Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Great news!! I actually planned what I'm going to write tonight, I mean like actually wrote it down and junk. :D .
First topic of the day: Justin Bieber. We all knew this day would come. You see since he happens to be the object of lust in most girls' eyes, I just couldn't resist writing about him. Let's see, he's young, famous, and rather feminine. I can see why the ladies go crazy, as in trample-on-yo-sisters-like-a-stampede-of-cross-cows-crazy. That's as far as I go with the negativity, I'm really impressed by his success actually. Who knew you could go from youtube favorite to a binder theme in such a spontaneous amount of time. Though his popularity is surpassing my loving Mother Monster and I just can't deal with that junk. And that concludes this section of . . . . whatever it is this section could be.
Topic number two: CHAMPIONSHIP BASKETBALL!!! It was the Blubber Nuggets V.S. the Bunnies. M, R, and I against My terrific friend Caity and the other boys on that team. Ooh, the game was so close and exciting. It ended 26-24, a Blubber Nugget victory. Sadly, we only made it to third place at the highest, but still the crowd was going nuts!
T#3: An autumn day isn't complete without the perfect setting. I would've preferred rain, most would've preferred heat, but we got stuck with the most beautiful blue sky the frozen children had ever seen. All wrapped up in a ribbon crafted in the depths of the pacific ocean where you are too numb to remember what warmth is. It was cold. And there wasn't any snow. Does anyone else see the major problem?
T#4: Yesterday was was rudely invited to see Harry Potter with AA and maybe some others, as if I was sure. I was discussing internet attractions with my bud Caity, when I was roughly pinched on my sore arm. Both my arms are sore and I haven't the slightest idea why. Any who, so I was pinched, I went "OW", he went "that didn't hurt, wanna see a flick?", and I went "Hell to the no!"
That was the pain talking, BTW. I had already seen the movie twice, I wasn't really up for a third viewing anyway.
Topic number, 5 is it? Yea, five: I was having the most difficult time paying attention in science today. That could be due to the miraculously cheesy science movie, but we won't count that. You see, I sit next to my friend Cassie and she does the most prettiest, most glamorous, and most spunky drawings in the whole universe. Well, that's just compared to me. Cue laugh box, that's a knee slapper.
I'm not usually the type to get jealous, really, I'm not, it's just that her drawings look so professional and junk that it frustrated me. In my irritation I decided to draw an eye like I usually do in times of boredom. I wanted to make it look realistic, but sadly I was working in pen and I must say the eye failed miserably. I scribbled it out and slumped onto the desk, chin in hand, scowl destroying my beautiful face. How childish of me to be acting like this, I could just ask her to draw something for me and use it to practice my hand. You know how they say Jealousy is an ugly trait in a women? I must agree, for it can turn out terrifying.
I do believe I have a friend who is, in a way, jealous of my freedom. I honestly don't care how others think of me so I constantly do what makes me happy without fear. For instance, getting up on stage during lunch and dancing to my favorite Lady GaGa song. She tried to stop me, she tried to pull me off the stage. Half the crowd was booing, but the other half was filled with my friends cheering for me. I was having fun, and she felt sorry for me. She said it herself, she feels sorry for me. I'm the girl who has everything I could ever want, and she feels sorry for me. I don't know what her deal is, but I bet it's hard to pronounce. I don't think I want to be friends with her much anymore. she thinks I'm like her, not completely happy with me life, so she has to protect me from things that would make my life even more miserable. I can't take it anymore.
Let's lighten the mood with Topic number six, shall we: Thanksgiving is tomorrow and I can not wait to eat until I explode. My family is bringing the desert, Apple pie, ricotta cheese pie, and chocolate cream pie. All home made and all so delicious you could buy a wii with one. (true story)
I think I'll go snack hunting now, until next time my sweet potatoes :-*

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