I gave New Boy the cold treatment, I didn't like him from the start. I feel that he's stealing my friends from me. He of course thinks I'm frightening and states it aloud, then everyone on the hill thought I was frightening and they all hid behind Cassie. He even told me when I asked that no he doesn't act like he does, and no he doesn't cuss this much. Since I was acting very depressed, she asked me what was wrong. I didn't know what was wrong, I just felt very angry and impatient ever since that stupid emotionless froglet started hanging out with her. I took off my jacket and showed her my arm instead. I was healing from a rash that was triggered after running the mile nonstop. I'm so proud, 10:40, 14 seconds too slow but still good. She was very concerned and then New Boy said something stupid and I shouted something stupid back and it backfired. Cassie was standing away from me, she looked so sad. I didn't mean to hurt her feelings, I just wanted to get a point across. Once I see her today I'm going to apologize, tell her that what I said was uncalled for.
Well I have to go, school and all. Until next time my friends :-*
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