Thursday, December 23, 2010

post of the moment (episode 2)

Written 12/22/10

You know, I really have to start writing down the genius posts I come up with throughout the day. I've constructed a binder, I have blank note books and everything. I want to fill them, but when I put pen to paper my mind blanks. Every once in a while I'll get a burst of pure cleverness!! Sadly, I can never remember it when once writing utensils are in hand. I do write down ideas though, little bullet points of things i could post. Meh, it isn't as fulfilling.
Okay, guess what, I'm just going to whip right through each topic I have. I saw four movies today, one was continued from last night so that would be considered a half, and two f them were the same film. I have turned into my sister, my butt shall be flattened by sitting on the couch too much.
So my dad took me to OSH the other day, that place smells like dirt and rubber, and we got a new bird feeder. Hurray for bird feeders, Happy days, end of starvation! Then all the squirrels found out and decided to go all Spykids on the poor nut house. I'm forced to chase them into the neighbors yard all the time because they don't know the meaning of boundaries!
Last Friday I came to school dressed as a boy. If you ask me why I'll scowl because that is a stupid question. I had a glorious time, though everyone kept calling me Justin Bieber. Don't they know who I am? I'm Izzy for Lady GaGa's sake, not justin Bieber. Though my brother's Girlfriend, ashley's, brother told me the other night that we had the same face. I didn't know if I should've been insulted or appreciative, I made terrible Mac n Cheese instead.
I observed my sister as she printed out some photos today. She said they were for her binder. I just want to say: Lick my boots JB, you aren't the only one taking up young, girly space! High five to me for making Zoe's binder!!
Jojo the oboe and I might take lessons from this professor at my brother's school. BTW, I don't think he know I brought his year book to school to compare faces with Mikey. XD
My buds and I have decided to communicate using snail mail. I haven't gotten any responses, I wonder where my letters went. That house is gonna get one strange letter.
I have more topics but I will touch on those some other day.
Until next time my left sock stealing Goblins :-*

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