Saturday, November 27, 2010

Tangled up in the Weekend

Oh-my-gosh-ness, where to begin. Let's start with Thursday shall we? Thanksgiving. What a celebration, though I spent the morning watching television and picking out an outfit for the feast. The life of a child never grows old.
There I sat, in the most comfiest spot on the couch, watching the Thanksgiving Day Parade. The smells of the kitchen wafted in through the open archways: baking bread in the oven and the morning's breakfast, omelets :). I scarfed down my eggs and ham as fast as I could, and rushed up the stairs to take a shower and tidy myself up. It wasn't even noon by the time I was finished. I pulled on my new black leggings and a black tank-top, and stood in front of my closet. Two hours, that should be enough to pick out something to wear. I tried on shirts and dresses and skirts and bows and more dresses. Nothing seemed suitable, my only progress was a tight gray shirt with fluffy sleeves. Irritated, I stuffed my hand deep into my closet and pulled out a vintage black dress. Now where was that 30 minutes ago? I pulled it over my shirt, adjusted it, re-fluffed my sleeves, and posed. Absolutely adorable. I added some dark makeup and glitter. Just add a bow and you've got yourself a winner!! I looked uber spiffy.We then packed up all the pies and beverages, and loaves of bread into our car and drove off to our friends house.
Of course the children huddled in one room and the grownups in another, and there was a a lot of laughing and chatting and ben complaining about my multiple voices, and Ben mimicking me, and then the glorious food was served. I had turkey and stuffing and mashed potatoes and gravy and bread and some interesting energy drink that tasted like fruit leather and water. The little tykes then bailed to listen to Ben as he played guitar and sang to a bunch of songs by Taylor Swift and The spill Canvas and junk like that. Then there was pie and a whole lot of it. Then, quite randomly, Ocean's11. Am I moving too fast? Nah.
Friday. It is always a family tradition to find the Christmas tree the day after Thanksgiving. I walked downstairs in my black leggings and my tank-top and played a little Minecraft. I don't really remember the morning actually, I know I woke up Ben. . . . . Sort of. And I had a ham sandwich, and then I tied my wild hair to the side and dressed warmly.
Cutting down your own Christmas tree is like having an adventure in a winter forest. Dad was tending to the horses outside, I pulled on my Christmas hat and climbed into the carriage with the others. The road was bumpy as we drove out of the village. We took a path into the Tangle Wood and stopped by one of the small cottages. Little pixie Ashley rushed out and joined us in our quest for the beloved tree.
Now here's where things got freaky, I had brought along a backpack and in that backpack was a little book and some crayons. I got bored during the drive so I decided to doodle, I drew a tree and a bunch of raindrops and a little purple squirrel. Now, remember that drawing because it will come up later. So, we travelled up the winding roads past tree farm after tree farm after tree farm. There was this one farm with a big snow man in front and this guy with great hair who waved at us. I wanted to stop there because he looked so friendly, but sadly the others disagreed and we stopped at a different one. Then there was a lot of walking and hiking and picture-taking and movie-making and arguing over trees, and whole lot of that loving junk. Well we picked out a marvelous tree, and as we were bringing it back to our car we took a bunch of family photos. I just love photo shoots, but the sun was in my eyes and I felt very vampire-ish. Dad tied the tree to the car and the rest of us went inside the little boutique they had to get some free cider. It was nice, and warm, and yummy, I even burnt my tongue. We got back to the car and sat in the trunk, enjoying our warm drinks. And this is where the picture comes in. Ben started complaining bout my many voices again which made me a little sad and irritated and moody. I even started to cry a little. I didn't like it when Ben mimicked me, it made me feel bad about myself, like I wasn't good enough. I hid inside the car for a while and decided to doodle again.
This is when I realized I had predicted the future. My drawing, the one with the tree and the rain? Yea, it wasn't rain after all, it was, like, tears. I quirked an eyebrow and turned the page, I pulled out my crayons and doodled a giant mug of hot chocolate in hopes of some later to cheer me up. That never happened, we watched Harry Potter and ate cookies instead.
Saturday was Dragon Boat practice. Zoe doesn't do it much anymore so it's just me. I carpool with peeps so I'm not lonely much, but it was kind of awkward this time. Almost everyone in the car was asleep or listening to their ipods or something. I just stared out the window at the rain the decided to drizzle down and listened to the radio. For me, car rides are always silent. I like watching the scenery go by. I was sitting next to this older kid Victor who was writing a paper on his laptop, and out of the corner of my eye I saw him hand something to me. It was an earbud, he was offering me some of his music. Sadly earbuds hate me so I had to hold it with my fingers so it didn't fall out of my ear. I couldn't hear it all that well since the radio was on, but my guess was it sounded cool. when the car stopped and he turned off the music he said something about a new song, er, something like that I guess. My mind must've been groggy from the early hour still, because I could barely hear anything, so I politely smiled and nodded.
Then the rain picked up, my little jacket was soaked by the end of practice. I had to change clothes and everything. I didn't really have anything else to do for the rest of the day so I texted my bud Syd to make plans.
Zoe, Syd, Sonya, her little sister, and I decided to go see Tangled which was the most cutest movie in the world. I was so into it, I couldn't stop playing with my hair. I even cried. Golly, it was super cool. When the night grew late my mom invited me to watch Orphan with her down in the dark living room. I asked her to turn it off when Esther attacked the nun with a hammer. Yea, I was quite awake that night.
Sunday was a lazy day, nothing but Minecraft and other lazy things. I went to see burlesque with mom in the afternoon, and we brought home pizza for dinner. Ashley was at the house and she helped us put some last minute decorations on our Christmas tree. Ben put the star on top. I guess you could say the weekend was equivalent to riding a unicorn down a mountain while drinking from the goblet filled with the laughter of children. Haha, I love you dad.
Until next time, purple squirrels :-*

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Great news!! I actually planned what I'm going to write tonight, I mean like actually wrote it down and junk. :D .
First topic of the day: Justin Bieber. We all knew this day would come. You see since he happens to be the object of lust in most girls' eyes, I just couldn't resist writing about him. Let's see, he's young, famous, and rather feminine. I can see why the ladies go crazy, as in trample-on-yo-sisters-like-a-stampede-of-cross-cows-crazy. That's as far as I go with the negativity, I'm really impressed by his success actually. Who knew you could go from youtube favorite to a binder theme in such a spontaneous amount of time. Though his popularity is surpassing my loving Mother Monster and I just can't deal with that junk. And that concludes this section of . . . . whatever it is this section could be.
Topic number two: CHAMPIONSHIP BASKETBALL!!! It was the Blubber Nuggets V.S. the Bunnies. M, R, and I against My terrific friend Caity and the other boys on that team. Ooh, the game was so close and exciting. It ended 26-24, a Blubber Nugget victory. Sadly, we only made it to third place at the highest, but still the crowd was going nuts!
T#3: An autumn day isn't complete without the perfect setting. I would've preferred rain, most would've preferred heat, but we got stuck with the most beautiful blue sky the frozen children had ever seen. All wrapped up in a ribbon crafted in the depths of the pacific ocean where you are too numb to remember what warmth is. It was cold. And there wasn't any snow. Does anyone else see the major problem?
T#4: Yesterday was was rudely invited to see Harry Potter with AA and maybe some others, as if I was sure. I was discussing internet attractions with my bud Caity, when I was roughly pinched on my sore arm. Both my arms are sore and I haven't the slightest idea why. Any who, so I was pinched, I went "OW", he went "that didn't hurt, wanna see a flick?", and I went "Hell to the no!"
That was the pain talking, BTW. I had already seen the movie twice, I wasn't really up for a third viewing anyway.
Topic number, 5 is it? Yea, five: I was having the most difficult time paying attention in science today. That could be due to the miraculously cheesy science movie, but we won't count that. You see, I sit next to my friend Cassie and she does the most prettiest, most glamorous, and most spunky drawings in the whole universe. Well, that's just compared to me. Cue laugh box, that's a knee slapper.
I'm not usually the type to get jealous, really, I'm not, it's just that her drawings look so professional and junk that it frustrated me. In my irritation I decided to draw an eye like I usually do in times of boredom. I wanted to make it look realistic, but sadly I was working in pen and I must say the eye failed miserably. I scribbled it out and slumped onto the desk, chin in hand, scowl destroying my beautiful face. How childish of me to be acting like this, I could just ask her to draw something for me and use it to practice my hand. You know how they say Jealousy is an ugly trait in a women? I must agree, for it can turn out terrifying.
I do believe I have a friend who is, in a way, jealous of my freedom. I honestly don't care how others think of me so I constantly do what makes me happy without fear. For instance, getting up on stage during lunch and dancing to my favorite Lady GaGa song. She tried to stop me, she tried to pull me off the stage. Half the crowd was booing, but the other half was filled with my friends cheering for me. I was having fun, and she felt sorry for me. She said it herself, she feels sorry for me. I'm the girl who has everything I could ever want, and she feels sorry for me. I don't know what her deal is, but I bet it's hard to pronounce. I don't think I want to be friends with her much anymore. she thinks I'm like her, not completely happy with me life, so she has to protect me from things that would make my life even more miserable. I can't take it anymore.
Let's lighten the mood with Topic number six, shall we: Thanksgiving is tomorrow and I can not wait to eat until I explode. My family is bringing the desert, Apple pie, ricotta cheese pie, and chocolate cream pie. All home made and all so delicious you could buy a wii with one. (true story)
I think I'll go snack hunting now, until next time my sweet potatoes :-*

Monday, November 22, 2010

All hail the Blubber Nuggets!!

Most of my day is spent thinking of different things to write down and document. There is a lot of time in my day therefore a lot of thinking. This process involves comparing and editing and rethinking and a whole lot of other things that take a lot of effort. I just want to make sure I'll write something that I won't delete in the near future, that will start a chain reaction of more deleting and rewriting and deleting and when I've deleted too much I'll get frustrated and delete the whole blog then I'll have to start over again and no one really wants that now do they. I'm not into never ending cycles.
Yet another thing I need to be cautious about is making sure this doesn't end up like a mushy, gushy, juicy diary, and that almost always happens. This will also trigger the deleting effect. I mean, I am way above regretting things, but then again I don't need another reason to be disliked by the people I could care less about. . . . . . Not that it matters, I mean, I could care less.
I am extremely proud to say that I broke out in icky rash for a good reason. I actually played basketball, like, actually got into the game and touched the ball more than five times.
Third period, physical Education. The dark clouds were gathering, threatening to let down an exciting storm at any moment. There were only two who were present for the Blubber Nuggets' next game of the season. M turned to me, and asked if I was ready to play. I couldn't help but smile and say yes. Of course I was ready, ready for the greatest loss of the whole year. I supposed M was leaning toward that assumption as well.
We were up against a four person team, the coach pulled a girl from them and gave her to us to even it out. Let's call her L. AA was on the opposite team, so was the enthusiastic Austin. I would call him A but that would make things a lot more confusing. A girl named P was also on that team. The game was so exciting, M would get the ball then L and I would run towards our hoop and get ready. What great teamwork we had, lots of passing and shooting and catching the rebounds and junk. I actually got to shoot the ball, and it actually went in the hoop one time. I was having such a good time I didn't even notice when my body got all hot and itchy.
Blubber Nuggets won, 22-0. I think that was the score anyway. Whoot, it felt like the first victory in forever, well it was, for me.
No before I pass out from lack of sleep and constant nag, let me just say that this week is off to a good start. How exciting for me.
Good night, pretty kitties :-*

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Procrastination Plan

I am sad to say that the worst seems to be upon us. I am no longer paying any attention to my documenting duties which is what I feared the most. It always ends the same way, with the fear that what I write will be completely disappointing therefore not worth writing. Of course this can't be true because I'm just too interesting, but still I do have some doubts here and there. Good news is that I have some topics to write about, sort of.
Friday. Friday was the day of the field trip, intermediate and advanced drama journeyed to downtown San Jose to observe the wonderful musical Cinderella! It was young cast therefore I won't go into my truthful opinion, but it was entertaining and amusing all the same. Definitely not a bad way to spend your morning. After the show, all of us little tykes had lunch in the park which was getting ready for christmas and smelled of pine trees and damp felt snow. As I sat on a cold bench gobbling down my delicious articles of eatable-ness, my peers decided to chat about the latest Harry Potter movie. Sadly I never read the book, or finished the sixth one for that matter, but I didn't mind learning about all the bits and pieces that weren't in the film. Most of my pals went to a midnight showing last night, er morning, I was going to see it that afternoon.
A good detail to point out in this story was that i didn't ride the bus, instead I carpooled with some girls, and my little grader buddy, from my class. We arrived terribly early, no one was even at school yet, not the buses or the other cars. Fourth period wasn't even half over. After a bit of hanging out in the car, are lovely driver decided to take us to a neighboring lucky's and bought a box of ice cream drumsticks. In our grateful delight, we gobbled them up as fast as we could so to not let anyone else see.
A lovely trip it was, that field trip. My next topic involves a boy in my fifth period class, which I attended that afternoon. Remember M? He sits next to me in math, plays a sport, plays an instrument in one of the jazzy bands we have at school, and acts just like my older brother. He even looks like him, if Ben were in eighth grade and extremely tan. This discovery kind of ruined the class for him. You see, I have that little sister habit, enough said. I bug the crap out of him, even got him in trouble once. I was discussing television shows with another girl at our table and he got paragraphs trying to tell us to be quiet. Yea, he hasn't fully forgiven me for that.
Another thing I should point out if you aren't fully aware of it yet, I'm a bit nosy, I always like butting into other's conversations. M knows this, he even agreed when I mentioned it. Anyway, like my brother, he does things that make me laugh and smile and junk like that. Usually when I laugh around Ben he tells me to go away, and I'm sure if M could do that, he would. Or walk away himself, either way her would do it. M is very positive, and he doesn't like others being upset with him, though a lot of people are like that. I guess he thinks it's overrated, kind of like Ben when he tells my mom she shouldn't be yelling at him. M has a nice energy, and he's fun to be around, like Ben when he's not frustrating you with his big brother personality.
I think that M is just how kids his age are supposed to be, trying to get the best grades he can and having fun while doing it. He isn't as annoying as the other well known boys who don't really care about their grade point average and just want to get a girlfriend. Maybe I'm being too judgmental, but hey, this is my school from my perspective. I also think that M has a nice life at home too, I've never really seen him complain about his parents or say that he hates them like other kids. Ben was like that, of course then my mom went into hover drive and got into his business which lead to Ben getting defensive and snapping back with his raiser sharp teeth and his flaw of not knowing when to shut up. All mom and Ben talked about was school. Ben's in college now and momma's finally letting him take responsibility for himself. They still quarrel a bit, but I think things are better.
I'm getting way off topic here, well not really but still. I was talking about the similarities of M and Ben right? Yea, so, I know assuming isn't the best thing to do, but I think M will turn out just like Ben. Sadly, he's probably going to another high school, and I will admit that I'd rather have him go to mine. We could be friends, sort of.
Like Benjamin, M is very interactive and helpful. Like in basket ball, always trying to get everyone involved on his team. I don't know if it's kindness or if he's just doing it because of the P.E. teacher's orders. Maybe it's both, but M is too carefree, he's probably just trying to get through the game and have fun with it. I'm pretty sure that it isn't hard for him to have fun while doing something.
I feel like I'm missing something, well I figure it out later. Another boy worth mentioning is this ninth grader, Dino. I guess you could say that D was my first crush, not including that guy I stalked in sixth grade, yea, why did I do that? You could also say that D is pretty much the opposite of M in some ways. I've only talked to him face to face like twice, but still he's very nice to talk to. We started talking on Facebook, then we started texting. I guess we're friends, I mean we talked about everything. I had the little sister effect on him too, always bothering him and junk. Lately, the conversations haven't been as exciting, I'm worried a bit. What if we stop talking all together?
Well, if my life were a story, and it would be all in the past and junk, I think M would be a sailor friend, AA would be the tag along partner in crime, and D would be the lonely prince in the castle. Ooh, and it could be my job to save him! Weird thing is, he chooses to be locked up in that castle. Doing nothing but feeling apathetic. Well I guess that wouldn't make him a prince, more like a prisoner. Like, like, a thief who got caught and put in the dungeons and who decided not to go on being a rebel protesting the kingdoms laws. That his job was done, that there's nothing left.
And I would have to convince him that the world still needed the hero that he once was. And once I got him back on his feet there would be a big betrayal scene. Where he said he didn't need my help anymore and left. But that would just be the back story! The real story would be about a young boy, or girl, who entered the kingdom and met me and AA. And that character's destiny would involve saving the kingdom, and as he learned about it he would meet up with D. Then he would put two and two together and find out what happened long ago, and as he built an army or something to protect the kingdom, D would be in that army and so would I, and we would meet up again.
Best seller right there. And if this actually became a book and Ben read it, I think D would be his favorite character besides the main one.
There's just a slight problem, D is shy and modest, I've made it my mission to make him more confident about life and to live freely like me. Wait, now I'm just restating the beginning of the story. So I would succeed and D would look at the world in a different, but he would never leave. Not all the way gone at least. I don't really know actually, I barely know him, all I know is what we talk about. :/, there goes my story of greatness. Funny thing is, I bet that's already a story.
My third topic was about the Harry Potter movie, I'll make this short because I'm hungry. I saw it friday night, AMAZING! We got home around 2:30, or I went to sleep at that time. I don't know. Then I aw it saturday morning, STILL AMAZING! It's funny and exciting and now my friends are forcing me to read the book. Maybe I should, I'll get more out of it if I do. Can't wait for part two, and I heard that part one of Breaking Dawn comes out the same month as part 2 Harry Potter. I'm afraid to set foot in the theatre when this happens.
Well, until next time, loving rain clouds. :-*

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

House of Horrors

Written 11/16/10

It's silent, so silent that if I make an inch of noise a bomb might explode or something. I'm in my room hiding from world war III, er, I mean family quarrels. I'm writing all this down in a small notebook since I can't get to the downstairs desktop. Which has decided to become dementedly slow. Originally I was folding the laundry but then I got put into the computer deprived room on my delivery rounds.
Speaking of rooms, my rents have threatened to take away my beloved computer time if I don't tidy mine up. I never understood this common argument. Why should one clean their room? It just doesn't make sense. It's like placing a penguin in the desert: Zero sense.
This is my kingdom, my habitat, my sacred environment. I should block it off from the public, put a combination lock on my door. If no one's allowed in, no one can peek inside, then no one will complain, and no one will tell me to clean my room. Plain and simple. And a bit idiotic.
In other news: We have started the basket ball unit in physical education. I'm on a team with this kid Mikey who acts just like my brother, no joke. It's a bit creepy which I find intriguing. Now when it comes to basket ball I'm not that good, but our teacher has a rule that everyone on the team has to touch the ball and make shots and junk like that (er, participate if you will). I touched the ball about four times, and that was it. After we won the game, M informed the teacher that everyone made a basket and that I hit the rim a few times.
At first I thought he was being kind to me, or trying to get out of trouble, since I barely played. Boy, was I off. Turns out that he was talking about Roxy, a team mate standing next to me. He thought he was passing it to me. FML moment. Boys are so unobservant, why do girls like them so much?
Back to the topic of what happened earlier this evening. I hate it when my family fights, especially when its between parent and child. Just witnessing it almost made me crumble and break down. I don't like talking during these times because my voice has an 87% chance of breaking and showing emotion that others might puzzle over. And I'd rather not piss anybody off.
When I went to get the laundry my throat felt all tight and my body felt stiff and my breathing was shaky and it took all my will power not to have my eyes water in the least. It's situations like these which drive me away from fighting in the future and more into the guilt trip. Well, for serious problems anyway, petty things make me speak without thinking. A terrible flaw.
Damn, I have to keep reminding myself that I have no flaws, only qualities. My dad told my that. :)
Until next time, Gummy Bears :-*

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Greetings, it is I, the glorious Izzy. Back once again to tell stories of my ongoing journey through growing up.
On Friday my mother took me to Santa Cruz for some delicious ice cream. We later then went around to all the shops because they were just too tempting to walk past. I got two undershirts, two undershorts, and some nifty purple plaid shorts. Along with mascara and lipgloss. I love being female. We were just about to call it a day when I saw the most fantastical thing in the whole wide world. EXTREMELY EXPENSIVE ROLLER SKATES!!!! Plus Roller Derby ads. There were pink ones and blue ones and leopard print ones and the most prettiest purple skates in the universe. I wanted those skates so badly I would've picked up a dead cat just to try them on. They were magnificent. The totally awesome lady in the shop said she'd even be willing to give me lessons on how to skate. Last time I tried I was crawling around 93% of the time.
I totally can't wait to see what happens on christmas. Speaking of which, I got to see a whole lot of other bathing suits online and now I don't know which one to pick.
I had Dragon Boat on Saturday which means I got to sit in a boat with a bunch of other hipsters and row with a paddle too short for me. Rowing has always been fun, but it sure takes some getting used to, I'm still pretty sore. After character-building, arm-displacing work I got to go to an herb-ish crafty class. Man, that room smelled good. I made a bunch of spunky stuff like perfume and lip balm and bath salt. But the real story is in the details after that.
You see, my sister Zoe and I haven't been on really good terms. Our good friend, Ashley, was coming over for some slumber party and stuff. well I started craving french fries and the girls started craving Sour Patch candy, and ben, who was in a loving and admirable relationship with Ashley (and who happened to be crashing the mojo) decided to go on a snack run. Ashley was attending that trip. Now Zoe was being very specific in this errand. She wanted Ben to go alone, you know, a two minute trip to the drug store, while the girls got some free time away from his smothering. Yea, it didn't really go down like that. Since Ben and Ashley were already going I wanted to go, so I grabbed my new purple shorts and a purple coat and put my shoes on. Zoe got a little upset, I tried to cheer her up by telling her to come with us. I brought her red sneakers and everything. But Zoe said no, she didn't want to go because she was in her pajamas and that she didn't want any of us to go in the first place. It ended up just being the three of us on a night time snacky run. This is where I ruined things a little, I told Ben that I was craving curly fries. His response? "Do you have money?" Well, yes, yes I did. So we went to a drive through then went to the drugstore to buy candy.
This all took about a half an hour, not really two minutes. Zoe was even more upset when we got home. I was blamed for ruining her girls night. And this is where I slaughtered the situation until there was nothing left but a flaming, disintegrating carcass, by telling Zoe a girls night wouldn't be possible since Ben was there stealing Ashley away.
And that's when I got water in my face.
Zoe had actually taken a full glass of water and through it in my face. Izzania's allies have shown aggression in the neutral zone, this means war!
No! War is never the answer.
The Izzy council is in uproar. Are you implying that we do nothing? That we take no action?
We deserved every drop of liquid thrusted onto our flesh, I will not have our alliance be extinguished!
What do you propose?
Nothing has happened that is of most importance, carry on.
And I dried myself off in the bathroom, took off my wet shorts and jacket, got into my pajamas, and rejoined the group as if nothing happened. But peace can't be kept forever for this very morning Benedict Izzy back sassed Zoe and got a door slammed in my face. Ooh, and we were so close.
Of course I had to snap at her, even if I deserved to be liquified it still hurt. I was asking Zoe for a monologue book and she asked what for. I responded sarcastically with: "I don't know, just for fun"
"Really, Izzy?" She glared at me, her eyes burning with annoyance.
"Are you gonna throw water at me again?" Then I fled to my room before she could hit me.
Conversations like these get Zoe in trouble because she always takes action, she doesn't like it when I act arrogant and sarcastic. She doesn't walk away from the annoying people, she silences them and makes sure they never bother her again. She won't even play along, she doesn't even try to win. I hate fighting with Zoe, we should be best friends, but I guess we clash too much.
I am forever to be shown as the little immature, tag-along, baby sister. Always getting in the way. This could be her victory if she would turn from my prodding. I am like a bully to a little grader, reacting only gives me what I want. But I don't really want it, that's just an example.
Until next time, Smooth Silk. :-*

Thursday, November 11, 2010

I'm lovin' it!

Well this was a lovely day, nothing but walking around and riding a bike. And eating cookie dough, and getting yelled at for getting too much water at the coffee shop, and watching high schoolers play water polo, and sitting in an elevator going up and down and up and down.
In the life of me, Izzy, the days must be fun filled and exciting or I'll end up sitting in front of the computer liking things on Facebook. So, here's the story, this kid Annoying Anthony invited me to breakfast at McDonald's. And since they had good hash browns, I said sure. Then I ride on my bike for a half an hour just to get there. Turns out he ain't got no cash. I check my pockets, and I ain't got no cash.
At this point in time I am regretting the decision of slave-driving my legs all the way over here to a fatening-tastical restaurant filled with teeny children crying over the wrong toy that appeared in their little greasy box.
Plan B: We whip out our phones and start calling people who might have money. I come up with less than a broken reed and he comes up with an angry grandparent who's willing to lend us about ten dollars. And since waiting is overrated we decide to walk around to all the different shops and cross-walks instead. I'm not a walker, but that wasn't hard to figure out now was it.
Not that I have anything against the work out, it just has a lot against me. See my skin has zero tolerance for any kind of heat, that means if I overheat while doing anything that involves me to overheat, I get all hot. But you probably already guessed that. But it's a special kind of hotness, and I don't mean Megan Fox hot, I mean hot and itchy and bumpy and icky and red and EW. But enough about my problems.
After a lot of walking and talking and spying and sitting, I decided to ditch Annoying Anthony and go home. I didn't really ditch, he just wanted to walk a certain way to go to his house and I wanted to get back to McDonald's. He was too stubborn so I split. So now I'm huffing and puffing, ready to harass little piggies on my bike when a new plan pops up. "Hey why don't I meet up with my mom and sister, they're already walking towards the frozen yogurt place" Haha, funny thing is, I was just there with AA and am already headed in the opposite direction.
And let me mention how hard it is to type with all the glitter I have in my eyes right now. Not to mention the phone farts I'm getting from my Little Grader friend. Love you Syd!
At the end of the day my brain is exploding with the plans of when I should do my weekend homework and practice my instruments. They're all pretty simple things so it shouldn't be a problem. Monday morning it is :D, I'm just playing, but seriously.
I twill summon thee again soon, pathetic mortals :-*

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

How Sick!! :P

Tis a Tuesday morning and the weather is positively wonderful. I am absent from school for the second day for my body decided to spontaneously spaz out Monday morning and I spent most of the day laying uncomfortably on a couch as heavy as a blanket. My stomach was most upset, and you can imagine how disgusting it was for me every hour.
Mother called it a 24-hour bug, I call it karma for "forgetting" to turn in a homework assignment. Well you can't have everything, right? I woke up with the most frightening knots in my beautiful curls, besides the usual morning frizz. I will now have to drag myself to the bathroom and take a shower, of course after I find some more soup to devour.
Hey that rhymed!
What I dislike most about staying home is returning to school the next day. My classmates always tell me the things I don't want to hear after I've been ill. "Oh yea, by the way, there was an essay due this period. Guess you're not gonna get the grade, huh?" Well not exactly but you can imagine. I mean, I hate being out of the loop, having to catch up. Kind of like when I had to catch up in science because I was going to the wrong class for two weeks, yea, that wasn't fun.
I don't even think there's going to be homework this week, seeing that its a three day week and I've missed the first two days. There couldn't have been a lot of things going on with such a short week.
I must say, I am extremely tired. I'm going to flop onto some scratchy hay right about now before I lose consciousness.
TTFN, marshmallow fluff :-*

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Game Time

So, I've started playing this one game called Minecraft. If you know of it throw your hands in the air and yell "Yatzee!"
Yea, I know, I know, it's a stupid topic to discuss but I just got so damn bored chilling in my crib that I decided to come around to my mothers laptop and blog. As you can see I really had nothing to talk about. Well, I could chat with you about what is happening in the present moment I guess.
Well, for starters I just got kicked off the laptop and sent to the desktop. There's goes the feeling of completeness.
The lights are on, the T.V. in the other room is loud and annoying. I don't know what the kids upstairs are doing, last I heard they were playing guitar, and I am in a sweater and jeans hoping that there is a huge storm tomorrow so we don't have to do anything in P.E. :D
It is november, winter is like OhMyGod close and that means the holiday where a strange fat man gets to enter your house and kiss your sleeping children while his demented animal friends crap on your roof. Happy holidays to you too.
Not that I have anything against it, I mean family tradition and the gift of giving is fabulous. I especially want a pare of roller skates so I can join roller derby and actually have the strength to make boys cry. That would be a good day. Just kidding, Roller derby frightens me and it's impossible for boys to emit feelings. Yes, that was a joke, glad you figured it out.
Then there's thanksgiving that happens sometime this century which I'm not looking forward to. What I mean is I don't want to stuff my face with the delicious articles of eatable solids and liquids like always, because, though I am beautifully figured and no one can compare, my pretty tummy is losing it's bikini essence. Which brings me to the second thing on my christmas list along with lipstick, panties, and push-up bras: A vintage bathing suit. Originally I wanted a one-piece because that would look so adorable on me, but my mother insisted on a two-piece and we found a cute white one online with red cherries on it. I'll probably get it just in time for the swimming unit at school, a-woot woot.
I would also like to congratulate myself with the fact that I actually posted for the second time, I actually thought I would be too busy procrastinating to do it.
Let's hear it for positivity!
Until next time Candy Corn :-*

For starters

Okay, here we go. It's a sunday and that usually means a lot of crap is about to go down tomorrow, like remembering assignments you forgot to do, procrastinating in the morning so you "forget" to have breakfast and/or make a lunch, and of course being surrounded by a large population of stuck up or degraded, insecure children. Well that's Little School for you.
I'm the big cat on campus this year, everyone younger then me thinks I'm cool, everyone in my grade thinks I'm weird, what ever. I'm a performer, enough said. Now listen, being in Little School is probably the most terrifying memories I will ever make. This is the time where all the little boys and girls "Grow up" or stay the same as they were in elementary school. Here's the thing, if you were cool and shamazing in elementary school you try to bring that into Little School and yea, sure, people in your grade might think you're cool, but you will annoy the poop out of everyone else. I was never cool in any school, I hung out with the kids who amused themselves by acting out scenes from family guy and the latest youtube videos with little erasers and pencil grips with faces drawn on them. I was also the youngest in my family and I got to watch as my brother and sister started to mature and act cooler. With this I learned that being little and annoying doesn't get you many friends so I tried to grow out of that stage. Then I went through the whole depressed "Nobody likes me" stage and the "Please say my name oh glorious older children" stage
In other words I was a doofus and continued my not so cool label, but I'm getting way off topic here. The thing is, everyone thinks they're all cool and shamazing and then they become defiant and rebellious and always piss off the teacher and start doing drugs and sag there pants and sexting and labeling and teasing and 'Did you just see what lindsey did just now?' and 'I want to marry Justin Bieber' and a whole lot of degrassi copy cat crap.
This is the result of children who don't have high school guru siblings to tell them to take off that thong, where a belt, and brush your teeth cause your breath smells like the rear end of a cow.
Now look, I'm not saying every poor innocent child is like this, but you have to admit there's more then one. I'm not totally innocent either, I've dated a couple peeps, kissed a couple genders, and told some secrets, and there's nothing much I can do about it since I've given up regretting things. I'm not afraid of rumors or labels anymore, and I have friends who don't get that and try to stop me from dancing on stage in front of the entire grade at lunch on a Friday while Lady GaGa is playing if that even makes much sense.
So now that we've covered the basics we can move on. I planned out what I was going to write earlier but that was sort of pushed off a cliff and brutally murdered in the canyon bellow so now I'm just winging it. I was planning on hiding out in my room and recording each day of solitude, I called it the depression plan but then I became happy a couple hours later and the fact that I don't own a laptop that I can use in my bedroom slapped me in the face like a fresh fish. All I want is for my room to be private, you know, with only me aloud in it, a sanctuary with only my colorful energy infecting it. Do you understand? Of course I could always continue with the plan and write in a journal since I have many beautiful ones that are completely empty and are just entreating me to open them and pour out my heart and soul on the pages. And I do sometimes, with the hopes of someone finding it once I'm long dead and making it into a book which would become a best seller.
Sadly I've never continued journaling after I've started and I hate writing with a pencil/pen and my handwriting isn't as attractive as Megan Fox. Oh well, blogging is much funner anyway, right? Even if what I write is totally square, I find it flowing with spunk. They say my personality is super awesome, so writing about my thoughts should be quite entertaining. . . . . . Well, I'll be entertained at least. Even if I never continue this you can just read this entry over and over again and laugh out loud just to satisfy me.
Until next time my lovely bunny slippers. :-*