Saturday, August 27, 2011

The Girl Who Gives Cookies

Another week of school blown away into the past. Now, since I was so rudely interrupted last Friday by The Lord of the rings, I'll continue from there.. That night Lilly took me to see One Day which is the most HORRIBLe movie I have ever seen. Of course, We didn't stay for the ending, but still. It was so depressing, I mean, before we left my mouth was on the sticky theatre floor and my eyes read WTF?! as we waited for her mother to pick us up I watched , absently, as a neat car drove by, a handsome couple inside it. It was dark, but I'm sure the lady in the front seat shot me with a finger gun. Which makes two in one day.
Dragon boat practice was easier than usual for me, and I decided that i shouldn't loathe going to practices so much. For dinner, the team got some ramen in down town san mateo and for dessert we went to this japanese fish place. Imagine a pancake filled with vanilla, or chocolate, or coconut, or nutella. And it's about and inch or two long and shaped like a fish! Sweet breams! I WANT TO GO BACK! I actually had a dream two days ago where my mother took Lily, Zoe, and I to Downtown San Mateo and I couldn't find sweet Breams then Lilly and I went into this witch shop and she had this epic battle with . . . . people.
I had a sleepover with Rachel on Saturday night.

On monday I spent the lunch period trying to get Amber to eat one of my cookies. I stood next to her and whispered, "Amber! Amber! amber!" She didn't notice but "marcus" did.
He joined in and shouted. "Amber! Amber! Amber!"
"Marcus" kept rejecting my cookies and on tuesday when i offered he said he wanted a brownie. The next day I brought in a cookie brownie and During lunch in the PAC/drama room I sat next to Amber. "Marcus" came by and glared at me. I ducked down to keep from smiling and he laugh.
"She ducks like I'm going to hit her," He remarked, reaching for something in his bag. "But i don't hit girls," He then smacked Amber on the back of the head.
I looked up at him and said. "Do you still want a brownie?" He looked confused so i held up the cookie brownie and declared, "I brought a cookie brownie!" He chuckled silently as if I has the most pathetic thing in the world and he found it amusing.
He became serious then and held out his hand like a claw. "Yes," He said. "I'm starving,"

Have you ever had one of those days when everything works out with frighteningly good luck. That afternoon I was going to give "Jane" a ride when she got a text from Ruby saying that Terrell was breaking up with her. I know I've been hostile towards Terrell when he's with "jane" and when he came to see her after school on monday I did ask if he would make coming around again a normal thing, and I can't help but think that I had something to do with this.

Today I snapped Sean, the boy who sits next to me in second period and who plays pencil ninja with me, in the arm with a ruler. He asked me where i got it and when i said my house he snapped it in half over his knee. . . . I can only blame myself for that, but it was so totally worth it!

The kid I sit next to in first period, I went to elementary school with him, and I swear that he's some sort of super hero or has super powers or something. I mean, he says that listening to music helps him concentrate, and I've seen enough super power shows to know that people with super hearing always listen to music to drown out other sounds. And he always comes to class late, what else could he be doing except fighting off bad guys? I have got him all figured out.

The boy who sits in front of me plays water polo, and Sir Polo is just like M, if you remember who that is. He doesn't attend my big school and it saddens me.

Last night I brought "Jane" and Lilly to a Ruby Tent, it was so amazing. well, i have to go, I've training to be a caller for dragon boat races in like twenty minutes and then practice after that and then after that I'm going to the Red Tent to make masks. Hopefully "Jane" and Lilly can come!! TTFN my Shetland ponies :-*

Friday, August 19, 2011

big school

I had a poem describing Big school, but i turned it in as a homework assignment and as i sit here, tapping my large, purple Dr. marten clad foot, I can't, for the life of me, remember more than the fist stanza.

BIG SCHOOL, BOOYAH!!!!!! schedule is amazing!! first week, is out of the way and I must say that i am happily surprised that the school like feel has not yet set in. I have so much to tell you! Like how on the first day during advanced Drama (third period) my friend Trinity walked up to "marcus" just to chat. (he wore a red long sleeve shirt, a black vest, a white tie, and a gold pocket watch) He then said she had balls for talking to an upperclassmen like himself. I bit my lip and during lunch, walked straight up to him, looked him in the eye and shouted, "I HAVE BALLS TOO!"
His expression never changed, but the two people he was talking to were a bit freaked out. He looked at me for a moment, sort of smiling and said, "Hey, how's it going?"
I sighed, tired from my outburst, and shifted the textbook in my arm. "It's going good, how are you?"
"I am great," He said, turning away.
"well, it was nice talking to you, sir." I replied, panicking.
And then I ran.

On the second day I placed a small cookie on his bag before class started. (He wore a light blue shirt with the sleeves rolled up and a red bow tie) He picked it up and said something that sounded like, "What is this? I'm full. It's not lunch!" Then he looked at me and blinked.
Panic. I reached out towards him. "Are you going to eat that? Cause if you don't I will!" He handed me the cookie and I popped it in my mouth without breaking eye contact. "marcus" then continued to stare at me and wipe the crumbs off his bag at the same time.

On the third day, while rehearsing a song for our little traveling musical for the elementary schools, "Marcus" was making "Jane" laugh with his funny dance moves. (He wore a blue sweater vest and a black tie, or did he wear that on the second day?) I glared at him. He noticed me glaring. I looked at "Jane" and then back to him. He knows I like "jane" so he knew what I meant. He then made a face at me and did his funny dance just to bother me about it. Trying not to smile, i turned away and glared at the wall.

On the fourth day, during rehearsal, he and "Simba" were dancing like silly people. "Simba" has amusingly short legs which are absolutely adorable, so when he dances it makes me giggle. "Marcus" is just funny in general, so i laugh all the time when i watch him. (Oh goodness, i forgot what he wore that day)

I asked my good friend Maura why she didn't like him the way I like him. She had reasons. ONE: his sideburns. Personally, I like his sideburns, it's very nineteenth century. all you need to do is give him some coattails and a violin. TWO: He acts like a nine year old. I think it's refreshing and funny. THREE: She already has a boyfriend. . . . . Well who cares what she thinks anyway.

After school that day I had to walk a little ways because my mother was late. "Jane" walked with me. I told her that i was saving up for a house and she told me that there was no point because you could live in a nice box. and then she told me all about her box house that was held together with hot glue and had magic electricity. We then judged the grass on how crispy it was. Was it Raw? Well done? medium rare? And then i gave her a ride home.

Then today, ("Marcus" wore a white shirt and the most hideous tie in the world) He kept the door open as people arrived to class. I was the last one and he commented on how my shoes were two different colors. I gasped 9I was a bit out of breath from running so it didn't sound like a gasp) "Why didn't anyone tell me?!" I exclaimed. Then i walked by him and said. "Thank you, sir,"
During lunch, while consoling my friend Cassie who was upset he caught me staring at him as he walked into the drama room. He then shot me with a finger gun. Once he was out of sight i jumped around in circles.

After school you would not believe who was there to see "Jane"! FROGGING TERRELL! and she nearly tackled him to the floor. And that killed my day, pushed it off a cliff and killed it. Poisoned it in it's sleep and sliced it's throat. And killed it.

I also got a new phone this week! it's for the elderly and seeing impaired. it has big numbers and a pill reminder, and it has three speed dial numbers just in case i need to call someone when i fall down.

Goodness, my writing is interrupted by the lord of the rings. More chat later. Until next time my pride of lions :-*

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Sort of like a secret

IM HOME! I returned last Saturday and let me say that I do not want to fly in a plane ever again. But I love bein up so high, especially above the clouds. I love the way they can stretch across the sky for miles like a landscape, you almost expect to see angels. The shapes were really cool, there were some clouds that looked like water currents crashing into each other, frozen in motion. Others like little beds over looking the land far below.
I was so relieved when I saw my hills again. My brown, glorious hills with the green trees that looked like mold on loaves of bread. It was positively magnificent.
I don't know if it's just me or what, but i'm finding my cat is seemingly more human-like. He's been staying in my room and I think one of his eyes is more squinty than the other. When I look at him I think of Magnus Bane.
There is one thing that I don't like, besides the fact that i blink every time there is a loud
noise. I don't like the feeling of having to be somewhere. Like Dragon boat for example. I
always dread the wait before a practice and not because it isn't my most favorite thing in the
world. It isn't my most favorite thing in the world. If there is an afternoon practice I will spend
the whole day glaring at the clock until it is time to go. Which was what i did on Thursday,
except I went to Big school in between glares.
Orientation was on Tuesday, they messed up my schedule. They didn't give me Adv. Drama, even though I was accepted, and i didn't get seventh period PE. My mother took me to Big School to see if my schedule change request had been looked into. As it turns out the seventh period PE was completely full, so if it comes to the worst I'll have to drop adv. drama and continue with band. That means saying goodbye to "marcus" and "jane". Of course, I would never let that happen, it shall be drama through and through. All i have to do is work up the courage to pick up my schedule tomorrow and look at it. Tomorrow is the first day of school. Of Big School. Big school with a capitol "WE HAVE POISONED YOUR CASSEROLE!"
At least, that's what "Marcus" has told me.
We talk a lot, you see. Or, I talk to him and he talks just to get me to shut up. I think he's taking a liking to me.
Yesterday my father and i were in the mall. As we were looking at one of the directory things that stand annoyingly in your way as you try to walk around he said, "You know, Izzy, one day you will come up to one of these nd it will say to you, 'Hello, Izzy, how is that new shirt you bought at the GAP last week?'
I laughed and said, "Oh, that's never going to happen. I don't shop at the GAP,"
While out with my Father yesterday I came to the conclusion that yes i was going to get a new phone to replace my old one that i received on my birthday in sixth grade, and that i would own a pair of dr. martins. SCORE!

Alright, i really need to finish this post or I might forget about it and procrastinate longer than i already have. There are just some things that I can't type, though my mother might not find out since she doesn't actually know i post things unless i tell her to her face. But hey, maybe she won't mind the fact that I drove a car, or almost died my hair without asking her. I did ask though. And she said yes. You can't tell, that i did though. So, it's all good.

Well, i think that covers everything. Until next time my little old men :-*

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Multiplying like the bunnies do episode 2

Downtown Gloucester. The perfect place for having tea parties out on the sidewalk with stuffed bears as large as nine-year-olds, searching for Dr. Martens and finding none, and begging your mother to buy a fifteen dollar suitcase from a second hand shop. Yesterday, my sister and I browsed in a Jewlery store when a handsome young man behind the counter struck up quite the conversation with us. It started out with where we were from and he mentioned visiting and such, Zoe and I left and returned, then we started talking about natural disasters, fears (his in order: Sharks, leeches, Zombies), and dreams. He described a dream of his where he saw a mushroom cloud on the horizon and how everything turned extremly bright as the united states spontaneously combusted. I then planned to move to Europe before that prediction could come true.

One of things I love most to do is climb around big rock formations. What I love more than that is climbing around big rock formations without using my hands. What I love more than that is when my hands are occupied with holding the skirt of a long dress Which I am wearing while climbing on these big rock formations.

I, in my new, long, pink dress that laced up the back, Bright pink lipstick, glitter and dark lashes. Black boots and shades holding back my frizzy curls. I felt close to Godliness as I pranced about the rocks, standing before the ocean that faced North. My family and I, along with my Gramz and two of my cousins (Minus my mother and my aunt who didn't follow us down the trail) Went for a nice stroll around a cool Quarry, which I can't remember the name of at the moment. We were trying to find our way back to the car when I noticed movement among the bushes and trees. What do you know? It was a rabbit, and he froze and stared at me. I stared back. The rabbit continued to stare. finally I put my hand on my hip and said, "You're late," And contiunued to walk on.

I do believe that the bunny, in fact, was trying to tell me that I was going the wrong way. Which I notced as we passed a rock with the number 8 painted on it along with a "to 9"
"Dad, we're going the wrong way. We passed a five on the way up here," I stated simply before turning around and walking past the group. I liked walking ahead of them. I liked being the first that other walkers encountered, and it made me feel confident. While waiting for them I made the realization that the bunny was warning me. I folded my arms and muttered an "Oh, right,"

When we arrived home there was another rabbit in the yard. I imagined that it was there to see that I got home and didn't get lost. Such caring bunnies, at least that is how I like to portray them. It would probably make more sense if I was born in the year of the Rabbit as Gramz had asked me. Nope, I'm an Ox.

Earlier today I went to Rockport With my mother, zoe, my mother's cousin, and my second cousin. Walking down the street they entered that beautiful theatre place that I refused to go into for the last time I did I got yelled at for sneaking down a hall and walking across the stage.

While waiting someone came by in a car to ask for directions, I answered that I wouldn't know how to get to any place, because I wasn't from here. They then asked a boy who was much older than me, who happened to be passing by, the same question. He gave the same answer. It made me smile.

We stopped in a cafe for lunch. I had nothing. In leaving, my mother had to use the little girls room and her cousin, Debbie, asked her daughter, maddie, if she wanted Icecream now or if she'd like to wait to have it. I whirled around in the seat I had taken by the window and exclaimed, "You can't wait to have icecream!" Debbie then did a beautiful spit take. What do you know? I happen to be funny.

In the Country Store, Zoe purchased some Enchanted Unicorn bandaids and two books: The Art of Kissing, and How To Get Along with Boys, which the boy at the cash register reccomended.

I have to go put a sticker in my french journal now. Until next time, I do enjoy our little chats :-*