Sunday, July 31, 2011


wonderful! positively wonderful! I must say, i was beginning to worry that i was finished with surprising myself and yet i have done it once again!

I haven't seen a single bunny since we dropped one off in Manchester, but they have returned. One across the street last night, two on the lawn when we came home from Boston this evening. We could barely see them, it was so dark. Their little, white, bunny tails told us that they were running away though.

I now believe that i no longer enjoy water, well, besides the fact that i hesitate before entering the shower, and that i never put my legs verticle in water which i can't see the bottom of. I want you to listen to this story as i make it seem more dramatic than it actually was. I was at the little rocky beach by our rental house with my sister and our little cousin (Ben was there but he bailed so he isn't very important). I was a bit freaked since i didn't have boat shoes with me and the way out into the water was rocky until it hit the sandy bottom, and the rocks were usually slimy and covered in plants and dead crabs.

My sister and I started walking out towards a small floating dock, the water never quite reaching above our waists. Feet from the dock, Sissy turned back to collect our cousin who wanted to join us. I, not wanting to walk all the way back, hurried to the dock and climbed on and sat down, waiting for them. They never made it all the way out to me, instead they decided to walk all the way back to the house to pick up some floaty things. I've never liked being alone, please note this, so when i saw the spider crawling along my leg I flicked it off. I didn't want to sit down anymore, spiders and all, so i stood and waited for Zoe to come back. I held onto myself and tried to keep my balance while the wake from several boats slapped agasinst the dock, all the while avoiding the flying bug trying to land on me and the spider that kept appearing and following me in circles before disappearing again. At this point I really wanted Zoe to come back. I pondered the idea of walking back to the shore, but I really, really didn't want to get back into that water again. I wondered if there were fish swimming around, or crabs. So walking wasn't an option i'd pick, and with swimming, i'd have to touch the bottom one way or another.

I think it was around the time that Zoe came back, but the folks who were lounging on the rocky beach when we arrived ran away, possibly because i looked so ridiculous flailing about on the dock. Zoe, carrying our little cousin, brought me a noodle after i screamed at her in distress. The water was too shallow and i was too heavy for the noddle to protect me from the floor, so, spazzing out just a tad, I gabbed Zoe's arm and started shreiking my head off. My sister, a bit baffled that i was frightened of, well, nothing, tried to console me and help as best as she could. All I wanted was to teleport to the shore and not have to touch anything. I envied my cousin who was safe in Zoe's arms. Why didn't i have someone to hold me? After going through such a traumatic experience that was really just my brain making fun of me, I broke down, which made my cousin break down, which made Zoe extremly annoyed with me. So annoyed, in fact, that she walked all the way to the shore, came back with an inner tube and had me sit in it while she pushed me to the shore. She loves me so much.

Cake time, until next time my sting rays :-*

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Multiplying, like the rabbits do

Zoe is seemingly ill, the other day a convinced a little girl that there are monsters living in my house, Ben clogged the toilet on the third floor, and i'm being stalked by rabbits.

Maybe it is because I've been reading a lot of manga, one consisting of a story about Alice in Wonderland with a twist, or I'm going mentally insane. Oh, wait, I believe I've already done that. Bunnies are appearing everywhere. There were two on the grass outside my rental house yesterday afternoon. One sprinted into the bushes and the other across the street, my father and I then drove to Manchester and found an even smaller bunny running through the parking lot. Maybe we're running a cab service? They should pay us next time.

Well, I hung out with my buddy Sam that night and, equipped with her mother's credit card, we proceded to use an ATM for the first time. Very impressive it was, so we treated ourselves to some icecream. I kept the reciept from when we failed on the first try. on the second we used a different ATM which was broken. Not that we could tell of course, it wasn't like the screen was completely blank or anything, or maybe it was. I wasn't exactly paying much attention, I was too focused on looking at myself in the tiny mirrors they have. Very convenient indeed.

"Jane" was in my dream last night, just thought I'd tell you.
On this alien desktop, I have yet to figure out how to use spell check so not everything will be spelled correctly. I don't even think there is a spelling corrector on this.

I have to go sit in a chair now, until next time, my elliots and peters

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Pardon Me - He Is We Lyrics

coincidence? I think not!

While visiting the isght of my parents' wedding, auto museum FTW, I came across something rather frightening.

Is-A-bel (just to make it clear) Anderson, born March 29, 1876. Married to whats-his-face who was something or other. I didn't pay attention to that. Anyway, she wrote books. Someone, somewhere, must be sending me a message!!

Threre was a bunny in my lawn when we came home tonight! just thought you should know. Until next time :-*

Saturday, July 23, 2011

What are you doing?

Hey! If you answered this title with a "What, what, what are you doing?" Then you have obviously been watching too much sassy gay friend, so have I. Ben's screamo music reminded me that i had written a little entry, long hand, yesterday morning.

Ok, so i talked about the word bed and skin. I was in the airport when i was pondering that. It mentions me avoiding my french lessons, which i am, sadly, because sometimes you can't understand the audio track when the people speakiong speak like actual french people. I am a terrible student. Apparently i was also hungry at the time. Yes, i remember being hungry, i'm rather hungry now, actually. That was also the day that i decided to play with the makeup that I bought myself the day before. My eyes were almost completely black. Don't worry, sleeping in it made it fade a bit : ).
The written entry also tells why I haven't posted recently, a better one than the one i gave you. I didn't want to. How perfect is that? Pretty darn. it also recaps on the things i did in the meantime. Like, touring San Fran with my friend Lily, going to the beach with Lilly and amber, buying a lot of rubber duckies because there was one that was a detective and it reminded me of the time when I was talking to "Marcus" And he mentioned how he watched a lot of Sherlock Holmes as a kid. (Probably a lie but i bought it anyway just to have him) i brought the little duckies on the trip as well. I also read the book Hush Hush, whiuch was . . . . interesting. Saw the new harry Potter movie twice, including dressup, I did some oboe, even less piano, a decent amount of french, and then it just talks about how wonderful I think "Marcus" is. yup.

Ooh, fun fact about little miss Izzy! She is no longer afriad of the thought snatchers when it comes to "jane" and "marcus". Everyone aplaud!

then i wrote "brainfart" on the page multiple times and that ended the entry. So, yeah, bye. Awkward endings :-*
I've never liked my nose much, I've always thought it was too big. During my little school's promotion dance, though, the boy I danced with, Jack was his name i think. He said that my nose was just fine, and that it wasn't what he was referring to when he said i looked familiar since we actually didn't hang out much. He could have also been decieved since i had straight hair that night.

In other news my body has decided to perfect itself before i start bigschool, that or my face is having a mental breakdown. You see, I have had over seven sores since the summer break started and have only had one terrible rash. I do believe i got rid of those last year during all those P.E. classes, but you never know.

New obsession. Well, besides my fictional hero, Magnus Bane, of course. "Marcus," I've talked to him a few times, and im pretty sure I don't completely annoy him to death,so that's good. Though Ben found out I liked him and said he wasn't the best guy to go after, but I don't care! This is going to happen!

Oh! I almost forgot to mention this! I'm out of my usual state of living. Or, er, not in my state anymore. I'm across the country visiting family like i do every year. I would have posted something about it sooner, but it isn't the same when i use my ipod. I like desktops better. Right now im on a lousy pc at our little home that my family is renting for the couple weeks we're staying. There was some struggle with choosing rooms, but i think it has all worked out nicely.

I accidentally forgot to unload some shopping bags from the rented car and melted some chocolate. Oops!
I've gotten seven bugbites (maybe more) when we stayed at my mother's friend's motel. I liked staying there, I got the chance to hula-hoop!

The house i'm in now is just like the one I want when i grow up. The one that I'll call "The funhouse" and I'll rent out all the many rooms to people and I'll live with "Marcus" and "jane" and we'll be one big happy family!!

Have you ever noticed how soft the word bed is? It's a nive solid, soft word. unlike pillow, which is solid until you get past the P then it just fades away. Skin is a soft word too, though it sounds like you're slicing through it. like SK-in.

Zoe's hair is tamed now, though i'm a bit sad. I liked her curly hair. Now that its just a bit wavy, she straightens it every morning. Not my most favorite change this summer.

The deal I made with Ben, I'll talk about that. The one where i had to read three selections of his choice and he'd read one of mine and take me out where ever i wanted to go and buy me anything i want. selection #1 Harry Potter and the Deathly hallows: COMPLETED! selection #2 All of Naruto: CHALLENGE ACCEPTED. Bring it on!!

Well, I've just about brainfarted on everything. I'll post later when i remember what i needed to post about. Until next time my little lint balls :-*

Friday, July 1, 2011

Trip to Mariposa

Home alone!

Shh, keep you voice down! I'm hiding from dragon boat at the moment and if they find me I'll be forced to go through an awkward debate with myself. You see, I'm not sure if I want to go to practice tomorrow and I was just asked by the team captain to RSVP for the practice. She put a "thanks," at the end which means I have to do it. I was also asked if my father could help carpool kids up to the BIAC where we practice, but he wants to talk to my mother about what we're doing tomorrow because he'd rather not sit up there for two hours doing nothing and waiting for us kids to finish practice. Also, he can't exactly discuss it with my mother for she is in Las vegas, but she's coming back this afternoon. Let's hope Ben doesn't forget to pick her up. So out of procrastination instinct, I'm hiding.
I am currently home alone, Zoe decided to go to the mall with Amber to look for costumes. They're going with a big group of friends to see part 2 of the seventh Harry Potter movie and are going to dress up. I'm going with my dragon boat team a couple days after them and we're going play quidditch. BEAT THAT! So when my sister was out of the house I picked up the seventh Harry Potter book and read for an hour and a half. I got to chapter 8 and started to crave cookies. After my delicious snack I played some piano without looking at the keys because I like to believe that I have super boss skills and can play really fast and blindly. After some of that I sang "Still Alive" from the first portal game like three times in a row to get the lyrics right. (I was singing that in the shower and couldn't remember most of them).
My lawn needs to be mowed.
Father told me that I need to practice my oboe, and I told myself that I should do some french lessons or start BYU classes, but sometimes french Sent Mauvais!! and so do les Chaussettes!
Le pain bon gout!
Le fleurs sentent bon!
Le pomme de terre bon gout!
Today is the third day of my stress cold sore which was given so pleasantly to me by "Jane" and Terrell, or myself. Once I destroy it with my super awesome and amazingly boss powers peace will once again return to Izzania. Until next time my ninjas of the night :-*