Thursday, December 23, 2010

post of the moment (episode 2)

Written 12/22/10

You know, I really have to start writing down the genius posts I come up with throughout the day. I've constructed a binder, I have blank note books and everything. I want to fill them, but when I put pen to paper my mind blanks. Every once in a while I'll get a burst of pure cleverness!! Sadly, I can never remember it when once writing utensils are in hand. I do write down ideas though, little bullet points of things i could post. Meh, it isn't as fulfilling.
Okay, guess what, I'm just going to whip right through each topic I have. I saw four movies today, one was continued from last night so that would be considered a half, and two f them were the same film. I have turned into my sister, my butt shall be flattened by sitting on the couch too much.
So my dad took me to OSH the other day, that place smells like dirt and rubber, and we got a new bird feeder. Hurray for bird feeders, Happy days, end of starvation! Then all the squirrels found out and decided to go all Spykids on the poor nut house. I'm forced to chase them into the neighbors yard all the time because they don't know the meaning of boundaries!
Last Friday I came to school dressed as a boy. If you ask me why I'll scowl because that is a stupid question. I had a glorious time, though everyone kept calling me Justin Bieber. Don't they know who I am? I'm Izzy for Lady GaGa's sake, not justin Bieber. Though my brother's Girlfriend, ashley's, brother told me the other night that we had the same face. I didn't know if I should've been insulted or appreciative, I made terrible Mac n Cheese instead.
I observed my sister as she printed out some photos today. She said they were for her binder. I just want to say: Lick my boots JB, you aren't the only one taking up young, girly space! High five to me for making Zoe's binder!!
Jojo the oboe and I might take lessons from this professor at my brother's school. BTW, I don't think he know I brought his year book to school to compare faces with Mikey. XD
My buds and I have decided to communicate using snail mail. I haven't gotten any responses, I wonder where my letters went. That house is gonna get one strange letter.
I have more topics but I will touch on those some other day.
Until next time my left sock stealing Goblins :-*

Monday, December 20, 2010

Saturday, the day the cast list was put up on the little school website. I was in the middle of an obsessive vampire marathon when i suddenly remembered. I jumped up and raced to the only available computer. I was so sure, so sure that I would become the fabulous villain of the musical, with my own solo and the chance to be pulled over by strangers complimenting me on how entertaining i was. I told my mom and sister that even if I didn't get the part I wouldn't mope about it, but then again I was so sure that I had the part.
I clicked on the link to the list and scrolled down.
The cat: Maddie B.
Excuse me? Maddie was one of the best actresses in our program, I understood how she would get what I wanted desperately. I thought she'd do better as the Bullfrog though, that part had a solo as well, probably too small for her. Of course I didn't get bullfrog because I totally blew the audition for the song, My friend trinity did. This was her first year in advanced Drama and she got a main part. I was happy for her because she fit it perfectly.
I observed the list some more. Farm animals: Izzy
I didn't even get a line, I wouldn't be able to have a solo, no stranger would pull me over and compliment me. I was just going to be in the back with all the other tall students, where no one would see me. And I was so sure of this one, I had a better part in last years musical. I cued a song with my line, I had the funniest ad lib out of all the searching parents. It was repeated throughout the crowd, my dad said.
I know I said I wouldn't cry, but then again i felt rather insulted. I walked silently up to my room and hugged a pillow. It was to be expected I guess, I was only good for one part and since someone was better at that part then me I lost it. Having no where else to be placed they put me on the island of misfit toys. I'll show them though, I'll be the best farm animal in the world and they will all regret their decision. Or maybe I'll become an understudy for Maddie.
My positivity made me smile, I wasn't like those wimpy girls who gave up. No, I'm an entertainer, I make things work awesomely that way. I pulled out my doodle book and my crayons and drew a black cat, her arms out wide, her pink lips open as if she were singing. I drew Maddie's hair on the kitty and colored in a red background. Above her I drew five large water drops.
I put it all away and walked towards my mirror, picking up a hairbrush and holding it like a microphone, I sang the beginning of the cat's solo. It would've been so much fun to play that part. Meh, if my acting career doesn't do well I'll become an oboist.
Until next time my farm animals :-*

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Post of the moment

Written 12/13/10:

My mom checked my grades today and reported that i am banned from my beloved, dementedly slow desktop. funny thing was, she saw two Cs instead of three.
What? Only two?
Check the memory files, it must be a mistake.
Nope! Miraculously, I raised my Algebra grade right out of the dumps of mildly passing grade Hell. According to mother anyway. I have predicted that I will end the semester with only one C. That is my goal in life at the moment, besides filling up this book which I am writing in this very second for I am deprived of technology.
I attended my callback this afternoon. There were about, maybe, 12 other kids there and we gathered around the old piano and sang many tunes from the musical and other junk of the spunky sort. All the decent female singers made me turn ugly green with envy. Have I ever mentioned how ugly jealousy is in a young girl? well it is, quite frightening to one such as I.
Hey, the twelves days of Christmas start today!! :D
I have failed! Yesterday morning I actually cleaned my room. It's so clean in there now, I'm almost insecure. I came home this evening and for the first time my room was filled with the warmth the magic cleaning ladies leave behind after finishing their lovely work. It is so different from my usual dark-and-cold-and-hiding-behind-closed-doors-room every other monday afternoon.
If i last through this week of school the semester will be over. Its so close I can almost taste it. Ew, sour dough bread. Christmas is just around the corner, I'm that much closer to my new roller skates!
Now before I pass out from lack of sleep let me say goodnight my baby booties :-*

Friday, December 10, 2010

An Elf and the missing Mocha

What a week this has been. Tuesday was my first band concert, Jojo the Oboe and I did magnificently. For beginning band anyway. When we were done we had to sit in this one section of the indoor commons away from the audience. The temperature on the ground was colder than the air above it which i found most interesting. My friend even snuck back to where we were sitting and we had this awesome conversation in new Jersey accents, sadly she got kicked out and I was forced to move. I sat with my little grader friends and showed them all my accents too, but before I could go all British on them I got moved. . . . Again! I say, what do grownups have against childish entertainment?
I was extremely stressed on wednesday for I had my vocal audition that afternoon and I almost cried in science because I found out that I had a C. A C! What would I tell my mom? It's frightening to talk about grades with her, she gets all loud. My report card is now three As, a B, and three Cs. Though I'm sure I'm gonna be able to raise my grade in social studies, no sweat. Back to my vocal audition, so they said to sing a song that best presents you or something like that (I wasn't really sure, I wasn't paying attention. I heard sing and a bunch of songs filled my brain. My mind was halfway through the Disney playlist when I noticed someone was trying to talk to me.)
My mom suggested I do Popular from wicked cause it was the best one for me, even though I had already sung it at last year's talent show. I was scared because they only let you sing one minute of the song and Popular is better with two. I was also scared because it was a new instrumental that i hadn't used very much so the timing was extremely different. Everyone who was auditioning that day had specific times to come in, so you could chill at home and come back and junk like that. I was the last one on the list but I decided to stay for the whole thing, I'm weird like that. The whole schpeal was going faster then they planned, and all of a sudden there wasn't anyone left to go since they were all at home thinking they had to be there at a specific time and making popcorn and junk. So my friend Trinity opened the door and pushed me through.
And there I was, in front of the directors. I felt very nervous, which is odd for me, so my voice kept shaking. The cool thing was that they never stopped my CD, it just kept playing. I was having a bunch of fun, I suppose they were too. Then things got off, since there was a speaking part in the middle of the song and i hadn't practiced with it as often as I liked, also I didn't think they'd let me go on for that long, it went on longer then I thought it would and it kind of screwed me up a bit. Meh, i pretended nothing was extremely wrong and just finished the song. It was so awesome, but I ended up braking out in rash afterwards. Not fun. My dad took me and my sister to Chevi's after that.
Thursday afternoon was my piano lesson, sadly my mom had a birth the night before and took a long nap all day. She forgot to pick me up. So I spent a half hour pacing with a binder balancing on the top of my head. Finally i whipped out my phone and called her in complaint. Since we were already so late i didn't mind missing the lesson, because I hadn't completely practiced much. But we went anyway, and I made a fool of myself as I plinked on the keys. My family went to a chinese restaurant that night. IMy mom gave me ten dollars in exchange for the ten dollars worth of coins i gave her, I stuck it in my shoe for safe keeping. After fortune cookies we went to Starbucks, My sister and I waited for the drinks as a couple of older boys came in. I recognized one from the time my mom and I came here after seeing burlesque. He was working that night, and i remembered him because he looked like an elf. I mean seriously, he was short and blond and had a little pointy nose. And i swear i grabbed his mocha by mistake, cause it was larger then mine was supposed to be. Not that I drank from it, pshht. ok, Maybe a sip.
Friday was the most important day of them all, because that was the day that Advanced drama posted the callbacks. I watched the clock like a small child watches a colorful object that moves. Once that bell rang ending school I sprinted down the hall to the indoor commons to the office door, and scanned that paper to find my name "IZZY" printed real big. I squealed with delight then rushed back around the halls to the choir wing and pulled my locker open and stuffed my books in my bag and skipped to my car to tell my mom the news. She was late. Again. :)
until next time my peppermint mochas :-*

Monday, December 6, 2010


I walk into glowing room. All around my feet are tiny red boxes, each one has a pulse, each one illuminating the room. I pick one up and throw it against the wall, a boy's face appears then disappears. Everyone I've ever obsessed over, everyone I've ever had a crush on disappears with each box that I destroy. I don't want them, I don't want them.
I feel like my body is going to explode, I'm having one of those PMS mood swing moments. Not fun. I've ended the lives of three tissues without even knowing why! I guess it could've been triggered by my homework, I mean if its more then one page I go into the procrastinating circle of doom. I have a problem, a serious problem.
I've been feeling very emotional lately and I thought that if I didn't write it down I would suffer from a fatal epileptic seizure and never see my brand new skates on Christmas. Hint, hint. But now I feel so much better, no worries, hahahahaha.
Today was AA "real" last day, like for sure. I have to go through the whole absense of a friend depression now, like for sure this time. How will I ever go through the day without his many judgements?
let's take a look at the homework situation shall we?
science- read Chapter 5 and do workbook pages. Assigned last wednesday, due this wednesday. Have I touched it? Ew, gross.
Language arts- The Pearl chapter packets. I'm a little behind on those.
Social studies- I might have to print something out?
Math- Incredibly hard worksheet. Whose idea was it to mix letters and numbers together anyway?
I better get to it then, now that I've spilled all over the clean floor I'm pretty much calm again like when I was eating french fries not too long ago. I want more french fries.
Until next time my little easter eggs. :-*

Saturday, December 4, 2010

I'm sitting at a table in a dark restaurant. D sits across from me, but I pay no attention to him. Instead I am looking out the window, wrapped in the blanket of my thoughts. D watches me then gets up to leave, placing a small red box on the table. I pick up the box, it glows with a faint pulse. I crush the box in my hand and D vanishes into thin air. I continue to stare out the window and it begins to rain. A waiter brings me the check.
Soccer is so dreadful. I barely know how to play so I don't, our team lost the first match 8-1. It reminds me of elementary school when the kids played catch in P.E., I would throw the ball over their heads just to watch them retrieve it. I disliked the whole point of the class therefore refused to participate.
Friday was AA's last day at our school, he told me so himself. Said he was moving and was going to attend some other little school near his house. Maybe he's just saying that though.
I have decided that I will not live in a world where children become attracted to each other. There is obviously too much annoying stress to take part. Just the thought of it makes me groan, I will be as cold as Ice 'till I'm twenty. I don't know why I feel this way, It must have something to do with the fact that when others become mushy I become melodramatic. I don't play very nice with mushy, I strangle it in my grasp and shove it down the kitchen sink while turning on the garbage disposal. Thus disintegrating any chance of ever feeling so vulnerable again. It is a very idiotic performance that most look down upon, but I can't help it. One slip up and I end up deleting the poor fellow's number from my phone so as to never be in contact with him ever again (true story). It just so happened to be one of the few big regrets of my life.
I can't help but think that the lead singer from NeverShoutNever! is going to pop up whenever I sing one of his songs. He actually scares the hell out of me, famous people can be most intimidating. I also had this belief that for some reason a bunch of kids from big school would come to our little school and spend the day with us, sadly that didn't happen and I was extremely distraught.
I found out why I have such a terrible grade in Social studies, my attention span is totally demented. I ended up doodling a ballerina and a pair of roller skates during one of the teacher's lectures. I am a sad, sad little girl.
My advanced drama class is performing Honk, my vocal audition is next tuesday and I haven't even practiced much. Surprisingly I like playing Oboe and Piano more then acting, strange. Speaking of Jojo the oboe, I had to get new reeds for him since a disobedient little grader got out of her seat during class and smushed between two seats. I was in one of those seats, sitting in rest position like a good student and she ran right into my reed, snapping it without even a second glance. How rude, I know.
Well, until next time my loyal servants :'-*

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Safety dance for science

  • Well, this week has turned out to be quite the hunky monkey, and it's only Wednesday. Now that basketball is over, soccer has taken control of physical education. We start each third period with a jog, yay. I highly dislike running to the billionth degree, so I jogged some and walked some and jogged some. Coach made me and some other kids, including AA, go around the track a second time. I broke out in icky rash so terribly I almost cried. Not really, but still. I have a C in algebra, a C!! According to mother "This is unacceptable!" Hey, at least it's a pass. Its the tests that get me every time, I barely passed this last one. Who knew math would become so difficult as you excelled in age. Speaking of passing grades, I also have a C in social studies. That class is really starting to piss me off. No offense to Mr. Mac or anything, I mean he's uber coolio, but for some strange reason it has been really difficult to get all the work done in that class.
  • HI SARAH!!!!!
  • As I ponder further on my future I have found that my reaction towards kissing is that of disgust. I remember one night when I was thinking about boys and all that jazz that girls my age do, I just felt that kissing seemed so icky to me. I believe I have found my true state of mind for my young age. How wonderful, I am acting as normal as it gets. Should I be thrilled or disappointed?
  • AA gave me a soda today, he's my partner in soccer practice. It is extremely fun to kick balls at him, of course, he isn't afraid to chuck balls back. Yesterday I was hanging out with him and my bud Gia during lunch. I had on a scarf so I wrapped it around my neck a couple times then pulled it over my nose. I covered one of my eyes and shouted "Look, I'm Kakashi!!"
  • "Wrong eye," AA responded.
  • "Oh"
  • I didn't even know he watched Naruto, he laughed at me for quite a while that day.
  • Science yesterday was fun, we were researching the Atom's History on laptops. I had the urge to run out of the classroom with it, if only I had a computer of my own. I wasn't even aloud to blog on it. Ooh, today in science my chum Cassie got Mr. M to play Safety Dance while we worked. Sadly we were the only students who knew the song but still it was fun. I even inspired her to start a blog of her own, ain't that spiffy?
  • Well, I've got a bunch of projects coming up being the lsat few weeks of the semester and all, can't wait until christmas. I hope i get roller skates, hint, hint. haha
  • Until next time, my children in hats :-*