Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Hey, guess what, no more Bradley James visions wanna know why? Because I'm having Justin bieber ones instead. I see him every where now, I feel like he's going to show up at my school and talk about music or something or I'm going to dress him up as a girl and do a duet with him at the last blast, and no one would know who he was because he's dressed as a girl then BAM he'd shed his girly-ness and they'd be all like "OMFG IT'S JUSTIN BIEBER, and he's next to Izzy, Izzy is just so cool! I should invite her for some frozen yogurt because I think she'll like that". What if he starts haunting my night visions as well?
Speaking of night visions, I had the most frightening dream last night. My friend and I had our own TV show and my little sixth grader buddy was upset because I was going to travel around the world and my show was going to be awesome like Oprah and he wasn't invited. Then i went on my trip around the world and there was a giant flood and I had to take shelter in an old house and my friend became my twin sister and my parents were there and this elderly woman that owned the house who was eating dog food. It was really leaky in the house and when I looked out the window I was looking at New York City and this huge spaceship hover craft thing was flying around and shooting fireworks into the sky. I asked my dad what it was and he said it was the winner of a scientific space craft contest. People were screaming in the streets too and I didn't know why because, hey, there are fireworks, what's to scream about right? Well, the space craft started shooting lasers at all the skyscrapers and they started collapsing. Then it shot a laser at the old house we were in and it was like waking up from a dream within a dream like inception, because when I looked around the city was fine and the flood had stopped. Then Mom decided to take us all to dinner at this bar and she had this huge fight with Dad and all of a sudden my twin got very antsy and she used twin telepathy to tell me that my dream within a dream was about to come true, so we grabbed Dad's hand and pulled him outside and started steering him to the Giant Radio shack /dress boutique across the street because there was an exit in there that only my twin and I knew about since we were secret agents. We started running to the back of the store and through a bunch of employee only doors until we reached a back room that was purple with chairs and mirrors and a mannequin with headphones on. We sat there waiting and jumping with anxiety, the mannequin came to life just then and opened up a secret door in the wall that lead to an empty elevator shaft and jumped through. My twin and I ran up to the door and stepped on two cushions that were attached to ropes. My twin's was a purple circle and mine was a square. I commented on it as we climbed up on them that they probably gave me a square because I should our dad the secret passage earlier in the dream i just don't remember when. I could tell that out of the two of us, I was the carefree awesome secret agent and my twin was the serious all business awesome secret agent. BTW, we had long straight black hair so it was kid of freaky. Any way, after a lot of riding down and elevator shaft on purple cushions, a door finally opened in the wall before us and we ran through it to find our dad there (he was brought in another way since he wasn't a secret agent) and we were in California and safe.
Then I woke up, The end.
Today during Rehearsal we had KFC for lunch and since our musical is about farm birds we found it pretty Ironic. Girls kept squealing how wrong it was that we were eating ourselves which I replied to with "How fowl!" Aren't I clever?
Last Friday I had my first all-nighter, I stayed up until 6:15! I spent the night watching TV, eating three oranges, two slices of apple pie, some mac n cheese, a cup of tea, watching my bro play assassins creed and accidentally murdering people with brooms, watching a bunch of SNL, and playing cats cradle and would you rather. By 6:15 there was nothing left to do so I crashed, then Ben woke me up at 7:50 so I could get ready for dragon boat the next day. It was pretty awesome.
Well, I'm gonna watch a bunch of movie trailers now so PEACE OUT Homies :-*

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