Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Post of the moment

Written 12/13/10:

My mom checked my grades today and reported that i am banned from my beloved, dementedly slow desktop. funny thing was, she saw two Cs instead of three.
What? Only two?
Check the memory files, it must be a mistake.
Nope! Miraculously, I raised my Algebra grade right out of the dumps of mildly passing grade Hell. According to mother anyway. I have predicted that I will end the semester with only one C. That is my goal in life at the moment, besides filling up this book which I am writing in this very second for I am deprived of technology.
I attended my callback this afternoon. There were about, maybe, 12 other kids there and we gathered around the old piano and sang many tunes from the musical and other junk of the spunky sort. All the decent female singers made me turn ugly green with envy. Have I ever mentioned how ugly jealousy is in a young girl? well it is, quite frightening to one such as I.
Hey, the twelves days of Christmas start today!! :D
I have failed! Yesterday morning I actually cleaned my room. It's so clean in there now, I'm almost insecure. I came home this evening and for the first time my room was filled with the warmth the magic cleaning ladies leave behind after finishing their lovely work. It is so different from my usual dark-and-cold-and-hiding-behind-closed-doors-room every other monday afternoon.
If i last through this week of school the semester will be over. Its so close I can almost taste it. Ew, sour dough bread. Christmas is just around the corner, I'm that much closer to my new roller skates!
Now before I pass out from lack of sleep let me say goodnight my baby booties :-*

1 comment:

  1. Ah -- but can those great singers "act?!" Nothing will stop you except whatever you let stop you. xo
