Tuesday, February 22, 2011

It seems that I have been avoiding a lot lately, most of all you, and dragon boat but that's a whole other story. I guess this is the time to catch all of you up with everything going on in Izzania.
First off, I actually told AA to eat his fingers. It was great. Second period was just about over, or starting i don't quite remember because hey, it was like, last week. Anyway, I was giving my buddy Sejal a huggle, Sejal is another girl who AA toddles after constantly, he's such a tragic little boy. Well, he was bothered by me and performed such feelings by calling me "It". "Ew, why are you hugging it? It got caught with gum in class because It's stupid." And do you know what I said to him? "Go eat your fingers, Anthony." I didn't even smirk, just stared at him while he sat there nervously trying to act cool.
"Is that even possible?" Sejal had asked, she is such a darling.
"Of course" Anthony and I said in unison.
"I'm sure you know all about that." He had turned to me and grinned. The bell rang then and I walked the other way, but not before turning around and licking my finger just to freak him out. It is oh so satisfying to here a little boy hide behind a girl screaming ew at the top of his wee little lungs. I walked to my locker in the rain, alone, for the rest of the week.
I should probably inform you of why he was bothered by me in the first place. It was during P.E. the other day and we were playing soccer indoors due to rain. I was sitting next to my pal Enthusiastic Austin and was ranting about how much AA annoyed me. Aren't I glad that I inherited my mother's super power of extremely loud voice? Mr. Eavesdropper decided to press charges in the only way he could: Poking me and saying how mad he was at me.
I believe I had every right to vent about AA's annoying-butt-ness, and he shouldn't be so upset with me since I'm sure he does the same about me to his other girlfriends. I told him so and he asked me what country we were in. I thought that to be excruciatingly irrelevant and ignored him.
I have changed my opinion about Mr. R.V., he is no longer a robot vampire. Instead I labeled him a warlock like Magnus Bane from the mortal instrument series. His hair is black now and he subbed twice in a row last week. I so desperately wanted to go up to him and ask him what his favorite color was, but I never found the chance. I sat there being hugged by one of my sixth grader groupies instead.
Saturday: Mother told me that I would have to miss dragon boat for the second time in a row (My buddy Rachel must hate me right now) Because we were going to meet some cousins and tour San Francisco. My day was already planned out you see, I would go to dragon boat, take a shower, and then meet my skating buddy Lilly and chill for the rest of the day. But since our little meeting was planned instead I had to say no to both of my activities. Here's the fun part of the story. We didn't end up going to the city with our cousins and I totally wasted a whole morning instead of going to practice. I messaged lilly though and we still got to hang, we went to Starbucks and to 7eleven in the pouring rain and got soaked, she introduced me to the idea of unschooling and he Is We.
On Sunday, Mommy and Daddy took my to castle rock. We weren't exactly prepared to find a bunch of people, little parking, or snow. We had fun, I couldn't feel my fingers afterward, but the fun was there.Then we went to dinner with the family and Ashley to a buffet. Yea, the food wasn't too good and I didn't find any of the desserts appealing at all. We headed to Target and i bought Fantastic Mr. Fox which totally made up for my cold fingers and less than decent dinner.
On Monday the house was getting cleaned so my sister and I camped out in the Rents' room watching Zombieland until Mumsie returned from her workout to take us to brunch. We went to Willow Glen and had a ball. Sadly when we returned my room was disastrously clean but I got to watch Mr. Fox and my happiness returned. OOH!!! I almost forgot!! On our way home from brunch we passed by this cafe while driving down the road. I couldn't help but notice a boy sitting at one of the tables alone. He wore a black hoodie and his head was bent over his phone and his blonde hair was spilling over his eyes. I was mesmerized for about five seconds then remembered that boys were icky and turned my attention to the music that was playing instead.
Well, today is Tuesday and we finally decided to meet the cousins in the city. We had a grand old time touring China Town and that one other place across the bay which I can't remember at the moment. They had good ice cream though, and really cute clothes. Zoe and I shared two custard horns and played cat's cradle during the car ride home where mother got really creative whilst honking at a car trying to cut her off on the highway. I don't think Ass-wipe-whole is found in the dictionary but you could always check.
To wrap it all up, yes, i have the week off, yes, i have a paper due monday, yes, I have to report Rainbow day to management next Tuesday, no, I don't want to think about attending practice on saturday, yes, I am exhausted because it is quite late, yes, i need to do more sit ups, and indeed, I have been thinking about not sending a fan letter to Bradley James who not only haunts my day visions but also my night ones. I should probably explain that last bit. Well, I and my Bradley obsessed friends, Sejal and Caity, decided it would be fun to look up an actor's address and try to contact him. Once I find the letter I will surely read it to you, but sadly it seems it has been misplaced during our Monday cleaning. AnyWho, my dream was even more interesting. Mr. Bradley was at my school while Mr. Mac was showing a video (which he does quite often during lunch) about Arthurian legend which followed with a lot of student roleplay and improv and something to do with new students who I was trying to relate to. I won't bore you with all the details. Well, I tried to do little things to grab Mr. Actor's attention but he would look at me like I was a talking lamp, Like "What the hell?" Or "Am i supposed to respond in some way?"
It's not like I was being rude to him or anything, maybe I was a lamp in my dream and he didn't understand why it was trying to talk to him. Not really what I would call the best dream ever but what can you do?
I saw Jaws the other night. Ew.
I'm off to search for my letter now before the little brownies come and send it off into the world of snail mail. Until next time my little cookie jars. :-*


  1. Lol It's true we are kind of obsessed (cough cough sejal!cough!) I have the address, by the way! I saved on my laptop just in case your forgot... So I will email it to you later. Ttyl!
