Saturday, December 4, 2010

I'm sitting at a table in a dark restaurant. D sits across from me, but I pay no attention to him. Instead I am looking out the window, wrapped in the blanket of my thoughts. D watches me then gets up to leave, placing a small red box on the table. I pick up the box, it glows with a faint pulse. I crush the box in my hand and D vanishes into thin air. I continue to stare out the window and it begins to rain. A waiter brings me the check.
Soccer is so dreadful. I barely know how to play so I don't, our team lost the first match 8-1. It reminds me of elementary school when the kids played catch in P.E., I would throw the ball over their heads just to watch them retrieve it. I disliked the whole point of the class therefore refused to participate.
Friday was AA's last day at our school, he told me so himself. Said he was moving and was going to attend some other little school near his house. Maybe he's just saying that though.
I have decided that I will not live in a world where children become attracted to each other. There is obviously too much annoying stress to take part. Just the thought of it makes me groan, I will be as cold as Ice 'till I'm twenty. I don't know why I feel this way, It must have something to do with the fact that when others become mushy I become melodramatic. I don't play very nice with mushy, I strangle it in my grasp and shove it down the kitchen sink while turning on the garbage disposal. Thus disintegrating any chance of ever feeling so vulnerable again. It is a very idiotic performance that most look down upon, but I can't help it. One slip up and I end up deleting the poor fellow's number from my phone so as to never be in contact with him ever again (true story). It just so happened to be one of the few big regrets of my life.
I can't help but think that the lead singer from NeverShoutNever! is going to pop up whenever I sing one of his songs. He actually scares the hell out of me, famous people can be most intimidating. I also had this belief that for some reason a bunch of kids from big school would come to our little school and spend the day with us, sadly that didn't happen and I was extremely distraught.
I found out why I have such a terrible grade in Social studies, my attention span is totally demented. I ended up doodling a ballerina and a pair of roller skates during one of the teacher's lectures. I am a sad, sad little girl.
My advanced drama class is performing Honk, my vocal audition is next tuesday and I haven't even practiced much. Surprisingly I like playing Oboe and Piano more then acting, strange. Speaking of Jojo the oboe, I had to get new reeds for him since a disobedient little grader got out of her seat during class and smushed between two seats. I was in one of those seats, sitting in rest position like a good student and she ran right into my reed, snapping it without even a second glance. How rude, I know.
Well, until next time my loyal servants :'-*

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