Sunday, November 14, 2010

Greetings, it is I, the glorious Izzy. Back once again to tell stories of my ongoing journey through growing up.
On Friday my mother took me to Santa Cruz for some delicious ice cream. We later then went around to all the shops because they were just too tempting to walk past. I got two undershirts, two undershorts, and some nifty purple plaid shorts. Along with mascara and lipgloss. I love being female. We were just about to call it a day when I saw the most fantastical thing in the whole wide world. EXTREMELY EXPENSIVE ROLLER SKATES!!!! Plus Roller Derby ads. There were pink ones and blue ones and leopard print ones and the most prettiest purple skates in the universe. I wanted those skates so badly I would've picked up a dead cat just to try them on. They were magnificent. The totally awesome lady in the shop said she'd even be willing to give me lessons on how to skate. Last time I tried I was crawling around 93% of the time.
I totally can't wait to see what happens on christmas. Speaking of which, I got to see a whole lot of other bathing suits online and now I don't know which one to pick.
I had Dragon Boat on Saturday which means I got to sit in a boat with a bunch of other hipsters and row with a paddle too short for me. Rowing has always been fun, but it sure takes some getting used to, I'm still pretty sore. After character-building, arm-displacing work I got to go to an herb-ish crafty class. Man, that room smelled good. I made a bunch of spunky stuff like perfume and lip balm and bath salt. But the real story is in the details after that.
You see, my sister Zoe and I haven't been on really good terms. Our good friend, Ashley, was coming over for some slumber party and stuff. well I started craving french fries and the girls started craving Sour Patch candy, and ben, who was in a loving and admirable relationship with Ashley (and who happened to be crashing the mojo) decided to go on a snack run. Ashley was attending that trip. Now Zoe was being very specific in this errand. She wanted Ben to go alone, you know, a two minute trip to the drug store, while the girls got some free time away from his smothering. Yea, it didn't really go down like that. Since Ben and Ashley were already going I wanted to go, so I grabbed my new purple shorts and a purple coat and put my shoes on. Zoe got a little upset, I tried to cheer her up by telling her to come with us. I brought her red sneakers and everything. But Zoe said no, she didn't want to go because she was in her pajamas and that she didn't want any of us to go in the first place. It ended up just being the three of us on a night time snacky run. This is where I ruined things a little, I told Ben that I was craving curly fries. His response? "Do you have money?" Well, yes, yes I did. So we went to a drive through then went to the drugstore to buy candy.
This all took about a half an hour, not really two minutes. Zoe was even more upset when we got home. I was blamed for ruining her girls night. And this is where I slaughtered the situation until there was nothing left but a flaming, disintegrating carcass, by telling Zoe a girls night wouldn't be possible since Ben was there stealing Ashley away.
And that's when I got water in my face.
Zoe had actually taken a full glass of water and through it in my face. Izzania's allies have shown aggression in the neutral zone, this means war!
No! War is never the answer.
The Izzy council is in uproar. Are you implying that we do nothing? That we take no action?
We deserved every drop of liquid thrusted onto our flesh, I will not have our alliance be extinguished!
What do you propose?
Nothing has happened that is of most importance, carry on.
And I dried myself off in the bathroom, took off my wet shorts and jacket, got into my pajamas, and rejoined the group as if nothing happened. But peace can't be kept forever for this very morning Benedict Izzy back sassed Zoe and got a door slammed in my face. Ooh, and we were so close.
Of course I had to snap at her, even if I deserved to be liquified it still hurt. I was asking Zoe for a monologue book and she asked what for. I responded sarcastically with: "I don't know, just for fun"
"Really, Izzy?" She glared at me, her eyes burning with annoyance.
"Are you gonna throw water at me again?" Then I fled to my room before she could hit me.
Conversations like these get Zoe in trouble because she always takes action, she doesn't like it when I act arrogant and sarcastic. She doesn't walk away from the annoying people, she silences them and makes sure they never bother her again. She won't even play along, she doesn't even try to win. I hate fighting with Zoe, we should be best friends, but I guess we clash too much.
I am forever to be shown as the little immature, tag-along, baby sister. Always getting in the way. This could be her victory if she would turn from my prodding. I am like a bully to a little grader, reacting only gives me what I want. But I don't really want it, that's just an example.
Until next time, Smooth Silk. :-*

1 comment:

  1. whoa flashback in my head i defintly remember this man i totally forgot about this day thank gawd for ur post i remember yea that was sad water in the face =[ defintly gave u a hug there dude ur amazing!!! just had to say that lol im like on a roll reading ur blog haha see how far i went lol love you.
