Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Safety dance for science

  • Well, this week has turned out to be quite the hunky monkey, and it's only Wednesday. Now that basketball is over, soccer has taken control of physical education. We start each third period with a jog, yay. I highly dislike running to the billionth degree, so I jogged some and walked some and jogged some. Coach made me and some other kids, including AA, go around the track a second time. I broke out in icky rash so terribly I almost cried. Not really, but still. I have a C in algebra, a C!! According to mother "This is unacceptable!" Hey, at least it's a pass. Its the tests that get me every time, I barely passed this last one. Who knew math would become so difficult as you excelled in age. Speaking of passing grades, I also have a C in social studies. That class is really starting to piss me off. No offense to Mr. Mac or anything, I mean he's uber coolio, but for some strange reason it has been really difficult to get all the work done in that class.
  • HI SARAH!!!!!
  • As I ponder further on my future I have found that my reaction towards kissing is that of disgust. I remember one night when I was thinking about boys and all that jazz that girls my age do, I just felt that kissing seemed so icky to me. I believe I have found my true state of mind for my young age. How wonderful, I am acting as normal as it gets. Should I be thrilled or disappointed?
  • AA gave me a soda today, he's my partner in soccer practice. It is extremely fun to kick balls at him, of course, he isn't afraid to chuck balls back. Yesterday I was hanging out with him and my bud Gia during lunch. I had on a scarf so I wrapped it around my neck a couple times then pulled it over my nose. I covered one of my eyes and shouted "Look, I'm Kakashi!!"
  • "Wrong eye," AA responded.
  • "Oh"
  • I didn't even know he watched Naruto, he laughed at me for quite a while that day.
  • Science yesterday was fun, we were researching the Atom's History on laptops. I had the urge to run out of the classroom with it, if only I had a computer of my own. I wasn't even aloud to blog on it. Ooh, today in science my chum Cassie got Mr. M to play Safety Dance while we worked. Sadly we were the only students who knew the song but still it was fun. I even inspired her to start a blog of her own, ain't that spiffy?
  • Well, I've got a bunch of projects coming up being the lsat few weeks of the semester and all, can't wait until christmas. I hope i get roller skates, hint, hint. haha
  • Until next time, my children in hats :-*

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