Sunday, November 7, 2010

For starters

Okay, here we go. It's a sunday and that usually means a lot of crap is about to go down tomorrow, like remembering assignments you forgot to do, procrastinating in the morning so you "forget" to have breakfast and/or make a lunch, and of course being surrounded by a large population of stuck up or degraded, insecure children. Well that's Little School for you.
I'm the big cat on campus this year, everyone younger then me thinks I'm cool, everyone in my grade thinks I'm weird, what ever. I'm a performer, enough said. Now listen, being in Little School is probably the most terrifying memories I will ever make. This is the time where all the little boys and girls "Grow up" or stay the same as they were in elementary school. Here's the thing, if you were cool and shamazing in elementary school you try to bring that into Little School and yea, sure, people in your grade might think you're cool, but you will annoy the poop out of everyone else. I was never cool in any school, I hung out with the kids who amused themselves by acting out scenes from family guy and the latest youtube videos with little erasers and pencil grips with faces drawn on them. I was also the youngest in my family and I got to watch as my brother and sister started to mature and act cooler. With this I learned that being little and annoying doesn't get you many friends so I tried to grow out of that stage. Then I went through the whole depressed "Nobody likes me" stage and the "Please say my name oh glorious older children" stage
In other words I was a doofus and continued my not so cool label, but I'm getting way off topic here. The thing is, everyone thinks they're all cool and shamazing and then they become defiant and rebellious and always piss off the teacher and start doing drugs and sag there pants and sexting and labeling and teasing and 'Did you just see what lindsey did just now?' and 'I want to marry Justin Bieber' and a whole lot of degrassi copy cat crap.
This is the result of children who don't have high school guru siblings to tell them to take off that thong, where a belt, and brush your teeth cause your breath smells like the rear end of a cow.
Now look, I'm not saying every poor innocent child is like this, but you have to admit there's more then one. I'm not totally innocent either, I've dated a couple peeps, kissed a couple genders, and told some secrets, and there's nothing much I can do about it since I've given up regretting things. I'm not afraid of rumors or labels anymore, and I have friends who don't get that and try to stop me from dancing on stage in front of the entire grade at lunch on a Friday while Lady GaGa is playing if that even makes much sense.
So now that we've covered the basics we can move on. I planned out what I was going to write earlier but that was sort of pushed off a cliff and brutally murdered in the canyon bellow so now I'm just winging it. I was planning on hiding out in my room and recording each day of solitude, I called it the depression plan but then I became happy a couple hours later and the fact that I don't own a laptop that I can use in my bedroom slapped me in the face like a fresh fish. All I want is for my room to be private, you know, with only me aloud in it, a sanctuary with only my colorful energy infecting it. Do you understand? Of course I could always continue with the plan and write in a journal since I have many beautiful ones that are completely empty and are just entreating me to open them and pour out my heart and soul on the pages. And I do sometimes, with the hopes of someone finding it once I'm long dead and making it into a book which would become a best seller.
Sadly I've never continued journaling after I've started and I hate writing with a pencil/pen and my handwriting isn't as attractive as Megan Fox. Oh well, blogging is much funner anyway, right? Even if what I write is totally square, I find it flowing with spunk. They say my personality is super awesome, so writing about my thoughts should be quite entertaining. . . . . . Well, I'll be entertained at least. Even if I never continue this you can just read this entry over and over again and laugh out loud just to satisfy me.
Until next time my lovely bunny slippers. :-*

1 comment:

  1. I think the new Kinder/McDonald family punishment is going to be fresh fish face slapping.

    "I'M GOING TO GET THE FISH!!!!" I'll say when they are drowning each other in the bathtub.

    How often should we change the fish to make sure it's fresh? You're the expert, here, Izzo.
