Saturday, November 27, 2010

Tangled up in the Weekend

Oh-my-gosh-ness, where to begin. Let's start with Thursday shall we? Thanksgiving. What a celebration, though I spent the morning watching television and picking out an outfit for the feast. The life of a child never grows old.
There I sat, in the most comfiest spot on the couch, watching the Thanksgiving Day Parade. The smells of the kitchen wafted in through the open archways: baking bread in the oven and the morning's breakfast, omelets :). I scarfed down my eggs and ham as fast as I could, and rushed up the stairs to take a shower and tidy myself up. It wasn't even noon by the time I was finished. I pulled on my new black leggings and a black tank-top, and stood in front of my closet. Two hours, that should be enough to pick out something to wear. I tried on shirts and dresses and skirts and bows and more dresses. Nothing seemed suitable, my only progress was a tight gray shirt with fluffy sleeves. Irritated, I stuffed my hand deep into my closet and pulled out a vintage black dress. Now where was that 30 minutes ago? I pulled it over my shirt, adjusted it, re-fluffed my sleeves, and posed. Absolutely adorable. I added some dark makeup and glitter. Just add a bow and you've got yourself a winner!! I looked uber spiffy.We then packed up all the pies and beverages, and loaves of bread into our car and drove off to our friends house.
Of course the children huddled in one room and the grownups in another, and there was a a lot of laughing and chatting and ben complaining about my multiple voices, and Ben mimicking me, and then the glorious food was served. I had turkey and stuffing and mashed potatoes and gravy and bread and some interesting energy drink that tasted like fruit leather and water. The little tykes then bailed to listen to Ben as he played guitar and sang to a bunch of songs by Taylor Swift and The spill Canvas and junk like that. Then there was pie and a whole lot of it. Then, quite randomly, Ocean's11. Am I moving too fast? Nah.
Friday. It is always a family tradition to find the Christmas tree the day after Thanksgiving. I walked downstairs in my black leggings and my tank-top and played a little Minecraft. I don't really remember the morning actually, I know I woke up Ben. . . . . Sort of. And I had a ham sandwich, and then I tied my wild hair to the side and dressed warmly.
Cutting down your own Christmas tree is like having an adventure in a winter forest. Dad was tending to the horses outside, I pulled on my Christmas hat and climbed into the carriage with the others. The road was bumpy as we drove out of the village. We took a path into the Tangle Wood and stopped by one of the small cottages. Little pixie Ashley rushed out and joined us in our quest for the beloved tree.
Now here's where things got freaky, I had brought along a backpack and in that backpack was a little book and some crayons. I got bored during the drive so I decided to doodle, I drew a tree and a bunch of raindrops and a little purple squirrel. Now, remember that drawing because it will come up later. So, we travelled up the winding roads past tree farm after tree farm after tree farm. There was this one farm with a big snow man in front and this guy with great hair who waved at us. I wanted to stop there because he looked so friendly, but sadly the others disagreed and we stopped at a different one. Then there was a lot of walking and hiking and picture-taking and movie-making and arguing over trees, and whole lot of that loving junk. Well we picked out a marvelous tree, and as we were bringing it back to our car we took a bunch of family photos. I just love photo shoots, but the sun was in my eyes and I felt very vampire-ish. Dad tied the tree to the car and the rest of us went inside the little boutique they had to get some free cider. It was nice, and warm, and yummy, I even burnt my tongue. We got back to the car and sat in the trunk, enjoying our warm drinks. And this is where the picture comes in. Ben started complaining bout my many voices again which made me a little sad and irritated and moody. I even started to cry a little. I didn't like it when Ben mimicked me, it made me feel bad about myself, like I wasn't good enough. I hid inside the car for a while and decided to doodle again.
This is when I realized I had predicted the future. My drawing, the one with the tree and the rain? Yea, it wasn't rain after all, it was, like, tears. I quirked an eyebrow and turned the page, I pulled out my crayons and doodled a giant mug of hot chocolate in hopes of some later to cheer me up. That never happened, we watched Harry Potter and ate cookies instead.
Saturday was Dragon Boat practice. Zoe doesn't do it much anymore so it's just me. I carpool with peeps so I'm not lonely much, but it was kind of awkward this time. Almost everyone in the car was asleep or listening to their ipods or something. I just stared out the window at the rain the decided to drizzle down and listened to the radio. For me, car rides are always silent. I like watching the scenery go by. I was sitting next to this older kid Victor who was writing a paper on his laptop, and out of the corner of my eye I saw him hand something to me. It was an earbud, he was offering me some of his music. Sadly earbuds hate me so I had to hold it with my fingers so it didn't fall out of my ear. I couldn't hear it all that well since the radio was on, but my guess was it sounded cool. when the car stopped and he turned off the music he said something about a new song, er, something like that I guess. My mind must've been groggy from the early hour still, because I could barely hear anything, so I politely smiled and nodded.
Then the rain picked up, my little jacket was soaked by the end of practice. I had to change clothes and everything. I didn't really have anything else to do for the rest of the day so I texted my bud Syd to make plans.
Zoe, Syd, Sonya, her little sister, and I decided to go see Tangled which was the most cutest movie in the world. I was so into it, I couldn't stop playing with my hair. I even cried. Golly, it was super cool. When the night grew late my mom invited me to watch Orphan with her down in the dark living room. I asked her to turn it off when Esther attacked the nun with a hammer. Yea, I was quite awake that night.
Sunday was a lazy day, nothing but Minecraft and other lazy things. I went to see burlesque with mom in the afternoon, and we brought home pizza for dinner. Ashley was at the house and she helped us put some last minute decorations on our Christmas tree. Ben put the star on top. I guess you could say the weekend was equivalent to riding a unicorn down a mountain while drinking from the goblet filled with the laughter of children. Haha, I love you dad.
Until next time, purple squirrels :-*

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