Wednesday, April 13, 2011

A sucker punch to the brain

Hey all, you better be feeling pretty lucky right now because I have absolutely nothing to do. I will now be forcing you to take part in my bored-ness as aimlessly surf the net and possibly be eaten by a shark that has been caught in it and is thrashing about with annoyance for no one likes to be caught in a net.
It is a beautiful Thursday afternoon here in Izzania and you might be wondering why I'm not outside roller skating or hula-hooping or trying to name everything in french while hula-hooping. Wow, what great ideas! I think I'll go do that right now! Ugh, but why? I mean I have plenty of things to do inside as well, like taking another french lesson with Rosetta Stone or practicing my piano and oboe or watching Tangled for seventh and 3/4 time.

(Holy crap there is some man outside in my backyard spraying my plants! I bet he's gonna come to my door and ask for money since most ninja gardeners have taken to that tactic these days.)

Or I could hula-hoop inside for no one would see me do it since I'm downstairs all alone. Momma's watching T.V. in her room and Zoe's probably watching heroes on the Ipad.

(now he's spraying the deck! What did it ever do to you!)

You could also be wondering why I'm blogging on a Thursday, I mean it's the middle of the week! I am on spring break and it is almost over, like on Sunday. Now this is the part where i tell you what I did this week day by day. Like always.
Saturday. I had an oboe lesson early in the morning and dragon boat practice at three. It's my last one, the big race is this coming Saturday and I'm gonna die :D . Anyway, I took a shower, had a cookie, my rents left the house, Zoe and I watched Tangled, and it was quite fun.
Sunday. At three-thirty I had a birthday party. My buddy Lilly came over and we drove to an art studio and My pal Sydney met us there. Then we went out for pizza and my mother forgot to ask me what wanted so I didn't get to order. I shared pepperoni with Sydney, there just wasn't enough meat on it. Now, my party was never meant to be a sleepover but before we met up with Sydney my sis and I made plans with Lilly to slumber at her house, but when she called her mom that couldn't happen so she ended up slumbering at my house and then i felt a bit sick because I had already told Sydney that we couldn't have a sleepover that night. :''''''''''''( .
Monday. I went to Lilly's house and we drew pictures and played sims3 and watched Garden State and dressed up in mismatching clothes and had pizza. She left a whole bunch of stuff at my house from our sleepover and I left jewelry and finger puppets at hers. we still haven't swapped.
Tuesday. Watched Tangled for the sixth time but I had to leave in the middle of it because my neighbors had invited my mother and i for a friendly game of minigolf. I came in third out of six people. Three of them tied for first. When we got home Zoe had a couple friends over for a movie night and I had to get all gussied up for a classical concert where the played beautiful music on really old instruments and sang about the creation and how God created this Earth in six days and took a long nap on the seventh. And i sang about how we created earth in a billion years and are staying up all night to destroy it. It was a really lovely show and my piano teacher was in it, though it lagged on quite a bit since the main singers kept messing up on their lyrics and having to repeat the stanzas over again until they got it right. Just kidding, they were awesome. I did get bored though so I took out a notebook that I had in my bag and doodled a picture of a man a couple rows over on my left who looked even more bored than I was. at the end of the performance I clapped for the oboists whose faces were as red as tomatoes.
Wednesday. DENTIST! Oh my goodness, I love the dentist. I went on Wednesday with Zoe and my sock monkey baby Roger. Then i accompanied my Friends rachel and Sarah to the mall where we met up with my little grader buddy Stavrose and went to target to buy some more hula-hoops. And now I have two. Well, in target we saw another pal Anthony, not AA just plain old Anthony from drama class. We said hello, how are you, are you good? I'm good too.
After buying our hula-hoops we Hula-hooped outside of Hot topic and then started walking simultaneously towards the Apple store to drop off Stavrose. We came across two different security guards. The first was an old man who smiled and said, "The hula-hoops are back? You guys are awesome!" The second was a woman with more authority who stared us down and said, "This is not a playground, you want to hula-hoop you do it outside, if i catch you again you'll be kicked out."
Yea, my pants didn't feel to good after that.
Once we had dropped off little grader buddy we went to the food court and met up with yet another friend Sonia. Rachel and Sarah chatted with her about the movie we were gonna see so I had to awkwardly stand be cold stone for a while. But wait, I don't stand awkwardly. So I strutted gracefully around Cold Stone, awesomeness radiating of my skin with a purple glow, my curls blowing in the wind brought by my presence alone. And then we saw sucker punch.
HOLY FROG THAT MOVIE WAS AMAZING!!!!!!! Mind. Blown. It was so awesome and depressing at the same time! I mean my jaw was on the sticky theatre floor the whole entire time while things exploded and girls got shot at on the screen. I was spazzing out of my pants while we hula-hooped to the car.
Thursday. Today. I woke up afer having a strange dream about boats the civil war and mr. Mac being extremely upset with me. My momma was even there! I went downstairs in my jamies and did some french classes and when my dad left for work it was just me and Zoe who was sleeping upstairs still (my mother had left to go work out earlier). My oboe teacher came by the house and we did a lesson then I played some piano did some more French watched Tangled for the sixth 3/4 time. (I memorized the first two songs muahahaha) And here I am with nothing left to do.
My seventh grader friend Kc wants to have a sleepover with me, I promised her that we'd have one and watch as many movies as she wanted. Sad thing is that I couldn't find a night where I wasn't doing anything and now she's growing anxious and tonight is the last night we can do it since I'm sleeping over at rachel's house tomorrow and Saturday night is a Tea party at the Red Tent. My mom is taking a nap right now so I can't ask her at the moment and I have a piano lesson at four thirty so she'll have to come over to my house after that, and I still need to give her my address and I'm afraid to go on Facebook because I don't want her to talk to me about it cause I'm just a bit stressed out about it at the moment. Can you tell?
Well, I think that is enough ranting for one day. Until next time, my little rockets and baby dolls. :-*

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