except fighting off bad guys? I have got him all figured out.

The boy who sits in front of me plays water polo, and Sir Polo is just like M, if you remember who that is. He doesn't attend my big school and it saddens me.

Last night I brought "Jane" and Lilly to a Ruby Tent, it was so amazing. well, i have to go, I've training to be a caller for dragon boat races in like twenty minutes and then practice after that and then after that I'm going to the Red Tent to make masks. Hopefully "Jane" and Lilly can come!! TTFN my Shetland ponies :-*

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