Sunday, November 21, 2010

Procrastination Plan

I am sad to say that the worst seems to be upon us. I am no longer paying any attention to my documenting duties which is what I feared the most. It always ends the same way, with the fear that what I write will be completely disappointing therefore not worth writing. Of course this can't be true because I'm just too interesting, but still I do have some doubts here and there. Good news is that I have some topics to write about, sort of.
Friday. Friday was the day of the field trip, intermediate and advanced drama journeyed to downtown San Jose to observe the wonderful musical Cinderella! It was young cast therefore I won't go into my truthful opinion, but it was entertaining and amusing all the same. Definitely not a bad way to spend your morning. After the show, all of us little tykes had lunch in the park which was getting ready for christmas and smelled of pine trees and damp felt snow. As I sat on a cold bench gobbling down my delicious articles of eatable-ness, my peers decided to chat about the latest Harry Potter movie. Sadly I never read the book, or finished the sixth one for that matter, but I didn't mind learning about all the bits and pieces that weren't in the film. Most of my pals went to a midnight showing last night, er morning, I was going to see it that afternoon.
A good detail to point out in this story was that i didn't ride the bus, instead I carpooled with some girls, and my little grader buddy, from my class. We arrived terribly early, no one was even at school yet, not the buses or the other cars. Fourth period wasn't even half over. After a bit of hanging out in the car, are lovely driver decided to take us to a neighboring lucky's and bought a box of ice cream drumsticks. In our grateful delight, we gobbled them up as fast as we could so to not let anyone else see.
A lovely trip it was, that field trip. My next topic involves a boy in my fifth period class, which I attended that afternoon. Remember M? He sits next to me in math, plays a sport, plays an instrument in one of the jazzy bands we have at school, and acts just like my older brother. He even looks like him, if Ben were in eighth grade and extremely tan. This discovery kind of ruined the class for him. You see, I have that little sister habit, enough said. I bug the crap out of him, even got him in trouble once. I was discussing television shows with another girl at our table and he got paragraphs trying to tell us to be quiet. Yea, he hasn't fully forgiven me for that.
Another thing I should point out if you aren't fully aware of it yet, I'm a bit nosy, I always like butting into other's conversations. M knows this, he even agreed when I mentioned it. Anyway, like my brother, he does things that make me laugh and smile and junk like that. Usually when I laugh around Ben he tells me to go away, and I'm sure if M could do that, he would. Or walk away himself, either way her would do it. M is very positive, and he doesn't like others being upset with him, though a lot of people are like that. I guess he thinks it's overrated, kind of like Ben when he tells my mom she shouldn't be yelling at him. M has a nice energy, and he's fun to be around, like Ben when he's not frustrating you with his big brother personality.
I think that M is just how kids his age are supposed to be, trying to get the best grades he can and having fun while doing it. He isn't as annoying as the other well known boys who don't really care about their grade point average and just want to get a girlfriend. Maybe I'm being too judgmental, but hey, this is my school from my perspective. I also think that M has a nice life at home too, I've never really seen him complain about his parents or say that he hates them like other kids. Ben was like that, of course then my mom went into hover drive and got into his business which lead to Ben getting defensive and snapping back with his raiser sharp teeth and his flaw of not knowing when to shut up. All mom and Ben talked about was school. Ben's in college now and momma's finally letting him take responsibility for himself. They still quarrel a bit, but I think things are better.
I'm getting way off topic here, well not really but still. I was talking about the similarities of M and Ben right? Yea, so, I know assuming isn't the best thing to do, but I think M will turn out just like Ben. Sadly, he's probably going to another high school, and I will admit that I'd rather have him go to mine. We could be friends, sort of.
Like Benjamin, M is very interactive and helpful. Like in basket ball, always trying to get everyone involved on his team. I don't know if it's kindness or if he's just doing it because of the P.E. teacher's orders. Maybe it's both, but M is too carefree, he's probably just trying to get through the game and have fun with it. I'm pretty sure that it isn't hard for him to have fun while doing something.
I feel like I'm missing something, well I figure it out later. Another boy worth mentioning is this ninth grader, Dino. I guess you could say that D was my first crush, not including that guy I stalked in sixth grade, yea, why did I do that? You could also say that D is pretty much the opposite of M in some ways. I've only talked to him face to face like twice, but still he's very nice to talk to. We started talking on Facebook, then we started texting. I guess we're friends, I mean we talked about everything. I had the little sister effect on him too, always bothering him and junk. Lately, the conversations haven't been as exciting, I'm worried a bit. What if we stop talking all together?
Well, if my life were a story, and it would be all in the past and junk, I think M would be a sailor friend, AA would be the tag along partner in crime, and D would be the lonely prince in the castle. Ooh, and it could be my job to save him! Weird thing is, he chooses to be locked up in that castle. Doing nothing but feeling apathetic. Well I guess that wouldn't make him a prince, more like a prisoner. Like, like, a thief who got caught and put in the dungeons and who decided not to go on being a rebel protesting the kingdoms laws. That his job was done, that there's nothing left.
And I would have to convince him that the world still needed the hero that he once was. And once I got him back on his feet there would be a big betrayal scene. Where he said he didn't need my help anymore and left. But that would just be the back story! The real story would be about a young boy, or girl, who entered the kingdom and met me and AA. And that character's destiny would involve saving the kingdom, and as he learned about it he would meet up with D. Then he would put two and two together and find out what happened long ago, and as he built an army or something to protect the kingdom, D would be in that army and so would I, and we would meet up again.
Best seller right there. And if this actually became a book and Ben read it, I think D would be his favorite character besides the main one.
There's just a slight problem, D is shy and modest, I've made it my mission to make him more confident about life and to live freely like me. Wait, now I'm just restating the beginning of the story. So I would succeed and D would look at the world in a different, but he would never leave. Not all the way gone at least. I don't really know actually, I barely know him, all I know is what we talk about. :/, there goes my story of greatness. Funny thing is, I bet that's already a story.
My third topic was about the Harry Potter movie, I'll make this short because I'm hungry. I saw it friday night, AMAZING! We got home around 2:30, or I went to sleep at that time. I don't know. Then I aw it saturday morning, STILL AMAZING! It's funny and exciting and now my friends are forcing me to read the book. Maybe I should, I'll get more out of it if I do. Can't wait for part two, and I heard that part one of Breaking Dawn comes out the same month as part 2 Harry Potter. I'm afraid to set foot in the theatre when this happens.
Well, until next time, loving rain clouds. :-*

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