Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Snippets and tidbits

I've been getting some writer's brain farts lately and haven't been able to finish a blog post correctly so I'll just post all the unfinished paragraphs here just to, you know, get 'em out there.

Written 6/20/11
"The sun seems to flicker in my bathroom when you turn off all the lights. When I close my eyes my thoughts do the same. I am the Champion of musical chairs, and Ruby's pretty cool. She likes the songs Miserable at Best and Sleepyhead. I get to carpool with "Jane" tomorrow. Tomorrow's the summer solstice, I should have a musical chairs party. Mr. Smells Good was at my house last night, and my sister made peanut butter cookies for father's day and snicker doodles for Ben who stole them away. I got my dance shoes on Friday along with the coolest heels you will ever see. They have yellow ribbed bottoms and are made of patten leather with strings and stuff. I must be at least six feet tall in them. On saturday my friend flew me over to Mariposa to have lunch with her and her dad. We ate tater tots and danced to music playing from a jukebox and played shuffle bored. Then I went to Roller skating with Lilly where I learned how to skate backwards and jump. Then we had a sleepover. We watched Ghost Adventures until midnight, mad up songs, and she read stories of greek mythology rewritten into modern day situations. For Father's Day my family and I went to San Francisco. Magnus Alexander was left at Lily's house. I need to get him back. Ooh, I had my first Twinkie on Sunday. It was horrible. Thus, my version of Zombie land: "Twinkies, twinkies?! Where is all the frogging Ice cream!!!??"
(I'm listening to The Garden by Mirah, it's stuck in my head since we did warmups to it in dance class during school today)
I was texting "Jane" earlier and I told her about becoming the musical chair champion and she said I was very fantastic in Spanish, and I replied in french "Thank you, my friend, so are you"
Apparently "Marcus" doesn't carve pumpkins. The other day during acting camp/school, we were playing Disney trivia. My team (the Blubber Nuggets of course) was given the question: "What is a dingle hopper?" I answered with: "You comb your hair with it!" I got it wrong. And I was sad. On Friday my mother dragged me along after camp to go to one of her client's house, i lounged in the car and read MLIA. I then got bored of lounging and took my phone, a stuffed bunny that i had in my bag, and Magnus Alexander and crawled into the trunk of my car and started listening to tangled while reading MLIA. It was quite a while after my mother started driving that she realized that I was there."

Written 6/27/11
"Good evening and welcome to the izzy show, where everything is fabulous, and I do mean everything. Here are tonight's top stories:
On Thursday I attended acting camp dressed as joby Ryan from Oregon. I got five girlfriends and a boyfriend, and let me tell you, that is how it's done. ("Jane" was one of them teehee)
The saturday before that I took a trip to mariposa with my friend, kaylin, to have tater tots and dance to old songs from a juke box. Yes I did say mariposa, we made an eight hour trip two hours and I'm not totally sure i was conscious for most of it. I'll post some pictures later, or when I find out how.
I got two books to read over the summer which brings our total to three plus naruto and bleach, but I can't promise anything with those in particular. Having Ben read my book and take me out doesn't sound as worth it as it did on June second.
I saw "Marcus" on sunday and while playing the iPod shuffle game I asked if we were ever going to be friends and the song "don't you want me" or whatever it's called by glee cast started to play. I have hope. He was apart of the opposing army during the war that was held that day. Before the battle began though he buried my sister's friend amber's feet In the sand and then told me to get out of the way before he pushed her over. I probably shouldn't have moved, but I mean what would you do if someone you were possibly attracted to leaned down by your ear and whispered "please move away!" ? Ask them to repeat what they said of course! Nope, I just moved, and amber fell, and I wasn't exactly paying attention to her.
"Marcus" pretended to hit me with a giant hammer :D. Wanting to make it look realistic I fell backwards and landed on my tail (yes, I wAs wearing a tail :) ) and now my butt hurts. Amber yelled at him and I laughed. I hope he was impressed.
I had an oboe lesson today and for practice for a song I'm learning to play I had to sing random lyrics to the melody. I came up with "mars has a big nose, I like potatoes, monkeys" and also, to make sure not to flake on the last note of the song my tutor and I came up with "banana" which is what she used as an example to show me the difference of ending smoothly and ending on a random sound. She spoke a sentence then said banana at the end like nothing happened and it was normal. I did the same: "for dragon boat im going to practices for a race I am not going to attend orange." "

Written 6/28/11
"Terrell, She's dating Terrell! I think I might die! Literally. I mean, what the frog, when did that happen? "Jane" is supposed to be with me and we're supposed to have "Marcus"'s freaking baby!! I can no longer enjoy Acting Camp's/school's Nerd Day. Oh goodness what if he carpools with us like he did yesterday? I'll have to die for, like, the second time, gosh!
I like "jane", Ruby likes Terrell, "Jane's" adorable dog likes Terrell, Magnus Alexander likes Terrell! DARN FROG LAMB BLAH GARSH PLOT-TOOTY!!!!"

Ooh, and look what I found!!

Written 4/20/11
"The soldiers dozed as Mr. Mac reported the happenings in the war. I listened intently, absorbing every detail so I could write to my family back home about it. "Pay attention!" He shouted. The troops snapped awake. "There is a spy in our midst." My eyes widened. A spy? Here? "Someone who has sympathized with the South, causing her comrades to fail." All eyes turned to the small soldier sitting amongst a group, she had barely turned anything into Mr. Mac since the war started back in '61. "Would you like to stand?" He asked. She stood and we stared in horror. "Do not be alarmed, she was working under my orders." Mr. Mac continued. "A reluctant spy she was and did a terrible job too. I told her before the war started what she had to do, the uniforms, the points removed, the letters forgotten, were all part of the plan." The puzzled troops murmured in confusion, and I grinned in admiration. "I am so blogging about this.""

So, there you have it, all the orphaned posts that I can now set free. Until next time my we little bow ties :-*
- Posted using BlogPress from my ipod

Thursday, June 16, 2011


This summer I've discovered the urban dictionary. I have no questions for anything ever again.
I started attending an acting camp on Tuesday, it's more like an acting school, really, we go to six classes and have lunch and everything. Six whole hours of it. I wake up at seven In the morning and return home by about three thirty or so. It's pretty amazing. Also, on the first day when I walked into recital, which is kinda like home room I guess, you wouldn't believe who was sitting down with all the other kids! "Jane"! She had just come home from Reno last Sunday and was there and I was so excited to see her!! Apparently she's a CMT girl along with *cough* every other theatre child I meet *cough*. well it's really no surprise as this is a CMT acting camp. "Jane" usually hangs out with ruby, who is just darn good at almost everything. Except piques! I doubt she could prick much of anything! I mean, you aren't supposed to turn when you lift your knee, but she does, and I notice. Not so good at everything now, huh ruby! Well, not that I'm good at piques either, but still. At least I can carpool with "Jane" since she lives really close to my house. Not tomorrow though, she'll be in michigan for a graduation until Tuesday. That means two whole acting school days without her!

I had my first frozen yogurt of the summer for desert tonight, can you believe that? Only one all summer!

I am wearing the most prettiest lady helper in the whole world tonight. It has hearts and stars on it and a bunch of different colors. I just feels so dainty wearing it though it won't look so dainty In the morning. I believe if a girl wants to feel pretty she should feel pretty in all parts of the world and buy lady helpers for Tweens because teenagers just aren't cool enough to have stars and hearts on their lay helpers!

A couple weeks ago I was talking to "Marcus" on facebook and it was so exciting because he actually responded this time! Maybe I'll post our conversation, but not now, it's too late at night now.

Let's see, I need to practice my French and oboe and piano tomorrow and buy actual dance shoes this weekend so I'm not frolicking around In My purple sneakers all day. Well, until next time my main stagers :-*

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Monday, June 6, 2011

Stop Procrastinating

When I found out that I had the ultimate super power to do this, I like, died in my seat. Not really, though that would have been rather amusing to watch. I just hope I don't get attacked by ninja's for doing this. Oh gosh, did I just jinx myself? Oh, well.
I have been inspired by this here little man person, but sadly my Imovie is quite upset with me and won't let me create an unprofessional, spontaneous, and more than a little pointless video that I would then post onto youtube and then remove it out of embarrassment, and that is why I do this. I do this a lot, and when I'm not doing this I'm thinking about doing this. This as in blogging right? Right. So, while I'm here and not distracted, I shall tell you how my summer is going. Summer morning schedule? Not followed. I get up around eight or later, and do nothing. I think about doing something, but, I don't. It makes me feel almost sad, but that is why I read MLIA. That makes me smile, and it takes up a lot of time that i could be spending doing something else, and that's ok.
I tried to Instant Message "Marcus" on Facebook. He logged off. He keeps doing that.
New favorite game? The iPod shuffle game.
Wish me luck this summer. Until next time my beverages of frozen water in melted ice :-*

Friday, June 3, 2011

I and those who smell nice

At night I'd like to imagine what it would be like to steal a kiss from "Jane" or "Marcus". I wouldn't dare think it though, I mean, what if the thought snatchers stole it and fed it into their ears and they were to find out about my obsession?
Yesterday was the last day of school and also my brother's birthday. I came to school in such high spirits, swinging about the iPod that I had received as a graduation present. I'm an even bigger grader now muahahaha! I performed with my buddy Cassie and everyone said we were amazing, maybe even the best. Well, if you forget about mr. K rapping and insulting Justin beiber and Rebecca black. Ben came to see me and all my friends complimented me on my handsome brother.
I left the last blast early to start my summer vacation. I had to return sadly for I had cassie's phone and iPod in my bag. But then I started my summer.
For ben's birthday we saw a movie at midnight with a bunch of his pals and his girlfriend and her brother and his girlfriend and her cousin.
(do note that when I am surrounded by a lot of people i tend to get hyper) I spent the whole night complimenting people on their scent. Especially that one guy who works at the scary, dark, overpriced store at the mall. He smelled reAlly really good. So did his girlfriend who helped me with my application problem on my iPod (my iPod's name is Magnus alexander :D ) after the movie my brother took his girlfriend, Ashley and her brother and his girlfriend and her cousin home which kicked my sister and I out of the car so we got a pity ride from his friends. This gave Zoe the impression that Ben cared for them more than he cared for us. But hey, the bright side was we got to jump mr. Smells good's car.
I am no longer afraid of natural disasters or the end of the world. (I mean, not that I was) as it turns out the world isn't gonna end in twenty twelve it will just switch rotation and start spinning a different way. And the reason why japan had the tsunami was because they had a high suicidal rate but many enlightened people lived there so it wasn't completely destroyed. So basically, our energy as a whole, influences the earth. Or something.

Did I mention it was summer? SUMMER PLANS!!! wake up at 7, take a shower and get dressed until 8. do French lessons until 9, play the Oboe until 10, practice piano until 11 and in The time before noon I can hula hoop and blog!!!
Big school is going to be the bomb! I'll be in advanced drama with Zoe and "Jane" and hopefully "Marcus" then all I have to do is book a band audition this summer and get into wind ensemble. (I hope)
Wish me luck! Until next time my little creepers :-*

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