Tuesday, November 9, 2010

How Sick!! :P

Tis a Tuesday morning and the weather is positively wonderful. I am absent from school for the second day for my body decided to spontaneously spaz out Monday morning and I spent most of the day laying uncomfortably on a couch as heavy as a blanket. My stomach was most upset, and you can imagine how disgusting it was for me every hour.
Mother called it a 24-hour bug, I call it karma for "forgetting" to turn in a homework assignment. Well you can't have everything, right? I woke up with the most frightening knots in my beautiful curls, besides the usual morning frizz. I will now have to drag myself to the bathroom and take a shower, of course after I find some more soup to devour.
Hey that rhymed!
What I dislike most about staying home is returning to school the next day. My classmates always tell me the things I don't want to hear after I've been ill. "Oh yea, by the way, there was an essay due this period. Guess you're not gonna get the grade, huh?" Well not exactly but you can imagine. I mean, I hate being out of the loop, having to catch up. Kind of like when I had to catch up in science because I was going to the wrong class for two weeks, yea, that wasn't fun.
I don't even think there's going to be homework this week, seeing that its a three day week and I've missed the first two days. There couldn't have been a lot of things going on with such a short week.
I must say, I am extremely tired. I'm going to flop onto some scratchy hay right about now before I lose consciousness.
TTFN, marshmallow fluff :-*

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